

Learn Course Catalogs

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Build Stronger Teams Through Expanded Employee Training

Mineral® makes it simple to create & assign a personalized curriculum of employee training courses through our Learning Management System (LMS) and comprehensive course catalogs. We’ve added 200+ new training courses in popular business topics that help boost SMBs’ efforts around upskilling and reskilling their workforce, and appeal to their employees’ interest in business-critical areas. 

The Workplace Harassment Prevention Learn Catalog is also available with Guided HR Compliance – a full-service solution that includes access to the Smart Employee Handbook Plus and pairs SMB’s with a Dedicated HR Expert who works directly with clients to achieve their HR and Compliance goals.

The Workplace Safety Learn Catalog is also included with Employee Health and Safety – a robust safety and compliance solution that includes access to industry leading resources such as presentations, checklists, and toolbox talks, a customizable safety manual template, and access to a safety expert who works directly with clients to build a safety program specific to their business needs.


Course TitleCourse PublisherCourse Length (mins)Course DescriptionCourse Text LanguagesSubtitle Languages
Business Email EtiquetteEnspark30Learn how to compose e-mails that use proper etiquette and discover how a well-composed e-mail can impact your performance, perception, and professional success. Much of business communication today is conducted through e-mail, and establishing best practices is an important part of maintaining a professional image. You'll learn the essential parts of an e-mail and discover how to properly use each section, define appropriate salutations, closings and signatures, as well as understand the importance of tone and context. The course also helps with determining when e-mail might not be the best choice for communication. This course includes self-reflection tools, quizzes and a final exam to help you quickly improve your business e-mail communication style. Real-life scenarios show how approaches can be implemented seamlessly into your everyday work routine.American English
The Art of NegotiationEnspark40Master the art of successful negotiation in both your professional and personal life by establishing clear-cut goals and knowing when to give and when to take. You will start by reviewing the 4 key components needed to successfully negotiate the outcomes for any situation. Then, you will learn how to set yourself up for negotiating success by establishing a game plan and conducting productive discussions. Discover the importance of establishing goals and how creating a little wiggle room within those goals can ultimately deliver a win-win for both parties.American English
Effective Negotiation TechniquesIdeas for Leaders20Negotiation is a cornerstone of business. Whether you negotiate with vendors, customers, or other departments in your organization, you should always work on your negotiation skills. In this course, based on recent research from the Rotman School of Management in Toronto and INSEAD, learn how to react to offers so you gain leverage in the negotiation, what behaviors will undermine negotiations and the importance of creating mutual value in win-win negotiations.American EnglishAmerican English
Overcoming Our Evolutionary Fears of Speaking Up to AuthorityIdeas for Leaders20Most modern, progressive companies pride themselves on their culture of inclusion and equality, where everyone is on the same level and all ideas are listened to. But even these companies have meetings during which some employees prefer to stay silent throughout, including any time they might have something relevant and valuable to say. If we can understand the psychology of why this kind of defensive behavior is so common and take steps to alleviate it, we can get closer to including everyone’s ideas. New research from Pennsylvania State University’s Smeal College of Business, Cornell University, and Harvard Business School examines the primal yet complex emotion of fear. Specific attention is given to its impact on workplace silence, asserting there to be two factors of influence which are overlooked: evolution and past experiences. By appreciating the subtleties of where the fear comes from, you will be able to help people overcome their fear to speak up when they have something to say. It’s not only those leaders and managers who are overbearing or intimidating that should take notice: this course is for all people in positions of authority. If you're sensitive to the different inhibitions your staff might have and you work with them to develop better communication, You'll reap the rewards of their positive engagement.American EnglishAmerican English
The Dynamics of CommunicationManagement Pocketbooks12Your success in the world depends a lot on how successfully you communicate your message. However, how you create and deliver your message can impact how your audience understands it. This course is part of the Communicator's Pocketbook series, a series that explains how to make you more aware of your communication style and how to improve it. In this course, you'll learn methods on how to deliver a simple and clear message. You'll also learn four essential communication tools to make your message more effecive. By the end of this course, you'll be able to use these methods to help you convey a message your audience can understand.American EnglishAmerican English
Presenting in a Virtual EnvironmentManagement Pocketbooks14Presenting in a virtual environment is not the same as presenting in person. There are unique challenges, and different tools and skills are required to overcome them. This course is part of the Webinars Pocketbook series, a series that explains how to make your next your meeting, presentation, or training session a virtual winner. In this course, you'll learn more about these challenges. Then, you'll be introduced to tools and strategies that help presenters create engaging, effective webinars. At the end of this lesson, you'll be able to start planning a webinar that your audience remembers for all the right reasons.American EnglishAmerican English
Knowing Yourself as a CommunicatorManagement Pocketbooks12As a communicator, the communication of your message is your responsibility, and the type of communicator you are impacts how you communicate with individuals and with groups. This course is part of the Communicator's Pocketbook series, a series that explains how to make you more aware of your communication style and how to improve it. In this course, you'll learn to identify if you're a conscious communicator or a good news communicator. You'll also learn ways to communicate with individuals and how your communication can support the needs of your team. By the end of this course, you'll have more self-awareness of how you communicate.American EnglishAmerican English
Creating Rapport and Projecting EmpathyManagement Pocketbooks14Rapport is an essential factor in successful business relationships, and knowing how to build rapport has an impact on your personal presence. This course is part of the Impact and Presence series, a series designed to help people maximize their presence and create a powerful impact on the people with whom they interact. In this course, you'll learn three specific skills for building raport and creating an impact. You'll also learn ways to build warmth, strength, and empathy to increase your personal presence. Finally, you'll learn ways to use social media to expand your global presence. By the end of this course, you'll be able to develop your rapport for a stronger personal presence.American EnglishAmerican English
Communication Across Cultures: ClarityManagement Pocketbooks11Culture influences behavior and communication with others. When collaborating across cultures, it is important to identify sources of potential confusion and plan your communication style to maximize comprehension. This course, part of the Cross-Cultural Business series, offers strategies to conduct business in "Global English" with colleagues and partners whose first language is not English. By practicing tempo and intonation, avoiding colloquialisms, and using verifications loops, you can assist your listeners while respecting limitations they may have. You will also explore tips on triangulating your message and mapping conversations to increase clarity.American EnglishAmerican English
Communication and Its ChallengesManagement Pocketbooks13There are specific rules you must follow to be an effective communicator. You have specific communication needs and use specific skills and tools depending on your audience. However, your work envrionment creates many of its own rules about communication, and this raises its own set of communication challenges. This course is part of the Communicator's Pocketbook series, a series that explains how to make you more aware of your communication style and how to improve it. In this course, you'll be introduced to the common challenges and causes of failures of a communicator. You'll also understand how assumptions can impact communication and how to overcome making them. Finally, you'll learn the challenges in creating the right balance of communication. By the end of this course, you'll be able to identify the challenges in your own communication.American EnglishAmerican English
Communication Across Cultures - Being Convincing and Making the Right ImpressionManagement Pocketbooks13As an employee working on a multi-cultural team, you want to get the work done without any cultural barriers but also enjoy the diversity of working with people from other cultures. Being curious about each other, asking questions, and talking through any potential cultural problems ultimately helps build positive relationships and strengthen partnerships. It is important to recognize that signals we use when forming impressions in our own culture may be distorted across a cultural gap. Establishing a code of cross-cultural conduct and understanding the "global culture" can be a great starting point when such a gap exists. In this course, part of the Cross-Cultural Business series, you will explore strategies for making the right impression and communicating effectively while emphasizing empathy and joint vision with an international team.American EnglishAmerican English
Effective Emotional Expression at WorkManagement Pocketbooks15Feelings can be complicated, but there are times when You'll have to express your feelings to others at work. These types of conversations can be difficult, but not impossible. In this course, You'll learn three methods to say “no” with confidence. You'll also consider how you can prepare to express your feelings. Finally, You'll take away a six-step process to help you clarify your feelings. By the end of this course, You'll be in a stronger and more confident position to tell others how you feel with respect. This course is part of the Tackling Difficult Conversations Pocketbook series, a series that provides confidence-building tips and techniques to help you discuss difficult issues and tactfully deal with people’s emotions.American EnglishAmerican English
Creating Connections and Influencing OthersManagement Pocketbooks13In this hyperconnected world, meeting people may be easy, but making authentic connections can be much more difficult. This course is part of the Impact and Presence series, a series designed to help people maximize their presence and create a powerful impact on the people with whom they interact. In this course, you'll learn how to create a compelling story and use storytelling to make connections. You'll also learn the rules for writing on social media and how you can make an impact at networking events. By the end of this course, you’ll be able to create authentic connections that benefit all parties.American EnglishAmerican English
Delivering an Engaging WebinarManagement Pocketbooks15One of the greatest challenges of a virtual presentation is keeping the audience engaged. Fortunately, there are many strategies that webinar facilitators can use to maintain their audience’s attention. This course is part of the Webinars Pocketbook series, a series that explains how to make your next your meeting, presentation, or training session a virtual winner. In this course, you'll learn tips for creating a webinar environment that fosters engagement and strategies for maintaining audience attention. You'll also learn the importance of language and voice in facilitating a positive experience for all your participants. By the end of this course, you'll be able to deliver a webinar that competes with the distractions of modern life and the limitations of the human attention span.American EnglishAmerican English
Creating the Right Atmosphere for Difficult ConversationsManagement Pocketbooks13The success of difficult conversations can be determined in the first few moments of interaction. If you can handle these initial moments appropriately, your conversation can have a positive outcome for you and the other person. In this course, You'll learn ways to create the right atmosphere for any difficult conversation. You'll first identify your style when approaching conflict. Then, You'll identify some specific things to consider when planning how to start your conversation. Finally, You'll learn how you can use mirroring to build rapport during your conversation. By the end of this course, You'll have the confidence to enter your next difficult conversation.

This course is part of the Tackling Difficult Conversations Pocketbook series, a series that provides confidence-building tips and techniques to help you discuss difficult issues and tactfully deal with people’s emotions.
American EnglishAmerican English
Preparing for Difficult ConversationsManagement Pocketbooks16Many people worry about the potential pushback they may encounter during difficult conversations but do nothing to prepare for it. In this course, you'll learn three ways to prepare. First, you'll learn the importance of creating clear objectives for your conversation. you'll also learn about your emotional bank account and how it impacts your relationships with others. Finally, you'll be introduced to the ego state model to help with managing your style and tone. By the end of this course, you should have the tools to create a constructive atmosphere for managing any difficult conversation.

This course is part of the Tackling Difficult Conversations Pocketbook series, a series that provides confidence-building tips and techniques to help you discuss difficult issues and tactfully deal with people’s emotions.
American EnglishAmerican English
Approaches to FeedbackManagement Pocketbooks16There are various approaches to assist you with building strong feedback relationships at work. This course is part of the Feedback Pocketbook series, a series that helps managers and team members create effective and engaging feedback conversations. In this course, you’ll explore common approaches to feedback. You’ll also identify approaches that are best suited for teams and determine activities that can be used to train your employees. By the end of this course, you’ll have new ways to provide feedback and strengthen relationships with your team.American EnglishAmerican English
Seeking Feedback for Career DevelopmentManagement Pocketbooks14Our own self-perceptions often differ widely from how others view us. One of the best ways to get an objective view of yourself is by seeking feedback from others in your learning network. This course is part of the Self-Directed Career Growth series, a series that provides tips, techniques, and tools to further your development and put you in charge of your career and your life. In this course, you’ll examine your self-perceptions through feedback from others. You’ll learn the Dos and Don'ts of requesting professional feedback. And finally, you’ll create a structure to streamline the feedback process. After this course, you’ll have the tools you need to improve your self-perceptions through feedback from others.American EnglishAmerican English
Interpersonal Communication SkillsSyntrio45Communication is a vital part of our daily life, whether personal or professional. Failing to communicate effectively results in stress, strained relationships, lowered productivity, and overall creation of an unhealthy atmosphere. Luckily, there are means, ways, and tactics to overcome communication related problems.

This course will help you understand how to convey your ideas effectively, deal with criticism in a positive way, avoid misunderstandings, and minimize arguments.
American English
Types of NegotiationsSyntrio10While achieving a win-win outcome from every negotiation is impossible, that should always be the first goal. This training explains how to move from win-lose to win-win outcomes.American English
Successful NegotiationSyntrio32This training presents the principles for reaching acceptable agreements and improving business relationships. The various negotiation methods presented can help resolve conflicts ranging from interfamily squabbles to international diplomacy. The training focuses on four principles: people, interests, criteria, and options. Essential steps in negotiating include preparation and planning, definition and ground rules, clarification and justification, bargaining and problem solving, and closure and implementation.American English
Social Media at WorkSyntrio8The rise of social media has impacted society and culture, including the workplace, in profound ways. By revolutionizing the way people communicate and socialize, social media offers many opportunities and benefits to individuals and to organizations. It also raises many challenging ethical and legal issues, including use of business resources, conflicts among personal, professional, and business interests, and other questionable posts. Practical guidance can help individuals to manage these risks. This course provides an overview of these social media challenges and solutions.American English
Handling Conflict: An Employee's GuideSyntrio45Recognize the difference between constructive and destructive conflict in the workplace and know how to use collaboration to achieve a win-win solution. This interactive course walks you through the common causes of conflict among employees and teaches you how to turn a negative situation into a constructive process. You will learn strategies to improve your communication and listening skills and pick up tips on how to deal with difficult personalities. By the end of this course, you will have the tools you need to turn a conflict situation into a collaborative resolution.

This 45-minute course features a self-assessment to help you gauge how you naturally approach conflict so you can quickly identify areas for improvement and adjust accordingly. It also includes short quizzes throughout and final test to assess your knowledge of the subject matter.

American English
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in CommunicationsSyntrio10The way we communicate with others is foundational to diversity, equity, and inclusion. We need to demonstrate respect for, awareness of, and sensitivity for others. Skills such as listening, asking questions, and engaging in constructive conversations are important skills to demonstrate these objectives.American English
बातचीतों में विविधता, इक्विटी और समावेशन (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Communications)Syntrio10विविधता, इक्विटी और समावेशन के लिए महत्वपूर्ण वे तरीके हैं जिनसे हम दूसरों के साथ संवाद करते हैं। हमें दूसरों के प्रति सम्मान, जागरूकता और संवेदनशीलता प्रदर्शित करने की आवश्यकता है। इन उद्देश्यों को प्रदर्शित करने के लिए सुनने, प्रश्न पूछने और रचनात्मक बातचीत में शामिल होने जैसे कौशल महत्वपूर्ण हैं।HindiHindi
Diversité, équité et inclusion dans les conversations (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Communications)Syntrio10Les manières de communiquer avec les autres sont importantes pour la diversité, l'équité et l'inclusion. Nous devons faire preuve de respect, de lucidité sur nous-mêmes et de sensibilité envers les autres. Des aptitudes comme l'écoute, le fait de poser des questions, et l'engagement dans des conversations constructives sont importantes pour démontrer ces objectifs.FrenchFrench
谈话中的多元化、公平性和包容性 (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Communications)Syntrio10对于多元化、公平性和包容性,很重要的一点是我们与他人沟通的方式。我们需要展现出对他人的尊重、认同和敏感。倾听、提问和参与建设性谈话之类的技能对实现这些目标非常重要。Chinese (Simplified)Chinese (Simplified)
Diversidad, igualdad e inclusión en las conversaciones (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Communications)Syntrio10Para la diversidad, igualdad e inclusión son importantes las formas en las que nos comunicamos con los demás. Tenemos que demostrar respeto, concientización y sensibilidad con los demás. Las habilidades como escuchar, hacer preguntas y participar en conversaciones constructivas son importantes para demostrar estos objetivos.Latin American SpanishLatin American Spanish
会話におけるダイバーシティ、エクイティ、インクルージョン (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Communications)Syntrio10ダイバーシティ、エクイティ、インクルージョンにとって重要なのは、他者とのコミュニケーションのあり方です。他者に対する敬意、気づき、感受性を示す必要があります。これらの目標を実行するには、「聞く」、「質問する」、「建設的な会話をする」といったスキルが重要です。JapaneseJapanese
Micro-Behaviors and Other MessagesSyntrio10Everyone communicates in ways they sometimes do not intend. In addition to what we say, we also may communicate with our eyes, gestures, body, or other ways. These “micro-behaviors” can communicate both positive and negative messages. The more we understand them, the better we can manage what we communicate.American English
Micro-comportements et autres messages (Micro-Behaviors and Other Messages)Syntrio10Tout le monde communique de manières qui sont parfois involontaires. En plus de nos paroles, nous communiquons également avec nos yeux, nos gestes, notre corps, et d'autres façons. Ces « micro-comportements » peuvent communiquer des messages positifs comme négatifs. Plus nous les comprenons, mieux nous pouvons maîtriser ce que nous communiquons.FrenchFrench
Microcomportamientos y otros mensajes (Micro-Behaviors and Other Messages)Syntrio10Todos se comunican de formas que a veces no son las previstas. Además de lo que decimos, también podemos comunicarnos con los ojos, a través de gestos, con nuestro cuerpo y de otras formas. Estos "microcomportamientos" pueden comunicar mensajes tanto positivos como negativos. Cuanto más los entendamos, podremos manejar mejor lo que queremos comunicar.Latin American SpanishLatin American Spanish
微行为和其他信息 (Micro-Behaviors and Other Messages)Syntrio10每个人交流的方式有时并非有意的。除了口头交流,我们还可以用眼睛、手势、肢体和其他方式进行交流。此类“微行为”可以传达积极和消极的信息。我们对其了解得越多,就能越有效地管理所交流的内容。Chinese (Simplified)Chinese (Simplified)
マイクロビヘイビアおよびその他のメッセージ (Micro-Behaviors and Other Messages)Syntrio10誰もが意図していないコミュニケーションを取ってしまうことがあります。コミュニケーションは、言葉だけでなく、目、身振り手振り、身体、その他さまざまな方法で取ることができます。これらの「マイクロビヘイビア」は、ポジティブなメッセージとネガティブなメッセージの両方を伝えることができます。マイクロビヘイビアを理解すればするほど、伝えたいことをよりよく管理できるようになります。JapaneseJapanese
Are You Really Listening?Syntrio45Effective listening is a significant part of the communication process. Communication cannot take place until and unless a message is heard and retained thoroughly and positively by the recipient. Developing effective listening skills helps to improve productivity and interpersonal relationship at work. In this course, you will learn how to improve your listening, listen to others while remaining empathic and non-judgmental, and follow a speaker's points. You also will learn how to overcome your listening blocks and respond appropriately to others.American English
Fostering Trust and Communication in Virtual TeamsManagementPocketbooks18Virtual teams have specific challenges that in-person teams don't face. Because virtual team members can't run into each other in the break room, or drop by each others' desks to discuss a work issue, a virtual team has to be very intentional about how the team communicates, collaborates, and builds trust. This course is part of the Virtual Teams Pocketbook series, a series that provides tips and tools on leading a successful, motivated team of people who work apart. In this course, you'll learn the steps to creating a great virtual team kick-off meeting, how to establish clear guidelines for communication and working together, and ways to build trust between team members.American EnglishAmerican English
Powerful PresentationsEnspark30Audiences decide if a presentation is worth paying attention to in the first 1-2 minutes. To be an effective presenter, there are multiple factors to consider and skills to develop. In this course, through the use of application exercises and a rich multi-media process, you will learn the key skills to creating powerful presentations that get results.American English
Communicating with Senior StaffManagementPocketbooks12Whether you work for an organization with a traditional hierarchy or one with a flatter structure, you will be interacting with senior staff in some capacity whether they initiate the communication or you do. Cultivating a friendly but respectful relationship is important. In this course, part of the Managing Upwards series, you will learn the basics of communicating with senior staff and how to run an effective meeting. When you schedule and conduct a meeting with them, you will need to consider timing, plan carefully, and stick to the allotted time. You will learn tips to impress and influence while meeting with senior staff and ways to avoid confusion and misunderstandings by enhancing your listening skills.American EnglishAmerican English
Increasing Your Impact During Difficult ConversationsManagementPocketbooks14Appearing powerful and authoritative is important for making an impact on others during difficult conversations. But how can you do this? In this course, you'll learn some specific techniques. First, you'll learn about the importance of using your body language to present yourself with more confidence. you'll also learn ways to ask more effective questions to persuade others. Finally, you'll identify how to tailor your language to motivate others to participate in your conversations. By the end of this course, you'll have a toolkit to tap into when you need to make a stronger impact during any difficult conversation. This course is part of the Tackling Difficult Conversations Pocketbook series, a series that provides confidence-building tips and techniques to help you discuss difficult issues and tactfully deal with people's emotions.American EnglishAmerican English
Communication and the Science of Great Team BuildingIdeas for Leaders20What we usually consider to be elusive group dynamics that characterize high-performing teams - such as energy, creativity, and shared commitment - are actually observable, quantifiable, and measurable qualities. And as such, teams can be taught how to strengthen them. Following research from MIT Sloan School of Management, in this course, you'll learn the defining communication characteristics of successful teams and 3 critical aspects of communication that affect team performance. you'll also learn how to analyze your team and apply the findings to create a team that communicates and performs better.American EnglishAmerican English
Impactful Presentation SkillsManagementPocketbooks12Your audience can form a positive or negative opinion about you based on your communication and presentation skills. Strong presentation skills allows you to make the greatest impact on your audience. This course is part of the Impact and Presence series, a series designed to help people maximize their presence and create a powerful impact on the people with whom they interact. In this course, you'll learn different approaches you can use when giving a presentation, along with the five do's and don'ts of presenting. You'll also learn ways to create a memorable virtual presentation. By the end of this course, you'll be able to bring your boldest presence to the stage to impact and engage your audience.American EnglishAmerican English
Barriers to Effective CommunicationManagementPocketbooks14Comminication is skill that takes continuous practice in order to be effective. However, some failures of communication occur due to specific communication barriers. This course is part of the Communicator's Pocketbook series, a series that explains how to make you more aware of your communication style and how to improve it. In this course, you'll learn to identify three different types of communication barriers: personal, organizational, and process barriers. You'll also learn a process to overcome these barriers. By the end of this course, you'll be able to have the skills to identify your own communication barriers and make a plan on how to overcome them.American EnglishAmerican English


Course TitleCourse PublisherCourse Length (mins)Course DescriptionCourse Text LanguagesSubtitle Languages
Cybersecurity - Five Common Types of Cyber AttacksEnspark10Cybersecurity threats take on countless forms, leaving even the most dutiful companies and individuals vulnerable at different times. Knowing what to look for will go a long way to protect yourself from being a target or the weak link that opens your organization up to an attack. To help you build awareness and know what to look for, this this course will review five different types of attacks commonly taking place against workplace devices today.American EnglishAmerican English
Cybersecurity - Physical Security, Cyber Crime, and YouEnspark10While it’s sometimes overlooked, an important part of cybersecurity is physical security. Because an emphasis is placed on digital security to protect company information, it’s easy to miss the physical security breaches that are still taking place. This course will help you understand the importance of physical security and refresh your memory on important protocols that you should be taking each day as protect sensitive information.American EnglishAmerican English
Cybersecurity - An Introduction to CybersecurityEnspark8While many relate cyber security to firewalls, anti-virus software, and IT professionals, today’s companies are most at risk of cyber-attacks through employee error. Because cyber attacks often rely on the error of company employees, training for all team members has become the first line of defense. With the increased awareness around cyber crimes and constant advances in technology, it is hard to understand why the threat of such criminals continues to grow. This course discusses motivations behind those committing cyber crimes, why the threat of cyber crimes continues to grow and provides examples of cyber crimes and the real effect they have on organizations.American EnglishAmerican English
Cybersecurity - Password SecurityEnspark10Although so much awareness has been raised about the prevalence of cybercrime and the importance of creating secure passwords, password cracking remains a serious threat. Each member of a team plays an important role in building a strong defense against today’s online criminals. In this course, you will learn methods that cybercriminals employ to discover passwords, rules you should follow when creating passwords, how to safely store passwords and other practices you can implement to protect your accounts and your organization.American EnglishAmerican English
Internet and Computer PolicyEnspark30Are you following best practices for internet use in the workplace? This training course outlines how effective internet policies can protect you and your organization. We'll examine why it's vital that companies put such rules in place and discuss common types of policies you're likely to encounter. We will also review the different methods a company can use to monitor an employee's online behavior. The concise 30-minute course includes self-paced, narrated video lessons with a sample case study to illustrate the risks of inappropriate internet use on the job. Once you've completed the course, a final test provides an opportunity to review and evaluate what you've learned.American English
Digital Transformation: What is Big Data?Enspark5Big Data refers to the huge amount of information available that can be analyzed by computers in order to identify patterns and get meaning that might be too complex for traditional methods. In this course you’ll learn what this means for businesses and how Big Data is already transforming different industries.American EnglishAmerican English
Information Security Best PracticesInfobase90This Information Security Best Practices course explores different types of cyber threats and shows you how to protect your online presence from ID theft, malware and viruses. The course outlines the definition of information security and teaches to recognize the different types of potential threats that can leave you vulnerable to intruders. You'll learn how to protect your computer and devices, safeguard your sensitive data, and create powerful passwords. The course outlines strategies for safely browsing the internet and outlines how to recognize phishing scams.
The course is 1 hour and 30 minutes in length. It uses video and audio narration to teach concepts in a straightforward manner that is easy to understand. The course is divided into section, so you can use the menu to navigate through each lesson at your own pace. It also includes a downloadable best practices activity to help facilitate learning.
American EnglishAmerican English
Being Savvy OnlineInfobase73The internet connects us to many amazing things, but it also leaves us open to vulnerabilities. This course helps you identify potential dangers and develop practices to increase online security. You'll learn how to detect dangerous websites and how to protect your computer from malicious spyware and malware. You'll discover how to create strong passwords, and how to recognize hoaxes and scams. The course offers tips on how to share information, photos, and videos online. It also provides advice on how to increase safety on your mobile device, how to protect your online reputation, and how to keep safe from identity theft. Finally, the course demonstrate some pitfalls of shopping online and how to safely conduct online banking.
This course takes 1 hour and 13 minutes to complete. It utilizes video tutorials and audio narration to help you analyze your online footprint and examine where you can make improvements to protect your information.
American EnglishAmerican English
Cyber Security AwarenessSONIC Performance Support90Cybersecurity has never been more prominent in the news than these days. Colossal breaches made headlines across the globe. In nearly all cases it was a human who clicked on an attachment that installed malware or unveiled sensitive information. Becoming aware of cyber attack tactics and techniques will reduce the chances of a data breach dramatically.

In a modern world, soon everyone will be connected, in some way via computers, smartphones, and other devices, leaving a wide range of opportunities for those who act unlawfully.
American EnglishEuropean Spanish
Data Privacy: Managing the Security and Proper Use of Personal InformationSyntrio8Personal information can be used to identify a specific individual. It can belong to customers, consumers, people using the Internet, employees, suppliers, business partners and third parties. Certain personal information is often considered private under the law. Therefore, organizations and their employees have the duty to safeguard any personal information in their care. Here, learners explore the many considerations regarding the handling of personal information and the practical steps to take to protect it from theft and misuse.American English
Privacidad de la información: Manejo adecuado y protección de la información personal (Data Privacy: Managing the Security and Proper Use of Personal Information)Syntrio8La información personal se puede utilizar para identificar a una persona específica. Puede pertenecer a clientes, consumidores, personas que utilizan Internet, empleados, proveedores, socios de negocios y terceros. Cierta información personal a menudo se considera privada según la ley. Por consiguiente, las organizaciones y sus empleados tienen el deber de salvaguardar cualquier información personal bajo su custodia. Aquí, los alumnos exploran las muchas consideraciones relacionadas con el manejo de la información personal y los pasos prácticos a seguir para protegerla del robo y el uso indebido.Latin American Spanish
数据隐私:妥善处理和保护个人信息 (Data Privacy: Managing the Security and Proper Use of Personal Information)Syntrio8个人信息可用于识别特定个人。这些信息可能属于客户、消费者、互联网使用者、员工、供应商、业务合作伙伴和第三方。根据法律,某些个人信息通常被视为私人信息。因此,公司及其员工有责任保护其职责范围内的任何个人信息。在此,学员们会了解有关处理个人信息的诸多注意事项,以及为防止信息被盗取、滥用而采取的实际操作。Chinese (Mandarin)
Cyber Security BasicsSyntrio30This course will help you identify potential cyber threats, including malware, phishing and session hijacking, and take important steps to protect your company's valuable information. Cyber-crime syndicates, along with the prevalence of mobile and cloud-based computing trends, have increased the risk of security breaches for all organizations. In this course, you will learn how to control physical access to your company’s computers and develop best practices for preserving your information assets. You will also examine the ways in which humans pose risks to information security. By the end of this course, you will gain effective strategies for protecting passwords, working with contractors and using encryption to safely access data on mobile devices. This brief video course includes audio narration, exercises, a final quiz, and an ask-a-mentor email feature for a complete learning experience.American English
Fundamentos de la ciberseguridad (Cyber Security Basics)Syntrio30Las violaciones de la seguridad ocurren todos los días y todas las organizaciones, grandes y pequeñas, están en riesgo. Este curso ofrece una visión general de los conceptos clave de seguridad informática y cibernética. Se discuten las medidas que pueden tomar todos los empleados para ayudar a proteger y defender los sistemas informáticos y la información de ataques, daños o acceso no autorizado en un mundo digitalmente conectado.Latin American Spanish
网络安全基础知识 (Cyber Security Basics)Syntrio30安全漏洞每天都在发生,所有公司,无论大小,都面临着风险。本课程概述了关键的网络和信息安全概念。本课程讨论了所有员工均可采取的措施,以便确保计算机系统和敏感信息的安全,使之在数字化连通的世界中免于攻击、损坏或未经授权的访问。Chinese (Mandarin)
Effective Use of Email in the WorkplaceSyntrio20Email is a powerful communication tool that transcends time zones and continents. Its applications are wide-ranging and it can contribute greatly to productivity if used appropriately and effectively. This course will show you how to write compelling and concise emails, successfully manage your email, and know when email should or should not be used. You will also learn how to overcome the risks associated with email, such as lost productivity, legal issues, security breaches, viruses, and junk email.American English
Social Media at Work (Foundation)Syntrio25The rise of social media has impacted society and culture, including the workplace, in profound ways. By revolutionizing the way people communicate and socialize, social media offers many opportunities and benefits to individuals and to organizations. It also raises many challenging ethical and legal issues, including use of business resources, conflicts among personal, professional and business interests, and other questionable posts. Practical guidance can help individuals to manage these risks.American English
Las redes sociales en el trabajo (Social Media at Work)Syntrio30El surgimiento de las redes sociales ha impactado a la sociedad y cultura, incluyendo el centro de trabajo, en formas profundas. Al revolucionar la manera en la que las personas se comunican y socializan, las redes sociales ofrecen muchas oportunidades y beneficios a las personas y a las organizaciones. También genera muchos conflictos éticos y legales, incluido el uso de recursos empresariales, conflictos entre intereses personales, profesionales y comerciales, así como otras publicaciones cuestionables. La orientación práctica puede ayudar a las personas a gestionar estos riesgos.Latin American Spanish
工作中的社交媒体 (基础) (Social Media at Work)Syntrio30社交媒体的兴起深刻地影响了的社会和文化,包括职场。通过彻底改变人们的交流和社交方式,社交媒体为个人和组织提供了许多机会和益处。此外,还引发了许多具有挑战性的道德和法律问题,包括商业资源的使用,个人、职业和商业利益之间的冲突以及其他有问题的帖子。实践指引可帮助个人管理这些风险。Chinese (Mandarin)
Social Media at Work (Core)Syntrio8The rise of social media has impacted society and culture, including the workplace, in profound ways. By revolutionizing the way people communicate and socialize, social media offers many opportunities and benefits to individuals and to organizations. It also raises many challenging ethical and legal issues, including use of business resources, conflicts among personal, professional, and business interests, and other questionable posts. Practical guidance can help individuals to manage these risks. This course provides an overview of these social media challenges and solutions.American English
Cybersecurity Awareness for Employees: End-User Best PracticesVector Solutions30We live in a busy, busy world. When it is so easy to connect to the internet and access vast amounts of information, it is easy to forget the dangers that lie in wait. From hotspots to password management, this interactive online course will walk you through end-user best practices. We will also discuss the importance of administrative rights, define types of physical attacks against privacy, and recommend ways to protect against malwares and viruses.American EnglishArabic, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Danish, Dutch, Estonian, American English, European French, Canadian French, German, Hindi, Italian, Indonesian, Japanese, Latvian, Korean, Malay, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, European Spanish, Latin American Spanish, Swedish, Turkish
Cybersecurity Awareness for Employees: Social EngineeringVector Solutions30Social engineering is the art of extorting information from employees that can assist a hacker to breach the security of an organization and can be done by a human or it can be done digitally. In this interactive online course we will define phishing and identify common features, examples, and how to avoid phishing scams. We will also discuss identity theft and how to protect against it.American EnglishArabic, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Danish, Dutch, Estonian, American English, European French, Canadian French, German, Hindi, Italian, Indonesian, Japanese, Latvian, Korean, Malay, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, European Spanish, Latin American Spanish, Swedish, Turkish
IT Disaster Recovery Planning: An Overviewvubiz60This IT Disaster Recovery Planning: An Overview online training course is designed for employees with IT systems responsibilities. Learn about Disaster Recovery Planning (DRP) - the development and implementation of strategies, processes, and procedures designed to prevent and anticipate disruptions to an organization’s critical IT systems and infrastructure, and to restore them as quickly and completely as possible after a disruptive event or disaster.
American English
AI Information Securityvubiz30This AI Information Security online training course is designed for all employees. Since the field of generative AI is relatively new, it is logical to assume that some of the risks that come with it are unfamiliar as well. By taking this online training course, you will be able to prepare yourself and your organization to face any cybersecurity challenges that arise out of using generative AI. The biggest concerns surrounding the misuse of generative AI are around data privacy, data security, and intellectual property. In this course, you will learn some best practices that will enable you to mitigate these risks. American English
IT Security: An OverviewVubiz30This course is designed for all employees who use computers, tablets, and smartphones in the course of their work. Learn about methods that cyber thieves use to compromise systems, and what we can all do to reduce the risks to our computers, devices, networks, personal information, and corporate data.American English
IT Security: Corporate Account TakeoverVubiz30This IT Security: Corporate Account Takeover online training course is designed for all employees who use computers and other electronic devices in the course of their work. Corporate Account Takeover (CATO) is a type of cybercrime where cybercriminals gain access to employees’ account credentials on corporate systems. In this course, employees will learn to recognize Corporate Account Takeover (CATO) attacks and take action to defend against them.American English
IT Security: Credential StuffingVubiz15This course explores credential stuffing. Credential stuffing is a type of cyberattack in which user IDs and passwords obtained from a data breach on one service are used to attempt to log into another, unrelated service. You could be a credential stuffing victim if you use the same user ID and password on multiple services. Learn about the potential negative effects of a successful credential stuffing attack, and best practices for IT Departments and employees to prevent credential stuffing attacks.
Accessible / 508 Compliant
American English
IT Security: It Begins with YouVubiz40This course is designed for all employees who use computers and other devices to access their organizations’ systems. Learn about the main ways that cybercriminals use people to compromise systems, and what we can all do to avoid becoming victims.
Accessible / 508 Compliant
American English
IT Security: RansomwareVubiz45This course explores what ransomware is, how cyberthieves attack systems with ransomware, what IT Departments and employees can do to reduce the likelihood of ransomware attacks, and what IT Departments and other employees should do in the event of a ransomware attack.
Accessible / 508 Compliant
American English
Phishing and RansomwareVubiz30Phishing is a general term for any attempt to collect personal, financial and sensitive information by posing as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication. The information is then used to access the targeted individual's accounts and can result in identify theft and financial loss. Bank accounts and credit cards are among the most popular targets for phishers, so it is important that financial organizations, their employees and their customers are knowledgeable about this threat. This elearning module will give you an overview of phishing, describe how it affects banks, and discuss prevention strategies.American English
Red Flags Identity Theft 26 Red FlagVubiz30This online training course is designed for bank employees. The Red Flags Rules list specific categories of warning signs and provide 26 specific examples of red flags. This course will discuss each of the red flags provided in the rules. This course is intended for account opening staff (both deposit and loans) and operations departments.American English
Social Engineering AwarenessVubiz30This Social Engineering Awareness online training course is designed for all employees. The techniques that cybercriminals use have been evolving over the years. As companies become better at securing their systems, cybercriminals are increasingly turning to social engineering – manipulating people into performing actions that either compromise their computers and devices or expose personal or sensitive information. Learn to recognize the ways that criminals try to manipulate people into performing actions that either compromise their computers and devices or expose personal or sensitive information.American English
Supply Chain CybersecurityVubiz30This course is designed for Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) and IT security employees. Learn about the two types of supply chain attacks: island hopping and third-party software attacks, and how to mitigate the risks for both types of attacks within your organization and your supply chain.
Accessible / 508 Compliant
American English
Information SecurityVubiz60In this course, you'll learn about the safeguards your organization should install to protect the confidentiality, integrity and security of electronically transmitted information. The course starts with an introduction to information security essentials, including common security threats such as malware and viruses, and how to combat them. Gain best practices on passwords, email, safe internet use and more. You'll also learn about physical security measures, such as swipe cards and visitor management. The course concludes by explaining the different roles and responsibilities of IT staff, authorized users (employees) and management. The course includes audio narration, links to additional information and quizzes to test your understanding of the material. Take the final exam at the end to earn a Certificate of Completion. In order to obtain a course certificate for NASBA CPE credits, please email [email protected] with the following information: Learner name: Course title: Completion date: Course type: (online self study course)American English
Cybersecurity Awareness for Employees: Classifying and Safeguarding Data for Corporate and Personal Usevectorsolutions30Failing to become cyber aware, failing to put measures in place that will protect our devices and network is also failing to protect our personal information, our place of business, and our customers. In this interactive online course we will discuss why classifying and safeguarding data is a priority that must not be ignored. We will also list the main types of classifications and state objectives for securing data.American EnglishArabic, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Danish, Dutch, Estonian, American English, European French, Canadian French, German, Hindi, Italian, Indonesian, Japanese, Latvian, Korean, Malay, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, European Spanish, Latin American Spanish, Swedish, Turkish
Cybersecurity - Protecting Yourself and Your Company From Phishing AttacksEnspark25Cybercriminals with the intent of targeting a company will often try to penetrate the company in multiple ways. If the organization and its team members are on the lookout, they can play a key role in stopping these attacks. In this course we'll learn about phishing - what it is, what it looks like, common forms of it, and how to identify and avoid it. Employee awareness is the first line of defense against preventing a harmful phishing attack.American EnglishAmerican English
Cybersecurity Awareness for Employees: Security Awareness Essentialsvectorsolutions30In our digital world today, attackers seem to be lurking behind every click of the mouse or tap on the screen. Many people forget that they are the keepers of their own security safety and the security safety of the institutions for which they are employed. In this interactive online course, we learn about the who, what, how, and why of security attacks. We discuss the potential losses associated with a successful security breaches by hackers and will understand the different way in which those security breaches can occur. Finally, we cover important actions you can take within your organization to limit security risks.American EnglishArabic, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Danish, Dutch, Estonian, American English, European French, Canadian French, German, Hindi, Italian, Indonesian, Japanese, Latvian, Korean, Malay, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, European Spanish, Latin American Spanish, Swedish, Turkish
Cybersecurity - Browser SafetyEnspark20In this course, we are going to explore ten different ways to protect yourself and your company while you are online and learn how to avoid being the weak link that cybercriminals are looking for. Exploring the internet is a part of our day that most of us take for granted. Unfortunately, cybercriminals use tactics that involve each part of our online activities. Your browser and web surfing habits are just more areas of attack if proper habits aren't built. We'll learn about these important habits to use whenever you are online that can be very significant in preventing cyber attacks when using a company device, surfing the internet at work, or doing any type of work-related activity.American EnglishAmerican English
Cybersecurity BasicsSyntrio30With growing threats to electronic systems and programs, networks and servers, computers, mobile devices, and data, it is imperative that employees understand and use best security practices. This training describes common attack methods and provides recommendations to thwart them. It defines how to protect data, including while working away from our facilities.
American EnglishAmerican English
Introduction to Generative AIvubiz30This Introduction to Generative AI online training course is designed for all employees. This course will take you through the basics of generative artificial intelligence (AI) technology. Generative AI is here to stay, so it is important to understand where it came from and where it’s going. It enables you to visualize your own professional future and what you can do with this technology in a year, or five years. It allows you to expand your skills or your personnel’s skills, giving you an edge in your field. American EnglishAmerican English

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB)

Course TitleCourse PublisherCourse Length (mins)Course DescriptionCourse Text LanguagesSubtitle Languages
Be Proactive! Inclusion Starts with YouEnspark5In today's identity dynamic workplace, proactively addressing discrimination-based conflicts and taking action towards fostering inclusivity are essential. This course empowers you with practical skills to identify, mitigate, and resolve conflicts before they escalate. Explore proven conflict resolution techniques, learn to anticipate and address potential issues, and develop strategies for proactive communication. By the end of this course, you will be adept at recognizing early signs of conflicts, taking timely action to prevent disputes, and fostering a more inclusive, harmonious work environment through proactive conflict resolutionAmerican EnglishAmerican English
積極的になりましょう!インクルージョンはあなたから始まります (Be proactive! Inclusion starts with you)Enspark6インクルーシブな職場環境は、互いの違いを尊重し、職場での差別やハラスメントを阻止することに積極的に取り組む個人によって作られます。差別や嫌がらせを経験している個人またはグループを目撃した場合、どのように対応すべきかを知るのは難しいことですが、それを無視して見てみぬふりをしてはいけません!このコースでは、職場のインクルージョンについて積極的に取り組む3つの方法を紹介します。

An inclusive work environment is created by individuals who respect each other's differences and actively work to prevent discrimination and harassment in the workplace. When you witness an individual or group experiencing discrimination or harassment, it can be difficult to know how to respond, but don't ignore it! This course will show you three ways to be proactive about inclusion in the workplace.
积极主动!包容从您开始 (Be Proactive! Inclusion Starts With You)Enspark6包容性的工作环境是由那些重视彼此差异并积极制止职场歧视或骚扰的个人创造的。当您目睹某个人或某个群体遭受任何形式的辱骂或骚扰时,您往往很难知道如何应对,但不要视而不见,走开!本课程将提供三种积极主动地实现职场包容性的方法。

Inclusive workplaces are created by individuals who value each other's differences and actively stop discrimination or harassment in the workplace. It's often difficult to know how to respond when you witness an individual or group being subjected to any form of abuse or harassment, but don't just turn a blind eye and walk away! This course will provide three ways to be proactive about workplace inclusion.
Chinese (Simplified)Chinese (Simplified)
Soyez Proactif ! L’inclusion Commence avec Vous (Be proactive! Inclusion starts with you)Enspark6Un environnement de travail inclusif est créé par des personnes qui valorisent les différences les unes des autres. Ces personnes sont proactives pour mettre fin à la discrimination ou au harcèlement en milieu de travail. Il est souvent difficile de savoir comment réagir lorsque l'on voit un individu ou un groupe de personnes subir une forme de discrimination ou de harcèlement, mais ne l'ignorez pas et éloignez-vous ! Ce cours vous fournira trois façons d'être proactif en matière d'inclusion dans votre milieu de travail.

An inclusive work environment is created by people who value each other's differences. These people are proactive in ending discrimination or harassment in the workplace. It is often difficult to know how to react when you see an individual or a group of people experiencing some form of discrimination or harassment, but don't ignore it and walk away! This course will provide you with three ways to be proactive about inclusion in your workplace.
Canadian FrenchCanadian French
¡Sea Proactivo! La Inclusión Empieza Con Usted (Be Proactive! Inclusion Starts with You)Enspark5Un ambiente de trabajo inclusivo es creado por individuos que valoran las diferencias de otros – y, son proactivas en monitorear, reconocer, reportar y detener la discriminación o acoso en el lugar de trabajo. Es frecuentemente difícil saber cómo reaccionar cuando se es testigo de un individuo o grupo de personas experimentando cualquier forma de discriminación o acoso – pero, ¡no lo ignore y no se vaya! Este curso le brindará tres maneras en las que usted puede ser proactivo sobre la inclusión en su lugar de trabajo.

An inclusive work environment is created by individuals who value the differences of others and are proactive in monitoring, recognizing, reporting and stopping discrimination or harassment in the workplace. It is often difficult to know how to react when you witness an individual or group of people experiencing any form of discrimination or harassment, but don't ignore it and don't walk away! This course will give you three ways you can be proactive about inclusion in your workplace.
Latin American SpanishLatin American Spanish
पहले से सक्रिय रहें! समावेशन आपके साथ प्रारंभ होता है (Be proactive! Inclusion starts with you)Enspark6समावेशी कार्य पर्यावरण का निर्माण उन व्यक्तियों द्वारा होता है जो एक दूसरे के विचारों में अंतर का आदर करते हैं-और, कार्यस्थल के भेदभाव या उत्पीड़न को रोकने के लिए पहले से ही सक्रिय हैं।जब भी किसी व्यक्ति या लोगों के समूह को भेदभाव या उत्पीड़न के किसी भी रूप का अनुभव करते देखते हैं, अक्सर यह जानना मुश्किल होता है कि प्रतिक्रिया कैसे देनी है, लेकिन इसकी अनदेखी करके बस चले न जाए! यह कोर्स तीन तरीके प्रदान करता है,जिनसे आप अपने कार्यस्थल में समावेशन के बारे में पहले से ही सक्रिय हो सकते हैं।

Inclusive work environments are built by individuals who respect each other's differences of opinion—and, are already proactive about preventing workplace discrimination or harassment. When you see a person or group of people experiencing any form of discrimination or harassment, it's often hard to know how to respond, but don't just ignore it and walk away! This course offers three ways you can already be proactive about inclusion in your workplace.
Five Strategies for Creating an Inclusive Work EnvironmentEnspark5This lesson provides five strategies for creating a more inclusive work environment. While there is not a specific roadmap to achieve an inclusive workplace, any step you take to further help employees feel valued and respected can greatly benefit your organization. If you already have an inclusion program in place, or are just getting started, these strategies can help your organization be a place where employees from all backgrounds feel welcomed.American EnglishAmerican English
Cinco Estrategias para Crear un Ambiente Laboral Inclusivo (Five Strategies for Creating an Inclusive Work Environment)Enspark5Esta lección proporciona cinco estrategias para crear un ambiente laboral más inclusivo. Aunque no hay un camino específico para lograr tener un lugar de trabajo inclusivo, cualquier paso que dé para ayudar a que sus empleados se sientan valorados y respetados puede ser muy beneficioso para su organización. Si ya tiene un programa de inclusión en marcha o apenas está comenzando, estas estrategias pueden ayudar a que su organización sea un lugar donde empleados de cualquier origen se sientan bienvenidos.Latin American SpanishLatin American Spanish
Speak Out Against Offensive Workplace BehaviorEnspark5We've all been in a situation where someone makes an offensive comment, off color joke, or goes as far as bullying or humiliating someone else. If you ignore these comments or acts it sends a signal that they are acceptable. Instead, use the steps in this lesson to speak out so everyone can enjoy a safe, inclusive, and harassment free work environment.
Duration: 5 mins
American EnglishAmerican English
Denuncie Comportamientos Ofensivos en el Lugar de Trabajo (Speak Out Against Offensive Workplace Behavior)Enspark5Todos hemos estado en una situación en la que alguien hace un comentario o chiste ofensivo, o incluso hemos presenciado cuando acosan o humillan a alguien más. Si usted ignora estos comentarios o actos, está enviando señales de que esto es aceptable. En vez de ignorarlo, use los pasos de esta lección para “denunciar” con el objetivo de que todos puedan disfrutar de un ambiente laboral seguro, inclusivo y libre de acoso.Latin American SpanishLatin American Spanish
Why Diversity MattersEnspark5Have you ever really considered why diversity within your organization matters? Instinctively, the answer seems simple. Diversity promotes the idea of different individuals coming together to achieve common goals. Although this may be true, diversity has more advantages than you may realize.American EnglishAmerican English
Leading with Gender InclusivityIdeas for Leaders20Inclusivity is a hot topic, but when it comes to gender, biases are still a problem with 70% of leadership and management roles still occupied by men. However, a study by Elisabeth Kelan, Professor of Leadership at Cranfield University School of Management, identified that middle management is the key to solving this. This course will investigate her findings and offer practical techniques for encouraging gender inclusivity throughout your organization. It will also help you identify and call out gender bias and enable you to recognize work practices that aren't conducive to a gender inclusive environment.American EnglishAmerican English
People-Focused Strategies to Improve Your Work RelationshipsManagement Pocketbooks13There are several essential features for success and effectiveness in relationships at work. This course is part of the Working Relationships Pocketbook series, a series that provides tips and techniques to create, develop, and sustain effective working relationships. In this course, you’ll explore relationship management strategies that focus on others. You’ll develop social awareness and respect for those you interact with at work. You’ll also analyze the importance of trust and empathy, and determine the benefits of emotional awareness. By the end of this course, you’ll have techniques to improve your working relationships.American EnglishAmerican English
Overcome Bias When Giving FeedbackManagement Pocketbooks16Feedback is a vital part of any team. But what happens when biases are skewing our feedback? This course is part of the Feedback Pocketbook series, a series that helps managers and team members create effective and engaging feedback conversations. In this course, you’ll learn about common biases that can skew your perspective. You’ll also discover how thought distortions like attribution can lead to blame. Finally, you’ll discover how to manage your biases to give more effective and accurate feedback. After this course, you’ll understand how to notice and disengage your biases to better support your team.American EnglishAmerican English
Communication Across Cultures: ClarityManagement Pocketbooks11Culture influences behavior and communication with others. When collaborating across cultures, it is important to identify sources of potential confusion and plan your communication style to maximize comprehension. This course, part of the Cross-Cultural Business series, offers strategies to conduct business in "Global English" with colleagues and partners whose first language is not English. By practicing tempo and intonation, avoiding colloquialisms, and using verifications loops, you can assist your listeners while respecting limitations they may have. You will also explore tips on triangulating your message and mapping conversations to increase clarity.American EnglishAmerican English
Managing Cultural Differences in Virtual TeamsManagement Pocketbooks16When working with a virtual team, you’re often going to work with team members from cultures different from your own. Therefore, it's important to create conditions for all team members to be successful on your team. This course is part of the Virtual Teams Pocketbook series, a series that provides tips and tools on leading a successful, motivated team of people who work apart. In this course, you’ll learn about the concept of cultural patterns, the differences between visible and invisible cultures, and common cultural challenges for virtual teams. You’ll also learn various ways of working with team members in cross-organizational and multicultural teams. By the end of this course, you should be able to make a plan for how you and your team can work successfully with your cultural differences.American EnglishAmerican English
Building Emotional Self-AwarenessManagement Pocketbooks15Self-awareness is an important skill. It helps people understand and regulate their emotions, and it contributes to a robust sense of emotional intelligence. It’s especially important for those practicing Cognitive Behavioral Coaching, whether to coach others or jump-start their own personal growth. In this course, you’ll learn what role emotional intelligence plays in Cognitive Behavioral Coaching. You’ll also discover how to determine your emotional intelligence level as a starting place for personal growth. And finally, you’ll learn how to identify your automatic thoughts to build self-awareness. After this course, you’ll be able to take the next steps toward boosting your emotional self-awareness.

This course is part of the Cognitive Behavioral Coaching Pocketbook, a series that provides tips, tools and techniques for coaches and managers to facilitate transformational change.
American EnglishAmerican English
Effective Emotional Expression at WorkManagement Pocketbooks15Feelings can be complicated, but there are times when You'll have to express your feelings to others at work. These types of conversations can be difficult, but not impossible. In this course, You'll learn three methods to say “no” with confidence. You'll also consider how you can prepare to express your feelings. Finally, You'll take away a six-step process to help you clarify your feelings. By the end of this course, You'll be in a stronger and more confident position to tell others how you feel with respect. This course is part of the Tackling Difficult Conversations Pocketbook series, a series that provides confidence-building tips and techniques to help you discuss difficult issues and tactfully deal with people’s emotions.American EnglishAmerican English
What Is DEI?OpenDoors11Today, many companies are looking for ways to improve their workplace. One way is through diversity, equity, and inclusion, or DEI. In this course, DEI expert April Allen explains the meaning of this term and the importance of utilizing DEI initiatives within an organization. Once this course is completed, you will be able to define the terms diversity, equity, and inclusion and understand how they can play an important role within an organization.

American EnglishAmerican English|Canadian French
Defining Your Why in DEIOpenDoors14The number of companies instituting DEI initiatives as part of their company goals is increasing. However, not every employee may understand their role in their company’s DEI goals, or even where they may fit in. Identifying and developing a personal “why” is one solution. In this course, you will learn to define the meaning of a personal “why” in the context of DEI. You’ll also use an identity wheel to identify your “why” and practice a technique to develop your “why.” By the end of this course, you’ll be able to understand how you can use your “why” to engage in the DEI efforts in your workplace.American EnglishAmerican English
Measuring DEI ImpactOpenDoors12More and more organizations are moving towards implementing DEI initiatives to be recognized as a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive employer. But with any initiative, you need to assess its effectiveness. In this course, as a leader or HR representative of your organization, you will be introduced to the RES Metric Framework. With this framework, you will learn the important DEI metrics to use to prioritize your DEI initiatives and plan your DEI goals.American EnglishAmerican English
What Are Microaggressions?OpenDoors9Microaggressions can be detrimental to the functioning of teams and to the overall well-being of an individual. Understanding what they are can be a step towards a more inclusive workplace environment. In this course, you will learn the meaning of microaggression, be introduced to the three types of microaggressions, and understand the effects they can have on an individual and on a company as a whole.American EnglishAmerican English
Disrupting Microaggressions as a TargetOpenDoors8Being on the receiving end of a microaggression at work can already affect your well-being. Adding the responsibility of disrupting the microaggression can make the situation more challenging, but it’s important to take some kind of action in a safe environment. In this course, you will learn three methods to disrupt microaggressions being targeted towards you.American EnglishAmerican English
Disrupting Microaggressions as a BystanderOpenDoors9When someone witnesses a microaggression against their colleague, sometimes it’s easier to stay silent. If you witness a microaggression, but are unsure of how to disrupt the behavior, this course will provide you with three methods to feel more prepared to disrupt a microaggression. By disrupting microaggressions, you are contributing to and supporting a more inclusive environment in your workplace.American EnglishAmerican English
Disrupting Microaggressions from Positions of PowerOpenDoors7Sometimes offenders of microaggressions can be managers, supervisors, or other persons in positions of power. This power dynamic can make it challenging to disrupt microaggressions. In this course, you will learn two methods on how to approach this issue with respect and confidence.American EnglishAmerican English
What Is Allyship?OpenDoors11Organizations are looking towards more inclusive efforts to foster a more positive and safer working environment for its employees. There are many methods organizations can take to accomplish this, but individuals can also take personal responsibility. One way is through allyship. By being an ally to diverse groups in your organization, you are creating an inclusive environment. But what is an ally? In this course, you will learn the meaning of this term and understand the important characteristics of an ally. Once this course is completed, you will understand the important role allyship can play in your organization.American EnglishAmerican English
How to Be an AllyOpenDoors8Being an ally is a lifelong commitment, and providing allyship in the workplace can lead to a more inclusive culture. You may be curious about how to be an ally at work, or you may have taken the initial steps but don't know where to go next. Whichever path you're on, this course will explain some specific ways to work towards your allyship journey, while trying to prevent performative allyship.American EnglishAmerican English
Interviewing with a DEI FocusOpenDoors19Hiring a diverse workforce helps organizations understand and empathize with the diversity of the communities and customers they serve. Diversity also brings multiple perspectives and approaches, which ultimately enhances creativity and problem solving to successfully fulfill an organization’s mission. But to acquire a true diverse workforce, you need to look at your hiring practices. One area to focus on is using interview questions that help you better understand a candidate’s knowledge and interest in DEI, while also learning more about the diversity of their lived experiences. In this course, you’ll be introduced to specific questions you can use during your interview process to identify candidates with varied experiences and skills to help build your diverse workforce.American EnglishAmerican English
Introduction to Workplace InclusionSyntrio11Inclusion in the workplace benefits organizations, their employees, and those they serve. Working from diversity efforts, workplace inclusion creates a true sense of belonging within the organization where all individuals feel recognized and valued. This is partly achieved by involving a broader spectrum of employees in the organization’s work and related activities and encouraging a diversity of voices. These steps ensure decisions and operations benefit from a more holistic perspective. This course addresses how individuals can encourage greater inclusion.American English
A Civil and Respectful Workplace (Employee - Foundation)Syntrio30Some workplaces suffer the effects of conduct just short of harassment, bullying, and discrimination - aggressive, rude, or insensitive conduct; unrestrained conflict; unmanaged bias; and group friction. These behaviors lower morale and productivity and harm an organization’s reputation. Other workplaces sustain a positive, affirmative culture, where individuals interact civilly and respectfully, make decisions largely avoiding bias, and are inclusive of others; here, employees thrive, feel inspired, and increase productivity – for their own and the organization’s success. This course explores what is meant by a civil and respectful workplace, the benefits that can accrue from maintaining it and the consequences when failing to do so, and the conditions and behaviors that compromise or promote such a workplace.
American English
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in CommunicationsSyntrio10The way we communicate with others is foundational to diversity, equity, and inclusion. We need to demonstrate respect for, awareness of, and sensitivity for others. Skills such as listening, asking questions, and engaging in constructive conversations are important skills to demonstrate these objectives.American English
बातचीतों में विविधता, इक्विटी और समावेशन (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Communications)Syntrio10विविधता, इक्विटी और समावेशन के लिए महत्वपूर्ण वे तरीके हैं जिनसे हम दूसरों के साथ संवाद करते हैं। हमें दूसरों के प्रति सम्मान, जागरूकता और संवेदनशीलता प्रदर्शित करने की आवश्यकता है। इन उद्देश्यों को प्रदर्शित करने के लिए सुनने, प्रश्न पूछने और रचनात्मक बातचीत में शामिल होने जैसे कौशल महत्वपूर्ण हैं।HindiHindi
Diversité, équité et inclusion dans les conversations (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Communications)Syntrio10Les manières de communiquer avec les autres sont importantes pour la diversité, l'équité et l'inclusion. Nous devons faire preuve de respect, de lucidité sur nous-mêmes et de sensibilité envers les autres. Des aptitudes comme l'écoute, le fait de poser des questions, et l'engagement dans des conversations constructives sont importantes pour démontrer ces objectifs.FrenchFrench
谈话中的多元化、公平性和包容性 (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Communications)Syntrio10对于多元化、公平性和包容性,很重要的一点是我们与他人沟通的方式。我们需要展现出对他人的尊重、认同和敏感。倾听、提问和参与建设性谈话之类的技能对实现这些目标非常重要。Chinese (Simplified)Chinese (Simplified)
Diversidad, igualdad e inclusión en las conversaciones (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Communications)Syntrio10Para la diversidad, igualdad e inclusión son importantes las formas en las que nos comunicamos con los demás. Tenemos que demostrar respeto, concientización y sensibilidad con los demás. Las habilidades como escuchar, hacer preguntas y participar en conversaciones constructivas son importantes para demostrar estos objetivos.Latin American SpanishLatin American Spanish
会話におけるダイバーシティ、エクイティ、インクルージョン (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Communications)Syntrio10ダイバーシティ、エクイティ、インクルージョンにとって重要なのは、他者とのコミュニケーションのあり方です。他者に対する敬意、気づき、感受性を示す必要があります。これらの目標を実行するには、「聞く」、「質問する」、「建設的な会話をする」といったスキルが重要です。JapaneseJapanese
Micro-Behaviors and Other MessagesSyntrio10Everyone communicates in ways they sometimes do not intend. In addition to what we say, we also may communicate with our eyes, gestures, body, or other ways. These “micro-behaviors” can communicate both positive and negative messages. The more we understand them, the better we can manage what we communicate.American English
Micro-comportements et autres messages (Micro-Behaviors and Other Messages)Syntrio10Tout le monde communique de manières qui sont parfois involontaires. En plus de nos paroles, nous communiquons également avec nos yeux, nos gestes, notre corps, et d'autres façons. Ces « micro-comportements » peuvent communiquer des messages positifs comme négatifs. Plus nous les comprenons, mieux nous pouvons maîtriser ce que nous communiquons.FrenchFrench
Microcomportamientos y otros mensajes (Micro-Behaviors and Other Messages)Syntrio10Todos se comunican de formas que a veces no son las previstas. Además de lo que decimos, también podemos comunicarnos con los ojos, a través de gestos, con nuestro cuerpo y de otras formas. Estos "microcomportamientos" pueden comunicar mensajes tanto positivos como negativos. Cuanto más los entendamos, podremos manejar mejor lo que queremos comunicar.Latin American SpanishLatin American Spanish
微行为和其他信息 (Micro-Behaviors and Other Messages)Syntrio10每个人交流的方式有时并非有意的。除了口头交流,我们还可以用眼睛、手势、肢体和其他方式进行交流。此类“微行为”可以传达积极和消极的信息。我们对其了解得越多,就能越有效地管理所交流的内容。Chinese (Simplified)Chinese (Simplified)
マイクロビヘイビアおよびその他のメッセージ (Micro-Behaviors and Other Messages)Syntrio10誰もが意図していないコミュニケーションを取ってしまうことがあります。コミュニケーションは、言葉だけでなく、目、身振り手振り、身体、その他さまざまな方法で取ることができます。これらの「マイクロビヘイビア」は、ポジティブなメッセージとネガティブなメッセージの両方を伝えることができます。マイクロビヘイビアを理解すればするほど、伝えたいことをよりよく管理できるようになります。JapaneseJapanese
Why Culture CountsManagementPocketbooks11Technology is bringing us all closer together and business is truly global. Working with people from different cultures is now a common part of work. We each see the world differently; our filters have been directly influenced by our personal background. As part of the Cross-Cultural Business series, this course provides examples of how culture affects perceptions, behaviors, and relationships. You will examine real and fictional examples of opportunities to take culture into account when planning projects. Tips on developing a code of cross-cultural conduct are shared along with ways you can learn about the culture and beliefs of business partners.American EnglishAmerican English
Sustaining Diversity, Equity, and InclusionOpenDoors10Historically, diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts have focused more on one-time regulatory training within organizations. These have been used to protect organizations against lawsuits and to meet government regulations. However, implementing regular, consistent, and sustainable DEI practices provides a variety of benefits to a company’s culture and employees. In this course, you will learn five best practices you can implement as a leader or human resources representative to move your organization towards a culture that demonstrates the value of DEI.American EnglishAmerican English
Creating the Right Atmosphere for Difficult ConversationsManagementPocketbooks13The success of difficult conversations can be determined in the first few moments of interaction. If you can handle these initial moments appropriately, your conversation can have a positive outcome for you and the other person. In this course, You'll learn ways to create the right atmosphere for any difficult conversation. You'll first identify your style when approaching conflict. Then, You'll identify some specific things to consider when planning how to start your conversation. Finally, You'll learn how you can use mirroring to build rapport during your conversation. By the end of this course, You'll have the confidence to enter your next difficult conversation. This course is part of the Tackling Difficult Conversations Pocketbook series, a series that provides confidence-building tips and techniques to help you discuss difficult issues and tactfully deal with people's emotions.American EnglishAmerican English
Reduce Implicit Bias with Mindful MeditationIdeas for Leaders20In business, as in life, it's important to make informed, impartial decisions. But what we often don't realize is that our biases are pushing us to make certain assumptions subconsciously, every day. Implicit biases can be dangerous. They cause us to make negative associations about categories of people based on previously established associations and what we think we know. A new study from The Central Michigan University suggests that we can change this - by practicing mindful meditation. By focusing on the here and now, it's possible to see things for what they actually are (instead of what we perceive them to be) and to use this to make better decisions. This course will arm you with the tools needed to choose your actions more thoughtfully. Whether you're a first-time manager or an experienced leader, you'll be able to make better, balanced, and non-judgmental decisions for you and your team.American EnglishAmerican English
Unconscious Bias: An IntroductionSyntrio12Unconscious bias refers to the limited and unrecognized lens through which we see the world. At times, this can impede how we view others, which can lead us to underestimate their abilities and contributions. When we recognize our unconscious bias, we can learn to manage it and enable a broader and richer perspective regarding others and the world.American English

Health and Wellness

Course TitleCourse PublisherCourse Length (mins)Course DescriptionCourse Text LanguagesSubtitle Languages
Conquering DissatisfactionManagement Pocketbooks15Many people struggle with dissatisfied thinking, or the feeling that no matter what they do, they'll never be good enough. This course is part of the Thinker’s Pocketbook series, a series that will expand your portfolio of thinking skills and improve your mental agility. In this course, You'll learn how to identify dissatisfied thinking in yourself. You'll also discover the connection between comparison and dissatisfaction. Finally, You'll learn some tips and strategies to shift your mindset from dissatisfaction to gratitude. After this course, You'll feel empowered to identify and address your dissatisfied thinking habits.American EnglishAmerican English
Practicing Positive ThinkingManagement Pocketbooks13Positive thinking is a superpower–but shifting from a negative to a positive mindset takes practice. This course is part of the Thinker’s Pocketbook series, a series that will expand your portfolio of thinking skills and improve your mental agility. In this course, you’ll identify the differences between positive and negative thinkers, and discover strategies to shift to a positive mindset. You’ll also learn how to apply positive thinking strategies to advance your career and achieve your goals. After this course, you’ll have the tools to practice positive thinking both at work and at home.American EnglishAmerican English
Strategies to Stop Overthinking at WorkManagement Pocketbooks14Do you often find it difficult to get a thought out of your head? If so, you might be struggling with overthinking. This course is part of the Thinker’s Pocketbook series, a series that will expand your portfolio of thinking skills and improve your mental agility. In this course, you’ll learn about what causes overthinking, and the consequences it can have in your life. You’ll also discover strategies to stop overthinking, and how non-thinking can calm your mind and body. After this course, you’ll have the skills to notice your thought patterns and utilize techniques to avoid negative cycles of overthinking.American EnglishAmerican English
Embrace Uncertainty with Bottom-Line ThinkingManagement Pocketbooks12When you face big decisions, do you ever feel paralyzed by fear? If so, you may benefit from bottom-line thinking. This course is part of the Thinker’s Pocketbook series, a series that will expand your portfolio of thinking skills and improve your mental agility. In this course, You'll discover how bottom-line thinking can help you manage decision anxiety and reflect on your values. You'll also learn how to apply bottom-line thinking strategies for personal and professional development. After this course, You'll be ready to make tough decisions with confidence.American EnglishAmerican English
Seated Desk YogaOpenMind5Working at your desk all day can be draining. But taking just a few minutes to perform a simple, seated, yoga exercise can help increase your energy, reduce stress, and improve your workflow rhythm.American EnglishArabic, Chinese (Simplified), American English, European French, German, Italian, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, Latin American Spanish
Guided Meditation for Handling StressOpenMind5Dr. Hava Rose Rubin is your guide in navigating your body's reaction to stress. During this short guided meditation, she provides an opportunity to release this resistance and allow calm, relaxation, and surrender to flow through you. As you practice this breathing and mindfulness exercise, you will begin to experience a perspective shift and build the ability to control your emotions during future stressful times.American EnglishAmerican English, Arabic, French, German, Italian, Japanese
Practicing GratitudeOpenMind10This course teaches learners the benefits of practicing gratitude and equips them with several methods for becoming a more grateful person. Learners will first encounter a set of research-backed findings on the emotional and physical wellness benefits of practicing gratitude. Next, they will learn how to cultivate a mindset of gratefulness through mindfulness practices such as journaling and cognitive reframing. Finally, learners will gain applicable skills to express gratitude to those around them, contributing to a culture of gratefulness in their work and home environment. This course is aimed at individual learners in a business or team-oriented environment. It applies to both in-person and remote workforce. This course has a counterpart aimed at managers and administrators, Establishing a Culture of Gratitude.American EnglishAmerican English, Arabic, Chinese (Simplified), European French, German, Italian, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, Latin American Spanish
Standing Yoga at Your DeskOpenMind7Just because you’re at your desk most of the day, doesn’t mean you can’t stand up, stretch, and energize your body. Becoming less sedentary can increase the flow of oxygen-rich blood to your brain and increase your focus. Follow along with the stretches in this course to learn a simple set of exercises you can perform while standing at (or next to) your desk to feel invigorated and achieve your best work to flow.American EnglishArabic, Chinese (Simplified), American English, European French, German, Italian, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, Latin American Spanish
Guided Meditation to Start Your WorkdayOpenMind5Begin your day relaxed, focused and ready to succeed. Follow Dr. Hava Rose Rubin, as she walks you through this short, guided exercise to help you recognize your internal energy, prepare your mind to see the opportunities that will come up today, and focus your presence to engage in your work, your team, and your company.American EnglishAmerican English, Arabic, French, German, Italian, Japanese
Guided Meditation for Self-CompassionOpenMind5In times of stress, it is easy to get down on yourself and building self-compassion takes practice and intention. Follow Dr. Hava Rose Rubin through a short, guided meditation to begin a journey to become calm, caring, and patient with yourself. You will explore ways to nourish your inner light so it radiates to the world around you regardless of your daily experiences.American EnglishAmerican English, Arabic, French, German, Italian, Japanese
Overcoming Virtual Meeting FatigueOpenMind9Many remote workers complain that virtual meetings are more taxing than in-person meetings. In this course, Overcoming Virtual Meeting Fatigue, we’ll explore the science behind why meeting remotely can be so exhausting, and then we’ll provide tips on how to overcome these negative effects for an improvement in wellbeing and productivity.American EnglishAmerican English, Arabic, Chinese (Simplified), European French, German, Italian, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, Latin American Spanish
Guided Meditation for Uncertain TimesOpenMind5Dr. Hava Rose Rubin helps you find understanding, trust, and grounding in uncertain times. Through this short guided meditation, you will breathe into areas of tension and practice staying in the present moment. Tuning into your body and being present can help your mind and body relax when feeling stressed, anxious, or overwhelmed.American EnglishAmerican English, Arabic, French, German, Italian, Japanese
Stretches and Exercises to Prevent Typing-Related InjuriesOpenMind7If your job requires heavy typing, you’ve probably experienced achiness and pain in your hands, shoulders, and neck after a long day at your desk. Consistent typing can lead to injuries like carpal tunnel syndrome and neck strain. In this course, certified fitness pro Jose Morejon will teach you mobility and corrective exercises and massage techniques to help keep you productive and pain-free while you work at your desk.American EnglishAmerican English, Arabic, Chinese (Simplified), French, German, Italian, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, Latin American Spanish
Establishing a Culture of GratitudeOpenMind10This course teaches the individual and organizational benefits of practicing gratitude and equips managers with several ideas for implementing a culture of gratitude in their organization. Learners will first encounter a set of research-backed findings on the emotional, physical, and organizational benefits of practicing gratitude. Next, they will learn how to implement a culture of gratitude, starting with leaders and managers expressing gratitude to their employees and continuing into four possible frameworks a business could implement to spark expressions of gratitude and recognition among employees. This course is aimed at managers or team leaders in a business or team-oriented environment. It applies to both in-person and remote workforce. This course has a counterpart aimed at individual learners, Practicing Gratitude.American EnglishAmerican English, Arabic, Chinese (Simplified), European French, German, Italian, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, Latin American Spanish
Meals to Fuel Your WorkdayOpenMind16How we fuel our body affects our productivity, focus, and mood, and supplying our body and brain with the proper nutrients takes intention. Unfortunately, some days are so busy we don’t take time for a proper lunch and are tempted to skip lunch, grab unhealthy processed foods, or eat out. With a little planning, realistic goal setting, and a simplified process for preparing lunches, even a short lunch break on the busiest days can serve to refuel and energize you for the second half of your workday. Using a template or formula to create meals that are repeatable yet varied will reduce decision fatigue, keep the prep work simple, and help you achieve your goals.American EnglishArabic, Chinese (Simplified), American English, European French, German, Italian, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, Latin American Spanish
Beginner Yoga FlowOpenMind11Regardless of your lifestyle or occupation, many of us spend most of our day in postures that put stress on the body, such as lumbar tension from sitting in a chair or sore legs and feet from standing all day. In this OpenMind course, join Aya Cuenca, Certified Yoga Instructor, to learn a brief yoga flow that helps heal and restore your body from the stresses of everyday life. This practice can be done anywhere and anytime, whether or not there’s a yoga mat present. Once you have completed this course, you will understand how breath and movement work together to relieve tension from the body and increase flexibility. You will gain a practical coping strategy you can take with you into your home, your office, or wherever you go throughout the day. The techniques from this course will contribute to a holistic mindfulness practice, strengthening the body and mind to improve focus, energy, and positivity.American EnglishAmerican English, Arabic, Chinese (Simplified), French, German, Italian, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, Latin American Spanish
Posture, Breath and Awareness at Your DeskOpenMind9While we spend a lot of time sitting at our desks, we don’t always intentionally check in with our posture, breathing, and our environment to optimize them for our best workflow. This course is designed to bring attention to easy and small things you can do while working at your desk to increase your own focus and productivity. These helpful suggestions can be incorporated a couple of times each day to help improve the productivity and focus you feel during the workday.American EnglishArabic, Chinese (Simplified), American English, European French, German, Italian, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, Latin American Spanish
Building Your Mental Health ToolkitOpenMind8Nearly every home or office contains a first aid kit full of bandages and pain relievers. But when it comes to our mental health, resources aren’t always so easy to find. In this course, you’ll learn what mental health really is and how it impacts you. You’ll learn how to identify the activities in your life that can support positive mental health. And finally, you’ll learn how to compile mental health and stress relief resources into a format you can easily access when you need them. After this course, you’ll be able to create a mental health toolkit you can access to help you through all of life’s challenges.American EnglishAmerican English
Wellness for Hybrid EmployeesOpenMind12Hybrid work arrangements are becoming increasingly popular, but they come with a unique set of challenges that impact productivity, health, and happiness. In this course, you’ll learn the three wellness categories that factor into a hybrid employee’s overall well-being: social wellness, mental wellness, and physical wellness. You’ll also learn how you can improve your wellness as a hybrid worker or support your hybrid employees in each of these categories. After this course, you’ll have a strategy for improving the overall wellness of hybrid workers.American EnglishAmerican English
Guided Meditation to End Your WorkdayOpenMind5After a day at work, you may feel tired, excited, stressed. This is the perfect time to reflect on your day, decompress from your efforts, and re-energize. Follow Dr. Hava Rose Rubin through this short, guided exercise to recenter your mind, cherish your triumphs, and recognize and then let go of any setbacks, so you can close your day with intention, gratitude, and appreciation.American EnglishAmerican English, Arabic, French, German, Italian, Japanese
Mobility and Corrective Exercises to Reduce Workplace InjuryOpenMind7If your job requires heavy lifting or frequent bending, reaching, and pulling, you may be at risk for a workplace injury. Fortunately, many injuries can be prevented through routine stretching and strength training. In this course, certified fitness pro Jose Morejon will teach you mobility and corrective exercises to maintain your back, neck, and shoulder health and improve your posture. With this workout, you can be proactive about avoiding the pain and injury that are a leading cause of missed work days in so many industries.American EnglishAmerican English, Arabic, Chinese (Simplified), French, German, Italian, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, Latin American Spanish
Tap Into Your Creativity Through MeditationOpenMind12We are all born with creative potential and our creativity can help us at the workplace by giving a new perspective from which to approach challenges. When we tap into the abstract realm of our imaginations, it can show us the concrete realm of our life in a new way. In this course, you will practice a guided meditation to recognize your creative potential, tap into your imagination, and feel more inspired and capable to overcome any challenge creatively.American EnglishArabic, Chinese (Simplified), American English, European French, German, Italian, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, Latin American Spanish
The Power of JournalingOpenMind13In an often hectic and cluttered world, our minds can easily get scattered and overwhelmed. That’s where journaling comes in. In this OpenMind course, you’ll learn that journaling is for everyone - and how it can help you take control of your mental processes and understanding of self. Going even beyond introspection, journaling can help you better understand and express yourself to others, improving your interpersonal communication abilities.
By the end of this course, you will have a thorough understanding of three main styles of journaling: list journaling, stream of consciousness journaling, and thought provoked journaling. These three styles will provide you with a number of options, ranging from structured to free-form. You will practice each style during the course so grab a pen and paper and join Dr. Hava Rose Rubin, a chiropractor, writer, and wellness practitioner, for some quick, prompted journaling.
American EnglishArabic, Chinese (Simplified), American English, European French, German, Italian, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, Latin American Spanish
Five Deep BreathsOpenMind9In the busyness of our work and our daily lives, we often forget to slow down, breathe, and think mindfully about our surroundings. In this OpenMind course, join Hillary Vadhera, M.S., Certified Yoga Teacher and Ayurvedic Consultant, to begin building a mindfulness practice that will help you find peace throughout the day. Over time, this exercise can help reduce stress, improve focus, and increase your creativity.
Once you have completed this 9-minute course, you will understand the benefits of deep breathing and acquire a practical stress-reduction strategy which can be practiced any time or place.
American EnglishAmerican English, Arabic, Chinese (Simplified), French, German, Italian, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, Latin American Spanish
Stretches and Exercises for Standing WorkersOpenMind7Our bodies are like a kinetic chain, so when your feet hurt, the pain travels up and settles into other sensitive areas. This is why foot and leg care is so important for people who stand for long periods at work. In this course, certified fitness pro Jose Morejon will teach you a four-part corrective strategy that includes massage, mobilization, and exercise to release tension, strengthen your lower limbs, and prevent achy feet from turning into full body pain.American EnglishAmerican English, Arabic, Chinese (Simplified), French, German, Italian, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, Latin American Spanish
Pranayama Breathing ExercisesOpenMind8Pranayama is a practice of breath control that has existed for thousands of years. Bringing awareness and intention to your breathing can increase mental clarity and energy. While there are many different techniques of pranayama, this course will focus on an introductory technique called ujjayi breathing. Incorporating breathing exercises in your professional and your personal life only takes 5 to 10 minutes, and as you practice more each week, you will experience the rejuvenating benefits of pranayama.American EnglishArabic, Chinese (Simplified), American English, European French, German, Italian, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, Latin American Spanish
The Five-Minute Metabolic Workout to Boost EnergyOpenMind10Stress, lack of sleep, poor health, and even intense concentration can cause you to feel tired and unfocused. When you’re tired and unfocused on the job, productivity decreases and you’re more prone to injury. In this course, certified fitness pro Jose Morejon will demonstrate a full body circuit designed to promote circulation, boost energy and improve sleep so that you feel ready to tackle the day.American EnglishAmerican English, Arabic, Chinese (Simplified), French, German, Italian, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, Latin American Spanish
Get a Better Night's SleepOpenMind11We all know sleep is important; it’s linked to better physical and mental health, higher productivity, and improved cognitive function. However, many people still aren’t getting enough of it. In this course, you’ll learn about the actions you can take during the day that will contribute to better sleep at night. You’ll discover how to create a bedtime routine that helps you fall asleep easily. And finally, you’ll learn how to evaluate your sleep environment and make the changes that will help you be more comfortable. After this course, you’ll be able to employ strategies for a better night’s sleep so you can be more energized and productive during the day.American EnglishAmerican English
Take Great BreaksOpenMind11We’ve all heard about the importance of taking breaks. But are your breaks actually providing the rest you need? It turns out that how we take breaks matters just as much as taking them in the first place. In this course, you’ll learn the physical and neurological benefits of breaks — and discover five tips to help you take them. You’ll also explore different types of outdoor breaks that can restore your energy and clear your mind. Finally, you’ll learn different styles of breaks you can take indoors at home or in the office. After this course, you’ll be able to infuse more energy into your day and prevent burnout.American EnglishAmerican English
Staying Connected RemotelyOpenMind9Social isolation and loneliness are among the top challenges that remote and hybrid workers face. Staying socially connected is essential for remote workers to be happy, productive, and avoid burnout. In this course, learn how remote employees can stay involved in the culture of an organization through three main strategies: shared team calendars, virtual experiences, and video technology. After this course, you’ll have a clear plan for thriving in remote work without sacrificing social connections.American EnglishAmerican English
Fast Meal PrepOpenMind13Meal prep is an easy way to save time and money and stay productive with energizing meals all week long. The challenge is turning it into a routine. This course will teach you how to craft a meal plan that fits your lifestyle. You’ll get step-by-step guidance on three simple template meals you can make during the week. And you’ll learn tips for turning this practice into an automatic routine in your life. After this course, you’ll have the necessary knowledge to start experiencing the benefits of meal prep.American EnglishAmerican English
Active Mobility and Stabilization for Back Injury PreventionOpenMind8Back pain and injury is the leading cause of disability and the most common reason people miss work. Even simple movements can cause sprains, ruptured discs, and joint inflammation. In this course, certified fitness pro Jose Morejon will guide you through a series of mobility and stabilization exercises to ease back pain and help prevent back injury.American EnglishAmerican English, Arabic, Chinese (Simplified), French, German, Italian, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, Latin American Spanish
Meditation to Release DistractionsOpenMind10Our world is full of distractions – from the constant onslaught of new emails to pets, kids, and spouses running through your home office. But while we can’t rid our lives of distractions, we can practice responding to them in a new way. In this guided meditation, you’ll discover strategies to recenter your focus and let go of distractions in your environment. This will enhance your ability to enter a deep state of focus, no matter what’s going on around you. After this course, you’ll have a practice you can return to whenever you need to recenter yourself.American EnglishAmerican English
Returning to the Office: Social SkillsOpenMind11Returning to the office after time away can cause many people to doubt their social skills and worry about interacting with colleagues. But there are simple steps anyone can use to refresh their social skills and prepare for the upcoming change in their work environment. In this course, you'll learn how to evaluate the status of your social skills and identify weaknesses. you'll learn a 3-step plan to prepare for your first day back in the office. And finally, you'll learn the basic guidelines to follow in a shared workspace. After this course, you'll be prepared to re-enter the office with confidence and ease.American EnglishAmerican English
Achieving Financial WellnessOpenMind11Employees regularly report that finances are their number-one source of stress – higher than work, physical health, or family issues. But achieving financial wellness takes more than just gaining wealth. In this course, you’ll learn five steps to build financial literacy and get a clear picture of your finances. You’ll also learn how to improve your finances through budgeting and long-term planning. And finally, you’ll discover strategies that can help you relieve financial anxiety. After this course, you’ll be able to take the first steps toward attaining comprehensive financial wellness.American EnglishAmerican English
Preparing for the Future of WorkOpenMind11How do you feel about change at work? Some people embrace innovation, while others fear they’ll be left behind. If you’re reluctant to embrace the Future of Work, it’s okay – there are steps you can take to shift your perspective and ready yourself for change. In this course, you’ll learn how to prepare for the Future of Work by utilizing strategies to stay informed and reframing challenges as opportunities for growth. You’ll also discover the value of connecting with others during periods of transition. After this course, you’ll have the skills to embrace change at work.American EnglishAmerican English
Dynamic SleepOpenMind11You’ve heard the science – you know how important it is to get a solid night of sleep. But as much as you want to feel rested, focused, and productive, too many obstacles interfere. Worries about work or family and distractions in your environment can make it impossible to relax. But in this course, you’ll discover a practice that can calm your mind and help you get the rest you need: Yoga Nidra, also known as Dynamic Sleep. You’ll learn the history and philosophy behind the Yoga Nidra technique and explore the wellness benefits it can help you achieve. You’ll then practice the ten-step technique to begin experiencing deeper nightly relaxation. Finally, you’ll learn how you can also apply the practice to relieve anxiety during the day. After this course, you’ll have the tools to reset your sleep schedule and infuse more energy into your daily routines.American EnglishAmerican English
Improving Your Circadian HealthOpenMind11Have you ever wondered why most people feel tired at night and alert in the morning? The answer is your circadian rhythm, or the biological cues that tell you when to get up and when to rest. Circadian rhythm can significantly impact your health – but how do you control this complex biological system? In this course, you’ll discover how circadian rhythm works and the impact it can have on your health. You’ll also learn strategies you can use in the morning, at work, and at night to improve your circadian health. After this course, you’ll have the tools to enhance your sleep cycle and well-being naturally.American EnglishAmerican English
The 8 Dimensions of Corporate WellnessOpenMind13Many organizations have programs and policies to improve the physical and mental wellness of employees. But did you know there are 8 main categories of wellness – many of which are often overlooked? In this course, you’ll learn about the internal dimensions of wellness, which relate to the body and mind. You’ll learn about the external dimensions of wellness, which involve the outside world and relationships. And finally, you’ll learn how to gauge the wellness level of your employees so you can set goals and track improvements. After this course, you’ll have the tools to begin building a comprehensive wellness strategy.American EnglishAmerican English
Supporting Employee Mental HealthOpenMind12The benefits of positive mental health in the workplace are well-known, from increased productivity and retention to a robust employee culture. But as a manager, what role do you play in the mental health of your employees? How can you support them through challenging times without overstepping or making things worse? In this course, you’ll discover management strategies you can implement to encourage mental wellness across your entire organization. You’ll also explore solutions to promote a culture of mental wellness on your team. Finally, you’ll learn the steps to lead mental health conversations with individual employees and provide the support they need. After this course, you’ll be better prepared to respond to mental health challenges and help your employees thrive.American EnglishAmerican English
Returning to the Office: Managing AnxietyOpenMind11Returning to the office after time away can cause many people to feel anxious about the changes in their work environment, schedule, and relationships. But there are many simple tools you can use to ease your anxiety and make you feel more comfortable with the transition. In this course, you’ll learn how to identify and acknowledge the feeling of “anticipatory anxiety.” You’ll learn tips for handling your anxiety before your first day and once you’re back in the office. And finally, you’ll discover resources for prioritizing your mental health. After this course, you’ll be prepared to re-enter the office with tools to combat your anxiety so you can be confident and productive.American EnglishAmerican English
Supporting Employees in Economic UncertaintyOpenMind9When there’s talk of a recession or economic instability, employees often become concerned. Your team members are likely worried about their job security and personal finances, and might even be experiencing anxiety. So as a manager, what’s the best way to support your employees in times of economic hardship? In this course, you’ll learn the difference between economic instability and a recession and why they happen. You’ll discover tips for building relationships and preparing employees for economic uncertainty. And finally, you’ll learn how to support your employees’ mental health when they’re facing economic anxiety. After this course, you’ll have the tools to keep your team calm, positive, and productive — even in financially trying times.American EnglishAmerican English
Encouraging Work-Life HarmonyOpenMind12As a leader or manager, do you ever worry about your team’s work-life balance? You’ve probably wondered how you can create a space where employees can be productive, meet company goals, and grow professionally – without burning themselves out or sacrificing their personal priorities. In this course, you’ll learn how to bring more autonomy and flexibility into your team’s work. You’ll review the best policies around scheduling and time off that can help your team find balance. Finally, you’ll discover your role in respecting employees’ boundaries outside of work. After this course, you’ll have tools you can use to make your team a place where people want to do their best work and feel empowered to stick around for a long time.American EnglishAmerican English
Boosting Your Immune SystemOpenMind12Do you sometimes feel too tired and run down to do all you want to do? Have you ever wondered how to boost your immune system and stay healthy naturally? In this course, you’ll learn how illness affects our everyday lives. You’ll study how dietary habits can strengthen the immune system. Lastly, you’ll consider lifestyle tips and choices that can boost your body’s immune defense. By the end of this course, you’ll have the insights and tools to make the right choices for a more energized, healthier life.American EnglishAmerican English
Neurodiversity Inclusion in the WorkplaceOpenMind15Neurodiverse employees provide major benefits to an organization. Unfortunately, traditional business practices often make it difficult for companies to hire and retain neurodiverse employees. In this course, you’ll learn several ways that neurodiverse employees add value to organizations. You’ll discover common challenges they face in the workplace. And finally, you’ll learn strategies for fostering neurodiversity inclusion at your company, from recruiting and hiring to the long-term employee experience. After this course, you’ll be prepared to make your company a better place for neurodiverse individuals to get hired and contribute positively to your team.American EnglishAmerican English
Combatting Recession AnxietyOpenMind8During a recession, many aspects of your financial well-being may be outside your control. If you’re feeling worried about your finances, you’re not alone. Thankfully, there are steps you can take to soothe your anxiety and stay calm and productive through periods of financial uncertainty. In this course, you’ll learn what recession anxiety is and how to identify the signs and symptoms of this condition. You’ll also learn strategies to soothe your recession anxiety, all while protecting your finances. After this course, you’ll have the tools to stay calm through periods of financial downturn.American EnglishAmerican English
Promoting Psychological Safety at WorkOpenMind10Research shows that when team members feel safe to share, they are more productive in their jobs – and happier, too. Do you want to create a workplace where employees can freely voice their thoughts and feelings? In this course, you’ll learn to create policies and procedures that promote psychological safety at work. You’ll learn about leadership styles and qualities that support psychological safety. Finally, you’ll explore how to take steps to ensure psychological safety in a team dynamic. After this course, you’ll know how to cultivate a work environment where employees feel comfortable speaking up and contributing their best.American EnglishAmerican English
7 Types of RestOpenMind11Do you often find yourself thinking, “I’m so tired”? Many of us live in a perpetual state of exhaustion or burnout. But how can you escape the cycle? According to Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith, author of Sacred Rest: Recover Your Life, Renew Your Energy, Restore Your Sanity, you need to make time for rest. In this course, you’ll learn about the seven types of rest you can practice to fight burnout and boost your well-being. You’ll discover the value of each type of rest and identify activities to build more rest into your day. After this course, you’ll have a new perspective on what it means to rest.American EnglishAmerican English
Helping Employees Get Enough RestOpenMind13As a manager, have you ever considered your role in helping your employees get sufficient rest, both on and off the clock? In this course, you’ll find out how your policies and choices can help your team members be more productive and less fatigued. You’ll discover management strategies that will enable employees to improve their sleep schedule. You’ll also learn how to encourage restful breaks during the workday. Finally, you’ll explore how best to support employees working unusual and extended shifts. After this course, you’ll know how to protect your team’s well-being and your organization’s health and wellness.American EnglishAmerican English
Helping Employees Find Meaning at WorkOpenMind9According to the Surgeon General’s annual wellness report, one of the best things managers can do for their team is to help them cultivate a sense of meaning in the workplace. Are you ready to create a positive and engaging workplace culture that motivates your team to achieve their best? In this course, you’ll learn effective strategies to encourage employee participation in decision-making. You’ll encounter six methods to build appreciation and recognition into your company culture. Lastly, you’ll learn how to guide employees to personally connect with your company’s mission. By the end of the course, you’ll be equipped with practical strategies to build a thriving workplace culture that fosters engagement, purpose, and job satisfaction.American EnglishAmerican English
Wellness for Limited MobilityOpenMind13Physical health is a key factor in productivity, mental health, and our overall well-being. But inadequate representation in the fitness industry can make wellness seem out-of-reach for employees with physical disabilities, low flexibility, chronic medical conditions, or other limitations. However, everyone deserves to experience the benefits of physical wellness. In this course, you’ll discover upper-body and lower-body stretches to boost your muscle strength and flexibility. Next, you’ll learn a variety of simple seated exercises you can practice to improve your health without physical strain. Finally, you’ll explore tips to improve your overall physical wellness through routines and lifestyle choices. After this course, you’ll have a new set of strategies to enhance your physical wellness regardless of your mobility level.American EnglishAmerican English
Calm in Chaos MeditationOpenMind10Stress. Deadlines. Responsibilities. No matter what your “chaos” consists of, practice a simple mindfulness technique to leave the worries behind and find your calm center. In this audio-only course, you can close your eyes and experience a meditation built to help you shed stress and visualize a peaceful paradise you can revisit anytime.American EnglishAmerican English
Office ErgonomicsOpenMind10When you sit at a desk all day for work, tension can build in your neck, shoulders, and back before you feel the physical effects. Even the laptop you use may contribute to the fatigue you feel at the end of the day. Improving the ergonomics of your workstation doesn't have to be expensive, and several common challenges can be addressed with minor adjustments of your desk, chair, and computer setup. Incorporating movement and small changes to your workstation can increase your comfort, boost productivity, and help you focus while relieving the aches and pains associated with sedentary work.American EnglishArabic, Chinese (Simplified), American English, European French, German, Italian, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, Latin American Spanish
Staying Focused in MeetingsOpenMind9You've probably found yourself distracted during meetings and unable to focus on the topic at hand. There are a variety of reasons for why you may lose engagement in a meeting. But there are also a variety of ways to help you re-engage. In this course, you'll learn strategies to help you re-energize and re-focus in meetings. Once you've completed this course, you'll be able to identify your reasons for disengagement and apply behaviors to help you stay focused in your next meeting.American EnglishAmerican English, Arabic, Chinese (Simplified), European French, German, Italian, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, Latin American Spanish
90 Seconds to Emotional ResilienceOpenMind1090 Seconds to Emotional Resilience teaches learners a simple framework for dealing with strong emotions. The 90-second rule, created by a renowned neuroanatomist, takes advantage of the brain's wiring to provide a simple coping strategy for responding to challenging moments. This course explains how our brains process strong emotions and why these emotions can be so difficult to overcome. It then guides learners through a three-step process for validating an emotional response, labeling it, and allowing it to recede from the body. This 90-second process builds emotional resilience, a key skill for retaining composure and productivity in the face of obstacles.American EnglishAmerican English, Arabic, Chinese (Simplified), European French, German, Italian, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, Latin American Spanish

Leadership and Management

Course TitleCourse PublisherCourse Length (mins)Course DescriptionCourse Text LanguagesSubtitle Languages
Developing Your Leadership StyleEnspark60In this course, you'll discover the characteristics that make up different styles of leadership and learn how to select the best leadership style for the situation at hand. While the wrong leadership style can break a project, the right leadership style can help improve productivity and ensure teams and management work well together. By the end of this course, you will be able to identify your current leadership style and develop effective leadership styles for any situation.American English
Everyone is a LeaderEnspark25Put your natural leadership skills to work by recognizing your strengths and seeking out opportunities where you can use them to motivate others. This course identifies the traits of unofficial leadership and discusses the 3 steps you can take to develop this talent both personally and professionally. Learn how to recognize and use your natural strengths and interests to influence others and encourage their own leadership talents.American English
The Effective Leader's Guide to Receiving FeedbackEnspark30Do you look at feedback as a positive or a negative thing? The truth is, it can be both depending on how it is delivered and how it is received. Feedback is a give and take experience. It is a valuable part of improving business processes, products, services, and even your own personal growth. How you, as a leader, receive that feedback sets the stage for either continued feedback, or no feedback at all. In this course you will learn how to graciously and effectively receive feedback in a way that gets results. You will also learn about the "feedback filter" and how to create a valuable feedback rich environment in your company, division, or team.American English
Transition to LeadershipEnspark40Successfully transition into your new role as leader by learning how to recognize and tackle the many responsibilities and challenges that come with leading a team. In this course, we'll review the soft and hard skills associated with managers and leaders. Then, you will learn the 4 steps you need to take to transition out of the role of individual contributor and into the role of a leader who sees the big picture and empowers employees.American English
Motivating EmployeesEnspark25Motivate your employees to perform at a higher standard by knowing what drives their engagement, their choices and their behaviors. In this course, you will learn about the most common motivators for employees and how to use them to produce greater results. Once you learn about what motivates your employees, you will learn how to create an action plan to implement incentives that are meaningful to your employees and support their engagement at work.American English
Leading with Your StrengthsEnspark30Discover a strength-based approach to becoming a more influential leader with this engaging training course designed to help you identify and capitalize on your most effective skills. In this course, we'll discuss how to focus on the positive and pinpoint your strongest attributes using a variety of tools. We will also outline strategies for building on your existing strengths to develop your personal leadership style.

The 30-minute course provides a multimedia learning experience, with informative video instruction, audio narration, and interactivity. Built-in exercises offer the opportunity to closely consider and evaluate your strengths. Once you've completed the course material, you are invited to take a final test to review what you've learned and ensure your grasp of key leadership concepts.
American English
Giving Feedback That Gets ResultsEnspark40Refine your methods for providing employee feedback with this insightful training course outlining strategies for delivering feedback that is courteous but still highly effective. In this course, you'll learn how to lay the foundation for offering constructive feedback by developing a routine of on-going positive feedback. Learn why criticism without suggestions for improvement is bound to fail, and discover expert tips for reinforcing a job well done and encouraging improvements in performance.American English
How Neuroscience Can Aid Collaborative LeadershipIdeas for Leaders20When we understand ourselves, we find it easier to understand and lead others. Neuroscience is an important field of study, focusing on the brain and its impact on our behavior and cognitive functions. David Rock, a neuroscientist and expert in leadership development, created a model to provide a framework of how the brain processes our interactions and collaborations with others. It’s called the SCARF model. Insight from this research enables managers and leaders to exhibit more adaptive behaviors based on how mental experiences occur over time. Understanding these experiences leads to improved capacity to understand your own behavior and that of others too.American EnglishAmerican English
Leading with Gender InclusivityIdeas for Leaders20Inclusivity is a hot topic, but when it comes to gender, biases are still a problem with 70% of leadership and management roles still occupied by men. However, a study by Elisabeth Kelan, Professor of Leadership at Cranfield University School of Management, identified that middle management is the key to solving this. This course will investigate her findings and offer practical techniques for encouraging gender inclusivity throughout your organization. It will also help you identify and call out gender bias and enable you to recognize work practices that aren't conducive to a gender inclusive environment.American EnglishAmerican English
Bringing Out the Best in EmployeesIdeas for Leaders20The best managers look at the world through the eyes of their employees to develop the right mindset to structure work carefully, communicate more effectively, and push decision making down to the appropriate level. Based on research from the London Business School, this course lays out the steps needed to empower your employees to do their best work. A manager’s job is to enable employees to reach their own personal goals while also delivering on the organization’s goals.American EnglishAmerican English
Develop Empathy and Gain Influence by ListeningIdeas for Leaders20Listening is one of the most underrated business communication skills. While most of us like to share our knowledge, you can gain more influence and develop deeper connections with your co-workers by practicing active listening. Research from Columbia Business School finds a direct connection between listening and one’s ability to influence others. Good listening skills are related to the ability to persuade others, direct meetings, and turn conversations in your favor.American EnglishAmerican English
Establishing a Culture of TrustIdeas for Leaders15Who do you trust?
Is it your parents? Your boss? Bank manager? Lawyer? No, hang on, I’ve got it: That guy at the realtors’ office who told you the cracks in the foundations were nothing to worry about?
Well, maybe not that last one. The fact is, trust needs to be earnt. If you go around putting your trust in people who haven’t earned it, then you’re likely to get hurt.
If you’re running a business, for example, you simply can’t just trust that your customers are going to pay their invoices on time. Nope, you need to do some due diligence and find out their reputation. You weigh up the risks involved and make your decisions based on evidence rather than intuition. If you didn’t, you probably wouldn’t be in business for long.
But within your team, it’s especially important to make the effort to build trust. This course will explain how.

We’re going to take a look at:
The benefits of trusting each other
Steps to establishing a culture of trust
How to avoid the downward spiral of trust

Why take this course?
When you establish a culture of trust internally, you’ll find it easier to foster trust with external clients, you’ll increase loyalty and improve communication within your business too. We’re here to help, trust us.
American EnglishAmerican English
Making Effective DecisionsIdeas for Leaders20Leaders need to make decisions on a nearly daily basis. Doing so effectively will help you be a better leader and move your organization forward toward better results more efficiently. In this course, you’ll learn what researchers from Yale and the University of Toronto, can teach us about how emotional intelligence can help you drive teams to better decisions. In addition, you’ll learn a basic framework to help you make SMARTER decisions.American EnglishAmerican English
Analyze Your Operations Model to Improve EfficiencyManagement Pocketbooks14To improve the efficiency of the processes of your organization or team, you first need to understand your operations. Each step in a process is either “value-adding” or “non-value-adding.” In other words, does it add value for the customer, does it reduce mistakes, or does it cut down on waste? This course is part of the Improving Efficiency Pocketbook series, a series that provides tips and techniques on how to analyze and improve your processes to save time, money and resources. In this course, you'll learn about operational models, and breakdown process chains into smaller units of input and output. By the end of this course, you'll be able to explain an operational model, identify process changes, and use a set of customer and supplier questions to better manage internal and external relationships within your operations' process chains.American EnglishAmerican English
Understanding Performance ManagementManagement Pocketbooks15While performance management undoubtedly includes measuring, reporting, and tracking progress, it also means caring about your employees and bringing out their best. In this course, you’ll define “performance management” by considering key ideas behind this approach. First, you’ll hone in on employee engagement with a handy matrix that you’ll apply to two case studies. You’ll also examine an evidenced-based survey and think about how you might use it as a motivator. Finally, you’ll examine research findings that show the wide-ranging benefits to employee engagement. By the end of this course, you’ll be ready with concrete tools to boost your people’s engagement, productivity, and enjoyment of their work.

This course is part of the Performance Management Pocketbook series, a series that provides a pocketful of tips, tools, and techniques that will enable individuals, teams, and organizations to excel.
American EnglishAmerican English
Delegate for PerformanceManagement Pocketbooks13Leaders must create the time and space to lead the big efforts – and that means letting go and trusting some of the work to their employees. Like many leaders, you may struggle with knowing which tasks and projects to keep and which to hand off.

In this course, you’ll use a matrix to identify a task to be delegated and then consider the right person for that task. You’ll examine how to set up a delegation system designed for success. Finally, you’ll consider how to provide excellent feedback on a delegated task. By the end of this course, you’ll be better able to execute your goals and grow your team’s skills with effective delegation.

This course is part of the Performance Management Pocketbook series, a series that provides a pocketful of tips, tools, and techniques that will enable individuals, teams, and organizations to excel.
American EnglishAmerican English
Leading for PerformanceManagement Pocketbooks15Whenever people get together for a purpose – whether a club activity, community project, or company goal – the group looks for a strong leader to step up. Are you that leader? In this course, you’ll look at the effective behaviors of someone who can propel a team. You’ll use a tool to assess how you spend your time and examine how you might spend less time managing and more time leading. Also, you’ll use the LEADS model to analyze your leadership skills. Throughout the course, you’ll examine a scenario that helps you apply what you’ve learned about leadership. By the end of this course, you’ll be ready with strategies to empower others to be their best selves at work. This course is part of the Performance Management Pocketbook series, a series that provides a pocketful of tips, tools, and techniques that will enable individuals, teams, and organizations to excel.American EnglishAmerican English
360-Degree Feedback and Personal Development PlansManagement Pocketbooks12The personal development plan is what makes 360-degree feedback meaningful, by guiding the review subject’s professional and personal improvement and growth. This course is part of the 360-Degree Feedback series, a series designed to help leaders provide constructive feedback for employee development. In this course, you will learn how to prioritize feedback to create effective, "DREAM IT" development objectives. You will also undersand your role as a manager when a coach has designed the personal development plan. Finally, you'll learn how the 80/20 rule applies to the allocation of resources during the entire 360-degree feedback process.American EnglishAmerican English
Successful Change ManagementManagement Pocketbooks13Unless employees at all levels of your organization are committed to change, it will not be successful. That’s why it’s important to have methods in place to assist with getting everyone onboard.

In this course, you’ll explore the connection between successful change management and alignment within your organization. You’ll learn what the experts have to say about change implementation and identify conditions within your company that impact your success. By the end of this course, you’ll have tools to ensure your employees are prepared to successfully implement change.
This course is part of the Managing Change Pocketbook series, a series for those managing and undergoing change in their organization.
American EnglishAmerican English
Understanding StrategyManagement Pocketbooks12Strategy is essential to creating and sustaining a company’s competitive advantage. A successful manager needs to understand the basics of a strategic framework and the role it plays in an organization’s future planning. This course is part of the Strategy Pocketbook series, a series that provides tips and techniques for formulating and developing a strategic plan. In this course, you'll learn the definition of the term "strategy" and the role it plays in an organization. You'll also learn the different components that make up a strategy. By the end of this course, you will understand the basics of strategy to assist you in how you approach your strategic development.American EnglishAmerican English
The Manager's Role as CommunicatorManagement Pocketbooks12To successfully communicate and to reduce communication failures and misunderstandings, it's important to assess your role as a communicator. This course is part of the Communicator's Pocketbook series, a series that explains how to make you more aware of your communication style and how to improve it. In this course, you'll learn to identify whether you act as a channel or a gulf and how you can play the role as either a messenger or massager of information. You'll also learn ways you can build trustworthiness as a messenger and how you can include others in your communications to improve the process. By the end of this course, you'll be able to identify ways you can be a more trustworthy messenger of information.American EnglishAmerican English
The Change Management FrameworkManagement Pocketbooks11Effective planning is the key to successful change management, no matter how small or large the project. That’s why it’s important to have a framework to consider potential challenges and plan to address them. In this course, you’ll learn the key steps of change implementation. You’ll explore how to understand the needs of your organization through analysis, and plan for change implementation. After this course, you’ll have strategies to successfully implement change at your company.

This course is part of the Managing Change Pocketbook series, a series for those managing and undergoing change in their organization.
American EnglishAmerican English
The Value of Team BuildingManagement Pocketbooks12Turning a group into a high-functioning team and maintaining that level of productivity requires team building. There are a variety of activities to help you grow your team, but to implement them, you need an understanding of team building and team development. This course is part of the Team Building series, a series designed to help leaders improve the performance of their teams with team building activities at every stage of team development. In this introductory course, you'll learn the importance of team building for the individual and the group and how team building and teamworking differ. You'll also learn the relationship between your leadership style and your team’s developmental stage. At the end of this course, you'll have a deeper understanding of the foundations of team building and the role you play in your team's development.American EnglishAmerican English
Coaching Through DelegationManagement Pocketbooks14When you turn a delegated task into a coaching opportunity, you increase the benefits of the delegation process. Coaching as you delegate improves your relationship with your team and fosters the team’s growth. This course is part of the Delegation Pocketbooks series, a series that reveals how to save time, improve results, and increase job satisfaction with successful delegation. In this course, you'll learn the skills and strategies needed to turn the delegation process into a coaching opportunity, including the Push and Pull coaching strategies. You'll also learn the importance of feedback and recognition when coaching through delegation. By the end of this course, you’ll be ready to maximize the benefits of delegation through an informed coaching strategy.American EnglishAmerican English
Managing Your Own PerformanceManagement Pocketbooks15What does it mean to lead? It doesn’t mean you are the top performer on your team or that you’ve mastered more skills than others. To lead is to model a healthy mindset focused on strengths, balance, and enjoyment of what you bring to the work. In this course, you’ll identify your strengths and how they play out in the workplace. You’ll examine stress levels to manage your energy levels and the degrees of challenge that you face. Finally, you’ll consider some tips to prioritize for performing at your best. By the end of this course, you’ll be ready with actionable strategies to improve your performance as an effective manager.

This course is part of the Performance Management Pocketbook series, a series that provides a pocketful of tips, tools, and techniques that will enable individuals, teams, and organizations to excel.
American EnglishAmerican English
Giving Constructive FeedbackManagement Pocketbooks16Nobody likes to be criticized, but giving feedback is important for personal and professional development. As a manager, this is one of your most important responsibilities to your team, so it’s important to assess and improve your feedback approach. This course is part of the Feedback Pocketbook series, a series that helps managers and team members create effective and engaging feedback conversations. In this course, you’ll learn how to raise your self-awareness to better meet your feedback goals. You’ll also learn about common feedback expectations and how to manage them to improve how others perceive your feedback. Finally, you’ll take away eight specific strategies to have more successful feedback conversations. By the end of this course, you’ll be in a more confident position to help develop your team with clearer and more respectful feedback.American EnglishAmerican English
Leadership PrinciplesSyntrio11This module addresses how effective leaders identify what motivates their colleagues and use this to inspire loyalty to their team’s mission.American English
The Challenges of LeadershipSyntrio11People seeking to excel at their jobs develop competencies, attitudes, and behaviors that make them high performers. However, these aren’t always conducive to effective leadership. This module explains that leaders need to share effort and credit for accomplishments, promote career advancement, and develop a clear understanding of why what they do matters. Inspiring colleagues to work toward the common good – including their own – is a key to effective leadership.American English
Maximizing PerformanceSyntrio25Managers have a vital role in the successful performance of each individual in a workgroup and the success of their organization. This course outlines how to set expectations, coach for performance, solve performance issues, and develop performance with a strong focus on individual participation and positive reinforcement. If used effectively, these techniques result in extremely motivated, productive, and satisfied individuals. Through interactive exercises and fictional scenarios, learners will explore how to set goals within their workgroup, how to effectively use coaching, how to counsel individuals, how to recognize and respectfully correct actions to improve performance, and how to evaluate and further develop individual performance over time.American English
A Manager's Many RolesSyntrio20Many managers believe their only role is managing resources. Yet, a good manager has to wear many hats, given the different roles required of the job. On any given day, a manager needs to act as a planner, organizer, leader, coach, and monitor. Each role comes with its own set of responsibilities and competencies. No one role is more important than another because it’s the effective combination which is at the heart of good management. This course explores these five critical roles and how a manager can best maximize each one and combine them as a cohesive whole to become a better manager.American English
Leadership Values in ActionSyntrio10This module explores the importance of leadership integrity. Studies show that employees admire and are loyal to leaders who behave with integrity. Willfulness, confidence, and ruthlessness are sometimes viewed as positive character traits for leaders, but those who exhibit integrity, courage, vulnerability, and social intelligence deliver loyal employees and better results.American English
Authentic, Influential LeadershipSyntrio32This course describes time-honored, reality-tested leadership principles and actions based upon valuing people, inspiring them to follow a compelling vision, and leading them by example with integrity. Leaders inspire rather than force, and they respect the skills and dignity of their colleagues.American English
Manager Core Competencies: Managing Ethics and Compliance at Work (Manager - Core)Syntrio8Employees who manage others have important responsibilities to guide their subordinates’ actions. They need to demonstrate ethical behavior. They are accountable for setting and reinforcing a strong culture of ethical conduct within their workgroup. And they are their subordinates’ principal resource for guidance and concerns about ethical conduct, among other responsibilities. In this course, managers explore the key competencies that lead to and reinforce a responsible workplace. (Manager - Core)American English
A Manager's Core SkillsSyntrio20In today's fast-paced world, a manager's job is not limited to managing resources but goes well beyond that in terms of developing their own and staff's individual competence to achieve organizational goals and objectives. At its heart, the manager's job requires several core skills. A manager must be equipped with soft skills like strong communication and interpersonal skills, problem-solving and decision-making, delegation, managing meetings and managing oneself. Whether you are new to management or want to brush up existing skills, this course delivers a rich learning experience.
American English
Delegation Goal Setting and MonitoringManagementPocketbooks13When you delegate a task, your delegate and the task outcome will benefit from a monitoring system that includes goal setting, check-ins, proactive problem solving, and risk mitigation. This course is part of the Delegation Pocketbooks series, a series that reveals how to save time, improve results, and increase job satisfaction with successful delegation. In this course, you'll learn how to set SMARTER goals to help your delegate successfully complete a task. You'll also learn tips for monitoring progress and dealing with issues and strategies for minimizing risk during the delegation process. By the end of this course, you'll be ready to set-up a task monitoring system that sets your delegates up for success.American EnglishAmerican English
Leading a Virtual TeamManagementPocketbooks16Leadership is not about following a manual, a set of rules, or being like others. It's about developing your own unique way of leading, one that convinces others to follow you. In virtual teams, being a leader has different challenges than face-to-face teams. This course is part of the Virtual Teams Pocketbook series, a series that provides tips and tools on leading a successful, motivated team of people who work apart. In this course, you'll learn about the traits and skills of a successful virtual team leader and how to encourage teamwork among your virtual team members. Finally, you'll get a set of questions you can answer to help you lead a virtual team successfully. By the end of this course, you should be able to identify your specific traits and skills to be a successful leader for your virtual team.American EnglishAmerican English
Teamwork Strategies for LeadersManagementPocketbooks13Leaders, as they say, are not born, they are made. They come from different backgrounds, and they have different experiences, personalities and styles. What leaders do have in common is the willingness to learn and grow. This course is part of the Teamworking Series, a series designed to help team leaders build and manage high-performing teams. In this course, you will learn the difference between a manager and a leader and will be able to identify the qualities of strong leadership, including the ability to recognize potential conflict by observing group behavior. If you're seeking to develop your own leadership skills, this is the course for you!American EnglishAmerican English
Lead the Way: Building Leadership CapabilityEnspark30As a leader you will have opportunity to coach and mentor others in both official and unofficial capacities. Knowing how to effectively coach and mentor your people is key to both their success and to preparing new leadership to step up. Through application exercises and a rich multimedia process, you will learn the skills to be an effective coach or mentor, and thus be able to build additional leadership capability in your organization.American English
Identify and Address Team DisengagementIdeas for Leaders20When teams are engaged, not just in their work but in the team's mission and in supporting each other, team success and productivity increases. So, it goes without saying that managers and leaders need to be able to identify disengagement and know how to rebuild engagement, in order to secure team success. But how can you do that? Well, research from Ashridge Executive Education at Hult International Business School has the answer. They have created a way to quickly and effectively pinpoint levels of engagement and the effect they have on team dynamics. In this course, we'll be looking at that research to help you identify the level of engagement within your teams and form specific steps to build engagement, trust, and productive teamwork.American EnglishAmerican English

Microsoft Computer Skills

Course TitleCourse PublisherCourse Length (mins)Course DescriptionCourse Text LanguagesSubtitle Languages
Internet and Computer PolicyEnspark30Are you following best practices for internet use in the workplace? This training course outlines how effective internet policies can protect you and your organization. We'll examine why it's vital that companies put such rules in place and discuss common types of policies you're likely to encounter. We will also review the different methods a company can use to monitor an employee's online behavior.

The concise 30-minute course includes self-paced, narrated video lessons with a sample case study to illustrate the risks of inappropriate internet use on the job. Once you've completed the course, a final test provides an opportunity to review and evaluate what you've learned.
American English
PowerPoint 2021Infobase132In this module, you’ll learn how to use PowerPoint 365 to create multimedia presentations for classroom and online instruction. You’ll learn how to create slides and choose a layout that works for your content, as well as how to add images, video, audio, charts, and tables. We’ll talk about how to prepare for your presentation by practicing slide timings and rehearsing with Presenter Coach. You’ll learn how to deliver your presentation in person using speaker notes with Presenter View, and how to record yourself to provide narration for your slide show. Finally, you’ll learn how to collaborate with coworkers on presentations, including using comments to provide each other with asynchronous feedback.American EnglishArabic, Chinese, American English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish
Word 2021Infobase90In this course, you’ll learn how to create and save a Word document in Microsoft 365, and how to enter, edit, and format text. We’ll create and format bulleted lists, columns, and tables, and illustrate documents with graphics and icons. You’ll see how to proof your document for spelling, grammar, and writing errors, and how to set Autocorrect preferences to help you save time. We’ll look at new accessibility features, including the Accessibility Checker, Immersive Reader, Read Aloud, and Dictate. And you’ll learn how the Microsoft 365 version of Word helps you use comments and track changes to collaborate on documents with others on your team. Finally, you’ll learn how to share documents in the cloud using email and OneDrive.American EnglishArabic, Chinese, American English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish
Microsoft Office 365Infobase90Microsoft Office 365 is a package of applications that you can run on your computer or online. The applications include Word, Excel, and Powerpoint. Although you can use the web-based version of these applications for free, a subscription is required for the desktop version. Depending on the subscription, SharePoint, Access, and Visio may also be included.Different versions of Office 365 are available, including Home, Business, and other Professional setups.
This course focuses on the Business version of Microsoft Office 365.
American EnglishArabic, Chinese, American English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish
Excel 2021: BasicsInfobase73In this course you will learn how to use Microsoft Excel, which is part of Microsoft Office 365. This course will cover the basics that you need in order to get started using Microsoft’s spreadsheet software. You will learn to enter data, manage data, create formulas, and insert charts. Upon completion of this course you will gain the knowledge and skills needed to be productive using Microsoft Excel as part of the MS 365 suite of applications.American EnglishArabic, Chinese, American English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish
Excel 2021: AdvancedInfobase79In this course you will learn advanced features of Microsoft Excel such as advanced formula design which will include order of operations, conditional operators, and referencing other worksheets and workbooks. Learners will be introduced to common statistical tools that can be used to find the mean, median, and mode. The lessons will also cover conditional formatting, charts, creating pivot tables, and querying using the VLOOKUP function.American EnglishArabic, Chinese, American English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish
Office 365: Collaborate and ShareInfobase104In this series you will learn how to use the collaborative features of Office 365. You will learn how to create, contact lists, groups and teams. You will learn how to use chat, and comments to communicate with members of your team in real time while working on files using various office application files. You will learn how to use collaboration applications such as teams and planner. Upon completion of this series you will be able to proficiently incorporate office 365 into your collaborative projectsAmerican EnglishAmerican English
Using Technology in Virtual TeamsManagement Pocketbooks16As a manager of a virtual team, you should be familiar with the full potential of specific technologies to be an effective leader. This course is part of the Virtual Teams Pocketbook series, a series that provides tips and tools on leading a successful, motivated team of people who work apart. In this course, you’ll learn ways to use technology with your team to build their technical expertise. You’ll also learn the differences between synchronous and asynchronous and how to use them successfully with your team. By the end of this course, you should be in a better position to understand which technologies you can purposefully use to manage and communicate with your virtual team successfully.American EnglishAmerican English
Dynamic Arrays in ExcelSONIC Performance Support55In this course you will discover helpful array formulas in Excel 365. Learn about the exciting new functions XLOOKUP, FILTER, UNIQUE, SORT, SORTBY, SEQUENCE and RANDARRAY. Understand which problems you can easily solve thanks to the new functions.American EnglishAmerican English
Microsoft To Do - Intelligent day planning with to-do listsSONIC Performance Support45With Microsoft To Do, you can optimize your task management to reach your goals faster and more effectively. This tool has been specially designed to help you plan your tasks to perfection. Find out how to transfer tasks easily to the current day's to-do list and learn how the app works together with other Microsoft 365 apps, such as Outlook, Teams or Planner.EnglishAmerican English
Microsoft Planner – Quick StartSONIC Performance Support30Microsoft Planner is a project management tool that offers many features to manage your projects in a clear way, yet is easy to use. Core features include shared task management, status overviews, a shared project calendar, note and comment functions. Use this quick start to get started using Microsoft Planner right away. Alternatively, we also offer in-depth training if you want to go deeper.American EnglishAmerican English
Microsoft PowerPoint – Part 1SONIC Performance Support270Today's audiences are tech savvy, accustomed to high-impact multimedia content, and stretched for time. By learning how to use the vast array of features and functionality contained within PowerPoint, you will gain the ability to organize your content, enhance it with high-impact visuals, and deliver it with a punch. After you have worked diligently and carefully, you should present your results as appealing. Besides using the basic features, like including texts and graphics, it is particularly expedient, to use more sophisticated features to enhance your presentation. Discover how you can also integrate objects, animations, tables, or charts into your presentation.American EnglishAmerican English
Microsoft PowerPoint – Part 2SONIC Performance Support260Today's audiences are tech savvy, accustomed to high-impact multimedia content, and stretched for time. By learning how to use the vast array of features and functionality contained within PowerPoint, you will gain the ability to organize your content, enhance it with high-impact visuals, and deliver it with a punch.
An important quality feature of a successful PowerPoint presentation is the use of a consistent, coherent design. In this advanced course, you therefore get to know the particularly meaningful means of the design template. In addition, we will show you how to manage, present and send targeted presentations, and how to collaborate with colleagues on a presentation.
American EnglishAmerican English
Microsoft Word – Part 1SONIC Performance Support200These days, most people take electronic word processing for granted and miss a lot of features that make your document look professional and save time by automating repetitive tasks. Microsoft Word is designed to help you move smoothly through the task of creating professional-looking documents. Its rich features and powerful tools can make your work easy, and even fun. In this course, you will learn fundamental Word skills. You'll learn how to use Microsoft Word to create, edit and publish simple documents, add tables and lists, add design elements and layout options, and proof documents.American EnglishAmerican English
Microsoft Word – Part 2SONIC Performance Support180In this course, you will learn advanced Word skills. You’ll learn how to create and modify complex documents and use tools that allow you to customize those documents. Creating professional-looking documents can help you give your organization a competitive edge. Implementing time-saving features such as document templates and automated mailings help your organization reduce expenses. Mastering these techniques will make you a valued employee in your organization.American EnglishAmerican English
Microsoft Word – Part 3SONIC Performance Support200In the third and last part of this training you will get expert knowledge about Microsoft Word. Microsoft Word enables you to do far more than simple word processing. Word includes image manipulation tools, collaboration features, cross-referencing and linking tools, entry forms and data collection, security features, and tools to automate document production. Mastering these techniques will make you a valued employee in your organization.American EnglishAmerican English
Microsoft Excel 365: Part 1 (Beginner)SONIC Performance Support222Join us for Microsoft Excel Part 1, an intensive, beginner-friendly 3-hour, 42-minute video training course designed to transform your knowledge of Excel. This course will provide you with the essential skills you need to navigate and leverage the full power of Excel, far beyond its basic functionality. By exploring data organization, analysis, and presentation, you will empower yourself to effectively make data-driven decisions. Through self-paced learning, interactive quizzes, and hands-on exercises, this course is designed to build your confidence and expertise in efficiently managing and analyzing data. Access this comprehensive training instantly on multiple devices and enter a world of advanced data management with Excel. Duration: 222 minutesAmerican EnglishAmerican English
Microsoft Excel 365 – Part 2SONIC Performance Support200In this course you'll learn create advanced workbooks and worksheets that can help deepen your understanding of organizational intelligence. The ability to analyze massive amounts of data, extract actionable information from it, and present that information to decision makers is at the foundation of a successful organization that is able to compete at a high level.
To gain a truly competitive edge, you need to be able to extract actionable organizational intelligence from your raw data. In other words, when you have questions about your data, you need to know how to get Excel to provide the answers for you. Your trainers guide you through the various concepts and functions in an easy-to-understand, step-by-step manner. If necessary, you can pause videos or even rewind and watch them again. Beyond the training videos, there are plenty of helpful handouts, practice materials, and quizzes for you to make sure you get the most out of this training.
THIS COURSE IS SUITABLE FOR YOU, IF • you already have a foundational knowledge in Excel
• you wish to take advantage of some of the higher-level functionality in Excel to analyze and present data
American EnglishAmerican English
Microsoft Excel 365 – Part 3SONIC Performance Support120Would you like to become an Excel specialist and use the enormous functionality of Excel to your advantage? In this expert course, you will get to know especially helpful features, such as collaborative editing of workbooks and management of more complex Excel documents, through the implementation of tools such as formula tracking and reference functions. The ability to collaborate with colleagues, automate complex or repetitive tasks, and use conditional logic to construct and apply elaborate formulas and functions will put the full power of Excel right at your fingertips. The more you learn about how to get Excel to do the hard work for you, the more you'll be able to focus on getting the answers you need from the vast amounts of data your organization generates.

Your trainers guide you through the various concepts and functions in an easy-to-understand, step-by-step manner. If necessary, you can pause videos or even rewind and watch them again. Beyond the training videos, there are plenty of helpful handouts, practice materials, and quizzes for you to make sure you get the most out of this training.

• you need to troubleshoot large, complex workbooks
• you wish to automate repetitive tasks
• you need to construct complex Excel functions and use those functions to perform rigorous analysis of extensive, complex datasets
American EnglishAmerican English
Microsoft Outlook – Part 1SONIC Performance Support300Email has become one of the most widely used methods of communication, whether for personal or business communications. Some employees spend up to 60% of their day on email. Mastering Outlook will save you a lot of time! This course is the first in a series of two Outlook courses. It will provide you with the basic skills you need to start using Outlook to manage your email communications, contact information, calendar events, tasks, and notes.American EnglishEnglish
Microsoft Outlook – Part 2SONIC Performance Support240In this advanced course, you'll customize command sets, configure mail accounts, set global options, perform advanced searches, apply filters to intercept mail and control spam, create rules to automate many management tasks, work with calendars and contacts, manage tasks, protect data with archiving and data files, as well as share and delegate access to your workspaces.American EnglishAmerican English
Microsoft Teams: Quick StartSONIC Performance Support45Discover how to communicate and collaborate seamlessly with Microsoft Teams. Work more efficiently and productively. Achieve your goals faster - personally and especially as a team!

The training is aimed at people who are looking for a quick start to be able to use Microsoft Teams immediately. Alternatively, we also offer a detailed, comprehensive training if you want to go deeper.
American EnglishAustralian English
New Features in Microsoft 365 Desktop ApplicationsSONIC Performance Support206This training covers the desktop applications in Microsoft 365, starting with some cross-application new features, then moving on to Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook.
The trainer explains step by step and in an easy to understand way all important and useful innovations in Microsoft 365. Benefit from the additional materials that are integrated into the training. Look forward to practice files, handouts and quizzes. Note: Microsoft 365 is constantly being developed and updated. The development status of Microsoft 365 (Office 365) in October 2018 was published as Office 2019. All new features in Office 2019 are therefore included in Microsoft 365. In this Microsoft 365 training course, all the new features are explained to you in a meaningful order, sorted by application. You will find the version and release date of each new feature within this table of contents.
American EnglishAmerican English
Determine Potential Outcomes: Forecasting Data in ExcelSONIC Performance Support30Microsoft Excel provides a variety of features to help you forecast data. Becoming familiar with how these different features work and what they can do to help you analyze your data will open whole new worlds of possibilities in terms of data analysis.American EnglishAmerican English
Microsoft TeamsSONIC Performance Support100Teams es una plataforma intuitiva que simplifica la colaboración dentro de las empresas. Puede trabajar en documentos, comunicarse por chat, llamadas y videoconferencias, compartir pantallas, programar reuniones y enriquecer su trabajo en equipo con otros extras útiles como los wikis.

Prepárese para descubrir Microsoft Teams como su lugar central dentro de Microsoft 365. Teams será su punto central para cualquier trabajo que implique comunicación y colaboración.

Cuando complete esta capacitación, se convertirá en un miembro particularmente valioso del equipo, aumentará su productividad significativamente y logrará hacer las cosas.
Latin American Spanish
Microsoft SharePoint - Organize Cooperation in GroupsSONIC Performance Support90Microsoft SharePoint is a crucial building block for optimally collaborating as a team with Microsoft 365. SharePoint integrates easily with Office applications such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Microsoft Teams, and is also easy to manage via your file explorer.
Learn how you can centrally create, store and make a wide variety of content available on flexibly configurable intranet sites thanks to state-of-the-art storage technology. Learn to navigate SharePoint quickly and easily, identify the various elements of SharePoint Sites and how to make the most of them. Discover key benefits, such as working across devices or accessing data offline.
American EnglishAmerican English
Power BI: Analyze and Interactively Visualize Business DataSONIC Performance Support226In today's data processing of large and complex amounts of data, so-called big data are being processed more and more frequently, which can no longer be handled with conventional methods. Power BI provides a solution to this challenge.

With this Power BI training you learn how to present meaningful data analysis in tables and graphs, how to create high-quality visualizations and interactive reports in addition to tools which allow you to effortlessly share your reports with others. Power BI is a powerful tool for analyzing data from a variety of data sources. With Power BI, you can analyze large amounts of data by extracting valuable information that can easily otherwise be lost.
American EnglishAmerican English
Cybersecurity - Protecting Yourself and Your Company From Phishing AttacksEnspark25Cybercriminals with the intent of targeting a company will often try to penetrate the company in multiple ways. If the organization and its team members are on the lookout, they can play a key role in stopping these attacks. In this course we'll learn about phishing - what it is, what it looks like, common forms of it, and how to identify and avoid it. Employee awareness is the first line of defense against preventing a harmful phishing attack.American EnglishAmerican English
Cybersecurity - Browser SafetyEnspark20In this course, we are going to explore ten different ways to protect yourself and your company while you are online and learn how to avoid being the weak link that cybercriminals are looking for. Exploring the internet is a part of our day that most of us take for granted. Unfortunately, cybercriminals use tactics that involve each part of our online activities. Your browser and web surfing habits are just more areas of attack if proper habits aren't built. We'll learn about these important habits to use whenever you are online that can be very significant in preventing cyber attacks when using a company device, surfing the internet at work, or doing any type of work-related activity.American EnglishAmerican English
Microsoft Teams: Simplify Communication and Collaborationsonic155Microsoft Teams is a detailed 2-hour, 35-minute course designed to improve your ability to use Microsoft Teams to communicate and collaborate effectively inside and outside your organization. This course covers the comprehensive features of Teams, including creating teams, sharing files, holding meetings, and customizing team settings.

You will learn through practical demonstrations and engaging content how to maximize your use of Teams to improve team productivity and achieve collaboration goals.

You are new to Microsoft Teams or want to deepen your understanding and use of its features.
You need comprehensive knowledge to manage projects, coordinate with team members, and conduct meetings effectively.
You are a regular user of Microsoft Teams and want to improve your skills in team collaboration, meeting management, and file sharing.
Duration: 155 mins
American EnglishAmerican English

Workplace Harassment Prevention

Course TitleCourse PublisherCourse Length (mins)Course DescriptionCourse Text LanguagesSubtitle Languages
Workplace Harassment (US - Delaware - Employee) Syntrio45Given continued challenges with disrespectful conduct in the workplace, this training focuses on sexual and other harassing conduct. Through scenarios, it addresses the importance of respectful conduct toward coworkers and benefits that preventing and addressing harassment and discrimination can provide. The training focuses on the ways that individuals are subject to or engage in questionable conduct and the harm this causes to a workplace culture. It also presents ways that everyone can raise concerns or otherwise address this conduct in a responsible manner. It includes exercises to promote learning and skill building for recognizing and responding to improper behaviors and supporting a workplace that promotes respectful conduct. This version is designed for non-managers in Delaware. This course allows learners to select American English or Latin American Spanish.American English, Latin American Spanish
Preventing Workplace Violence (Employee)Syntrio45Unfortunately, violence has become a pressing safety and health issue in the workplace. Homicide is the second-leading cause of fatal occupational injury in the United States.

This course uses OSHA guidelines and recommendations to reduce employee exposures to this hazard. This training provides the employee with information on how to recognize workplace security hazards and risk factors, how to prevent workplace assaults, and what to do when an assault occurs, including emergency action and post-emergency procedures.

This course supports the general knowledge requirements but not the company-specific requirements for compliance with California Senate Bill 553 and Section 6401.9 regarding training on workplace violence.
American English
Workplace Harassment (US - Maine - Manager) Syntrio50Given continued challenges with disrespectful conduct in the workplace, this training focuses on sexual and other harassing conduct. Through scenarios, it addresses the importance of respectful conduct toward coworkers and benefits that preventing and addressing harassment and discrimination can provide. The training focuses on the ways that individuals are subject to or engage in questionable conduct and the harm this causes to a workplace culture. It also presents ways that everyone can raise concerns or otherwise address this conduct in a responsible manner. It includes exercises to promote learning and skill building for recognizing and responding to improper behaviors and supporting a workplace that promotes respectful conduct. This version is designed for managers in Maine. This course allows learners to select American English or Latin American Spanish.American English, Latin American Spanish
Acoso e intimidación en el centro de trabajo: Manejo de amenazas para alcanzar una cultura laboral respetuosa [Workplace Harassment and Bullying: Managing Threats to a Respectful Work Culture (Global - Employee - Foundation) (Latin American Spanish)]Syntrio25El acoso y la intimidación ponen en peligro un centro de trabajo respetuoso, incluido el efecto en las personas objeto del acoso y la intimidación, así como los compañeros de trabajo, el entorno laboral y la organización. Este curso presenta el acoso sexual quid pro quo, el acoso en entornos hostiles y la intimidación. Proporciona las instrucciones acerca de las formas en que las personas pueden ayudar a evitar el acoso y la intimidación o responder a este tipo de conducta en caso de que ocurra. También aborda las represalias contra las personas que denuncian una conducta indebida o ayudan en una investigación.Latin American Spanish
Acoso e intimidación en el centro de trabajo: Manejo de amenazas para alcanzar una cultura laboral respetuosa [Workplace Harassment and Bullying: Managing Threats to a Respectful Work Culture (Global - Manager - Foundation) (Latin American Spanish)]Syntrio25El acoso y la intimidación ponen en peligro un centro de trabajo respetuoso, incluido el efecto en las personas objeto del acoso y la intimidación, así como los compañeros de trabajo, el entorno laboral y la organización. Este curso presenta el acoso sexual quid pro quo, el acoso en entornos hostiles y la intimidación. Proporciona las instrucciones acerca de las formas en que las personas pueden ayudar a evitar el acoso y la intimidación o responder a este tipo de conducta en caso de que ocurra. También aborda las represalias contra las personas que denuncian una conducta indebida o ayudan en una investigación. Gerente.Latin American Spanish
Preventing Unlawful Harassment (College and University - Employee)Syntrio30This course discusses the human characteristics that are protected by antidiscrimination laws and the type of conduct related to the “protected classes” that can lead to a claim of illegal harassment. It offers strategies for preventing unlawful harassment and teaches faculty and staff managers how to respond appropriately when they learn of it. It also discusses the risk of liability to both the institution and a manager if he or she fails to stop harassment or personally engages in harassing behavior.

Regulations: Title VII of the City Rights Act of 1984 | Federal Protected Classes of Discrimination Title IX

(College and University - Employee)
American English
Preventing Unlawful Harassment (College and University - Manager and Faculty)Syntrio45Safeguard your school’s reputation and Federal funding opportunities by recognizing the signs of sexual harassment and reacting appropriately to this unlawful behavior. Designed for faculty, staff managers and supervisors, this course provides an overview of the Equal Employment Opportunity 3-part definition of sexual harassment and describes your responsibility in addressing this type of activity. You'll look at the 2 main types of harassment and how they can be leveraged against students as well as the growing instances of e-harassment via social media and email. By the end of this course, you will know how to recognize both the signs and opportunities for sexual harassment in the academic arena and how your role as a school official can prevent this type of illegal behavior.

This course includes several industry-related exercises and an Ask Mentor feature for students to pose questions and get answers from an expert.
American English
Workplace Harassment (US - Hospitality - Illinois - Manager) Syntrio60Given continued challenges with disrespectful conduct in business at work, Workplace Harassment, focuses on sexual and other harassing conduct. Through scenario and motion graphics videos, it addresses the importance of respectful conduct toward coworkers and benefits that preventing and addressing harassment can provide. The training focuses on the ways that individuals are subject to or engage in questionable conduct and the harm this causes to a workplace culture. It also presents ways that everyone can raise concerns or otherwise address this conduct in a responsible manner. It includes exercises to promote learning and skill building for recognizing and responding to improper behaviors and supporting a workplace that promotes respectful conduct. This version is designed for managers in Illinois.American English, Latin American Spanish
Workplace Harassment (US - Manager - 60-Minute) Syntrio45Given continued challenges with disrespectful conduct in the workplace, this training focuses on sexual and other harassing conduct. Through scenarios, it addresses the importance of respectful conduct toward coworkers and benefits that preventing and addressing harassment and discrimination can provide. The training focuses on the ways that individuals are subject to or engage in questionable conduct and the harm this causes to a workplace culture. It also presents ways that everyone can raise concerns or otherwise address this conduct in a responsible manner. It includes exercises to promote learning and skill building for recognizing and responding to improper behaviors and supporting a workplace that promotes respectful conduct. This version is designed for managers in states without general harassment training requirements. This course allows learners to select American English or Latin American Spanish.American English, Latin American Spanish
Workplace Harassment and Bullying: Managing Threats to a Respectful Work Culture (Global - Employee - Foundation)Syntrio27Harassment and bullying threaten a respectful workplace, including the effect on targeted individuals, coworkers, the work environment, and the organization. This course introduces quid pro quo sexual harassment, hostile environment harassment, and bullying. It provides instruction on ways that individuals can help prevent harassment and bullying or respond to this conduct if it occurs. It also addresses retaliation against individuals who report improper conduct or assist in an investigation. (Employee - Foundation)American English
Workplace Harassment and Bullying: Managing Threats to a Respectful Work Culture (Global - Manager - Foundation)Syntrio30Harassment and bullying threaten a respectful workplace, including the effect on targeted individuals, coworkers, the work environment, and the organization. This course introduces quid pro quo sexual harassment, hostile environment harassment, and bullying. It provides instruction on ways that individuals can help prevent harassment and bullying or respond to this conduct if it occurs. It also addresses retaliation against individuals who report improper conduct or assist in an investigation. This course includes a module to help managers understand their critical role in shaping a respectful workplace free of harassment and bullying. (Manager - Foundation)American English
Workplace Harassment (US - Chicago - Manager)Syntrio120Given continued challenges with disrespectful conduct in the workplace, this training focuses on sexual and other harassing conduct. Through scenarios, it addresses the importance of respectful conduct toward coworkers and benefits that preventing and addressing harassment and discrimination can provide. The training focuses on the ways that individuals are subject to or engage in questionable conduct and the harm this causes to a workplace culture. It also presents ways that everyone can raise concerns or otherwise address this conduct in a responsible manner. It includes exercises to promote learning and skill building for recognizing and responding to improper behaviors and supporting a workplace that promotes respectful conduct. This version is designed for managers in Chicago. This course allows learners to select American English or Latin American Spanish.American English, Latin American Spanish
Workplace Harassment (US - New York City and State - Employee) Syntrio45Given continued challenges with disrespectful conduct in the workplace, this training focuses on sexual and other harassing conduct. Through scenarios, it addresses the importance of respectful conduct toward coworkers and benefits that preventing and addressing harassment and discrimination can provide. The training focuses on the ways that individuals are subject to or engage in questionable conduct and the harm this causes to a workplace culture. It also presents ways that everyone can raise concerns or otherwise address this conduct in a responsible manner. It includes exercises to promote learning and skill building for recognizing and responding to improper behaviors and supporting a workplace that promotes respectful conduct. This version is designed for non-managers in New York. This course allows learners to select American English or Latin American Spanish.American English, Latin American Spanish
Workplace Harassment (US - New York City and State - Manager) Syntrio50Given continued challenges with disrespectful conduct in the workplace, this training focuses on sexual and other harassing conduct. Through scenarios, it addresses the importance of respectful conduct toward coworkers and benefits that preventing and addressing harassment and discrimination can provide. The training focuses on the ways that individuals are subject to or engage in questionable conduct and the harm this causes to a workplace culture. It also presents ways that everyone can raise concerns or otherwise address this conduct in a responsible manner. It includes exercises to promote learning and skill building for recognizing and responding to improper behaviors and supporting a workplace that promotes respectful conduct. This version is designed for managers in New York. This course allows learners to select American English or Latin American Spanish.American English, Latin American Spanish
Reducing Unconscious Bias in the WorkplaceEnspark30Join Mark Williams, the founder and CEO of WIN Insights (a diversity and inclusion resource center), for a look at how implicit or unconscious bias can impact your behavior and attitudes in the workplace. We're often good at recognizing and addressing blatant moments of discrimination, but what about small moments when discrimination might not be immediately obvious? These moments of unconsciously and inadvertently treating people unfairly are known as implicit bias. This course will help you recognize your own biases, and provide strategies to help you overcome them. This creates a more inclusive work environment where individuals are treated respectfully and fairly.American English
Workplace Harassment (US - Hospitality - Illinois - Employee) Syntrio50Given continued challenges with disrespectful conduct in business at work, Workplace Harassment, focuses on sexual and other harassing conduct. Through scenario and motion graphics videos, it addresses the importance of respectful conduct toward coworkers and benefits that preventing and addressing harassment can provide. The training focuses on the ways that individuals are subject to or engage in questionable conduct and the harm this causes to a workplace culture. It also presents ways that everyone can raise concerns or otherwise address this conduct in a responsible manner. It includes exercises to promote learning and skill building for recognizing and responding to improper behaviors and supporting a workplace that promotes respectful conduct. This version is designed for non-managers in Illinois.American English, Latin American Spanish
Understanding Bias and Avoiding Common MistakesSyntrio10Everyone has biases. To avoid allowing bias to compromise how we work and relate with others, we need to manage bias and avoid common mistakes stemming from bias. This course explores keys to managing bias and provides various practice exercises. Duration: 10 minutes American English
Workplace Harassment (US - Chicago - Employee)Syntrio60Given continued challenges with disrespectful conduct in the workplace, this training focuses on sexual and other harassing conduct. Through scenarios, it addresses the importance of respectful conduct toward coworkers and benefits that preventing and addressing harassment and discrimination can provide. The training focuses on the ways that individuals are subject to or engage in questionable conduct and the harm this causes to a workplace culture. It also presents ways that everyone can raise concerns or otherwise address this conduct in a responsible manner. It includes exercises to promote learning and skill building for recognizing and responding to improper behaviors and supporting a workplace that promotes respectful conduct. This version is designed for non-managers in Chicago. This course allows learners to select American English or Latin American Spanish.American English, Latin American Spanish
Workplace Harassment (US - Connecticut - Employee)Syntrio120Given continued challenges with disrespectful conduct in the workplace, this training focuses on sexual and other harassing conduct. Through scenarios, it addresses the importance of respectful conduct toward coworkers and benefits that preventing and addressing harassment and discrimination can provide. The training focuses on the ways that individuals are subject to or engage in questionable conduct and the harm this causes to a workplace culture. It also presents ways that everyone can raise concerns or otherwise address this conduct in a responsible manner. It includes exercises to promote learning and skill building for recognizing and responding to improper behaviors and supporting a workplace that promotes respectful conduct. This version is designed for non-managers in Connecticut. This course allows learners to select American English or Latin American Spanish.American English, Latin American Spanish
Workplace Harassment (US - Connecticut - Manager)Syntrio120Given continued challenges with disrespectful conduct in the workplace, this training focuses on sexual and other harassing conduct. Through scenarios, it addresses the importance of respectful conduct toward coworkers and benefits that preventing and addressing harassment and discrimination can provide. The training focuses on the ways that individuals are subject to or engage in questionable conduct and the harm this causes to a workplace culture. It also presents ways that everyone can raise concerns or otherwise address this conduct in a responsible manner. It includes exercises to promote learning and skill building for recognizing and responding to improper behaviors and supporting a workplace that promotes respectful conduct. This version is designed for managers in Connecticut. This course allows learners to select American English or Latin American Spanish.American English, Latin American Spanish
Workplace Harassment (US - Delaware - Manager) Syntrio50Given continued challenges with disrespectful conduct in the workplace, this training focuses on sexual and other harassing conduct. Through scenarios, it addresses the importance of respectful conduct toward coworkers and benefits that preventing and addressing harassment and discrimination can provide. The training focuses on the ways that individuals are subject to or engage in questionable conduct and the harm this causes to a workplace culture. It also presents ways that everyone can raise concerns or otherwise address this conduct in a responsible manner. It includes exercises to promote learning and skill building for recognizing and responding to improper behaviors and supporting a workplace that promotes respectful conduct. This version is designed for managers in Delaware. This course allows learners to select American English or Latin American Spanish.American English, Latin American Spanish
Workplace Harassment (US - Employee - 40-Minute) Syntrio40Given continued challenges with disrespectful conduct in the workplace, this training focuses on sexual and other harassing conduct. Through scenarios, it addresses the importance of respectful conduct toward coworkers and benefits that preventing and addressing harassment and discrimination can provide. The training focuses on the ways that individuals are subject to or engage in questionable conduct and the harm this causes to a workplace culture. It also presents ways that everyone can raise concerns or otherwise address this conduct in a responsible manner. It includes exercises to promote learning and skill building for recognizing and responding to improper behaviors and supporting a workplace that promotes respectful conduct. This version is designed for non-managers in states without general harassment training requirements. This course allows learners to select American English or Latin American Spanish.American English, Latin American Spanish
Workplace Harassment (US - Illinois - Employee) Syntrio45Given continued challenges with disrespectful conduct in the workplace, this training focuses on sexual and other harassing conduct. Through scenarios, it addresses the importance of respectful conduct toward coworkers and benefits that preventing and addressing harassment and discrimination can provide. The training focuses on the ways that individuals are subject to or engage in questionable conduct and the harm this causes to a workplace culture. It also presents ways that everyone can raise concerns or otherwise address this conduct in a responsible manner. It includes exercises to promote learning and skill building for recognizing and responding to improper behaviors and supporting a workplace that promotes respectful conduct. This version is designed for non-managers in Illinois. This course allows learners to select American English or Latin American Spanish.American English, Latin American Spanish
Workplace Harassment (US - Illinois - Manager) Syntrio50Given continued challenges with disrespectful conduct in the workplace, this training focuses on sexual and other harassing conduct. Through scenarios, it addresses the importance of respectful conduct toward coworkers and benefits that preventing and addressing harassment and discrimination can provide. The training focuses on the ways that individuals are subject to or engage in questionable conduct and the harm this causes to a workplace culture. It also presents ways that everyone can raise concerns or otherwise address this conduct in a responsible manner. It includes exercises to promote learning and skill building for recognizing and responding to improper behaviors and supporting a workplace that promotes respectful conduct. This version is designed for managers in Illinois. This course allows learners to select American English or Latin American Spanish.American English, Latin American Spanish
Workplace Harassment (US - Maine - Employee) Syntrio45Given continued challenges with disrespectful conduct in the workplace, this training focuses on sexual and other harassing conduct. Through scenarios, it addresses the importance of respectful conduct toward coworkers and benefits that preventing and addressing harassment and discrimination can provide. The training focuses on the ways that individuals are subject to or engage in questionable conduct and the harm this causes to a workplace culture. It also presents ways that everyone can raise concerns or otherwise address this conduct in a responsible manner. It includes exercises to promote learning and skill building for recognizing and responding to improper behaviors and supporting a workplace that promotes respectful conduct. This version is designed for non-managers in Maine. This course allows learners to select American English or Latin American Spanish.American English, Latin American Spanish
Entrenamiento de intervención de espectadores (Chicago - Illinois) [Bystander Intervention Training (Chicago - Illinois)]vubiz60Este curso de formación en línea Entrenamiento de intervención de espectadores [Chicago Illinois] está diseñado para todos los empleados. En su más reciente iteración de las leyes de prevención del acoso sexual, la ciudad de Chicago ha hecho obligatorio para todos los empleados a ir a través de 1 hora de formación de intervención espectador como parte de sus leyes de prevención del acoso. Este mandato de formación -implementado a nivel municipal- es el primero de este tipo. Con esta formación, no sólo te asegurarás de que cumples las últimas leyes de Chicago, sino que también te equiparás a ti mismo y/o a tus empleados con formas seguras de intervenir si son testigos de acoso sexual. Fomentará la creación de espacios seguros, lo que a su vez fomentará una cultura saludable en el lugar de trabajo. Una cultura saludable en el lugar de trabajo es fundamental para cualquier organización que quiera retener y hacer crecer su reserva de talento.Latin American Spanish
Bystander Intervention and Awareness (Chicago)Syntrio60This training for Chicago, Illinois, expands upon the requirements of a Chicago Human Rights Ordinance. This course teaches safe and positive actions a person or a group of people may take to prevent harm or intervene where there is a risk or perceived risk of sexual harassment to another.American English
Workplace Harassment (US - California - Employee) Syntrio60Given continued challenges with disrespectful conduct in the workplace, this training focuses on sexual and other harassing conduct. Through scenarios, it addresses the importance of respectful conduct toward coworkers and benefits that preventing and addressing harassment and discrimination can provide. The training focuses on the ways that individuals are subject to or engage in questionable conduct and the harm this causes to a workplace culture. It also presents ways that everyone can raise concerns or otherwise address this conduct in a responsible manner. It includes exercises to promote learning and skill building for recognizing and responding to improper behaviors and supporting a workplace that promotes respectful conduct. This version is designed for non-managers in California. This course allows learners to select American English or Latin American Spanish.American English, Latin American Spanish
Workplace Harassment (US - California - Manager) Syntrio120Given continued challenges with disrespectful conduct in the workplace, this training focuses on sexual and other harassing conduct. Through scenarios, it addresses the importance of respectful conduct toward coworkers and benefits that preventing and addressing harassment and discrimination can provide. The training focuses on the ways that individuals are subject to or engage in questionable conduct and the harm this causes to a workplace culture. It also presents ways that everyone can raise concerns or otherwise address this conduct in a responsible manner. It includes exercises to promote learning and skill building for recognizing and responding to improper behaviors and supporting a workplace that promotes respectful conduct. This version is designed for managers in California. This course allows learners to select American English or Latin American Spanish.
American English, Latin American Spanish
Reduce Implicit Bias with Mindful MeditationIdeas for Leaders20In business, as in life, it’s important to make informed, impartial decisions. But what we often don’t realize is that our biases are pushing us to make certain assumptions subconsciously, every day.
Implicit biases can be dangerous. They cause us to make negative associations about categories of people based on previously established associations and what we think we know. A new study from The Central Michigan University suggests that we can change this – by practicing mindful meditation. By focusing on the here and now, it’s possible to see things for what they actually are (instead of what we perceive them to be) and to use this to make better decisions. This course will arm you with the tools needed to choose your actions more thoughtfully. Whether you’re a first-time manager or an experienced leader, you’ll be able to make better, balanced, and non-judgmental decisions for you and your team.American EnglishAmerican English
Unconscious Bias: An IntroductionSyntrio12Unconscious bias refers to the limited and unrecognized lens through which we see the world. At times, this can impede how we view others, which can lead us to underestimate their abilities and contributions. When we recognize our unconscious bias, we can learn to manage it and enable a broader and richer perspective regarding others and the world.American English
Anti-Harassment Training for All Employees (California - Employee)vectorsolutions60Sexual harassment is a constant presence in America’s workplaces. To prevent harassment, we need to understand it. For many people, “sexual harassment” is an emotionally-charged topic loaded with confusion and uncertainty.

This interactive online course is designed to provide a comprehensive explanation of what sexual harassment is, how it can occur in the workplace, current legal positions, and how management can maintain a harassment-free workplace.

Some of the topics that will be covered in this course include: behaviors that constitute sexual harassment, the different types of harassment including abusive conduct, what constitutes a hostile work environment, and how to handle complaints.
If you are a manager in California this course includes specific references to California laws regarding Sexual Harassment training. This course is designed to be compliant with California standards.

California has enacted a mandatory training law (SB 1343), requiring private employers of 5 or more to provide at least two hours of training to supervisory personnel on prevention of sexual harassment. This course was designed to meet the requirements of AB 1825 as well as the mandates outlined in California AB 2053 on abusive conduct and California SB 396 on gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation.

The course should be taught in conjunction with a review of your entity's harassment/discrimination policy. Please contact your local human resources representative if you have any questions regarding your entity's policy.
American EnglishArabic;Chinese (Simplified);Chinese (Traditional);Danish;Dutch;Estonian;American English;European French;Canadian French;German;Hindi;Italian;Indonesian;Japanese;Latvian;Korean;Malay;Polish;Brazilian Portuguese;European Portuguese;Romanian;Russian;European Spanish;Latin American Spanish;Swedish;Turkish
Anti-Harassment Training (California - Supervisor and Manager)vectorsolutions120Sexual harassment is a constant presence in America’s workplaces. To prevent harassment, we need to understand it. For many people, “sexual harassment” is an emotionally-charged topic loaded with confusion and uncertainty.

This interactive online course is designed to provide a comprehensive explanation of what sexual harassment is, how it can occur in the workplace, current legal positions, and how management can maintain a harassment-free workplace.

Some of the topics that will be covered in this course include: behaviors that constitute sexual harassment, the different types of harassment including abusive conduct, what constitutes a hostile work environment, and how to handle complaints. If you are a manager in California this course includes specific references to California laws regarding Sexual Harassment training. This course is designed to be compliant with California standards.

California has enacted a mandatory training law (SB 1343), requiring private employers of 5 or more to provide at least two hours of training to supervisory personnel on prevention of sexual harassment. This course was designed to meet the requirements of AB 1825 as well as the mandates outlined in California AB 2053 on abusive conduct and California SB 396 on gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation.

The course should be taught in conjunction with a review of your entity's harassment/discrimination policy. Please contact your local human resources representative if you have any questions regarding your entity's policy.
American EnglishArabic;Chinese (Simplified);Chinese (Traditional);Danish;Dutch;Estonian;American English;European French;Canadian French;German;Hindi;Italian;Indonesian;Japanese;Latvian;Korean;Malay;Polish;Brazilian Portuguese;European Portuguese;Romanian;Russian;European Spanish;Latin American Spanish;Swedish;Turkish
Anti-Harassment Training (New York City and State - Supervisor and Manager)vectorsolutions60Sexual harassment is a constant presence in America's workplaces. To prevent harassment, we need to understand it. For many people, sexual harassment is an emotionally-charged topic loaded with confusion and uncertainty.

This interactive online course is designed to provide a comprehensive explanation of what sexual harassment is, how it can occur in the workplace, current legal positions, and how management can maintain a harassment-free workplace.

Some of the topics that will be covered in this course include: behaviors that constitute sexual harassment, the different types of harassment including abusive conduct, what constitutes a hostile work environment, and how to handle complaints. If you are a manager in New York this course includes specific references to New York requirements regarding Sexual Harassment reporting. This course is designed to be compliant with New York standards.

This course is specifically for managers and supervisors that are currently working or have the potential to work in New York State and New York City.
American EnglishArabic;Chinese (Simplified);Chinese (Traditional);Danish;Dutch;Estonian;American English;European French;Canadian French;German;Hindi;Italian;Indonesian;Japanese;Latvian;Korean;Malay;Polish;Brazilian Portuguese;European Portuguese;Romanian;Russian;European Spanish;Latin American Spanish;Swedish;Turkish
Anti-Harassment Training for All Employees (New York City and State - Employee)vectorsolutions90Recent news stories of the implications of workplace harassment has awakened the nation to a pervasive problem. What we have learned is that harassment comes in many forms. Through real life scenarios, this interactive course will illustrate to all staff members how to recognize inappropriate behavior such as sexual harassment, bullying, and gender discrimination as well as acceptable ways to address and report unwelcomed conduct. This training, combined with your company's policies and commitment to combat all forms of workplace harassment, meets the training requirements for all of New York, including New York City.American EnglishArabic;Chinese (Simplified);Chinese (Traditional);Danish;Dutch;Estonian;American English;European French;Canadian French;German;Hindi;Italian;Indonesian;Japanese;Latvian;Korean;Malay;Polish;Brazilian Portuguese;European Portuguese;Romanian;Russian;European Spanish;Latin American Spanish;Swedish;Turkish
Workplace Harassment (US - Office - Multi-State - 50-Minute)Syntrio50Given continued challenges with disrespectful conduct in the workplace, this training focuses on sexual and other harassing conduct. Through scenarios, it addresses the importance of respectful conduct toward coworkers and benefits that preventing and addressing harassment and discrimination can provide. The training focuses on the ways that individuals are subject to or engage in questionable conduct and the harm this causes to a workplace culture. It also presents ways that everyone can raise concerns or otherwise address this conduct in a responsible manner. It includes exercises to promote learning and skill building for recognizing and responding to improper behaviors and supporting a workplace that promotes respectful conduct. This version is designed for managers and non-managers New York, Illinois, Delaware, Maine, Washington and all other states without general harassment training requirements. This course allows learners to select American English or Latin American Spanish.American English;Latin American Spanish
Workplace Harassment (US - Office - Multi-State - 120-Minute)Syntrio120Given continued challenges with disrespectful conduct in the workplace, this training focuses on sexual and other harassing conduct. Through scenarios, it addresses the importance of respectful conduct toward coworkers and benefits that preventing and addressing harassment and discrimination can provide. The training focuses on the ways that individuals are subject to or engage in questionable conduct and the harm this causes to a workplace culture. It also presents ways that everyone can raise concerns or otherwise address this conduct in a responsible manner. It includes exercises to promote learning and skill building for recognizing and responding to improper behaviors and supporting a workplace that promotes respectful conduct. This version is designed for managers and non-managers in California, Connecticut, New York, Illinois (including Chicago), Delaware, Maine, Washington and all other states. This course allows learners to select American English or Latin American Spanish.American English;Latin American Spanish
Workplace Harassment (US - Office - Multi-State - 60-Minute)Syntrio60Given continued challenges with disrespectful conduct in the workplace, this training focuses on sexual and other harassing conduct. Through scenarios, it addresses the importance of respectful conduct toward coworkers and benefits that preventing and addressing harassment and discrimination can provide. The training focuses on the ways that individuals are subject to or engage in questionable conduct and the harm this causes to a workplace culture. It also presents ways that everyone can raise concerns or otherwise address this conduct in a responsible manner. It includes exercises to promote learning and skill building for recognizing and responding to improper behaviors and supporting a workplace that promotes respectful conduct. This version is designed for non-managers in California and Chicago and managers and non-managers New York, Illinois, Delaware, Maine, Washington and all other states without general harassment training requirements. This course allows learners to select American English or Latin American Spanish.American English;Latin American Spanish
Prevención de la violencia en el centro de trabajo (Empleado) [Preventing Workplace Violence (Employee) (Latin American Spanish)]Syntrio45Este curso describe los tipos comunes de violencia en el centro de trabajo y los factores de riesgo que provocan situaciones de violencia en el trabajo. El mismo describe las señales de advertencia de posibles situaciones de violencia, las técnicas para apaciguar dichas situaciones y qué hacer en una situación de violencia. Además, describe los pasos fundamentales a seguir en respuesta a una situación con un tirador activo u otra situación de violencia activa. Para empleados.

Este curso respalda los requisitos de conocimiento general, pero no los requisitos específicos de la empresa para el cumplimiento de CA SB 553 y la Sección 6401.9 con respecto a la capacitación sobre violencia en el lugar de trabajo.

This course describes the common types of violence in the workplace and the risk factors that lead to situations of violence at work. It describes the warning signs of possible situations of violence, techniques to de-escalate such situations, and what to do in a situation of violence. Additionally, it outlines the critical steps to take in response to an active shooter situation or other active violence situation. For employees.

This course supports the general knowledge requirements but not the company-specific requirements for compliance with California Senate Bill 553 and Section 6401.9 regarding training on workplace violence.
Latin American Spanish
Prevención de la violencia en el centro de trabajo (Gerente) [Preventing Workplace Violence (Manager) (Latin American Spanish)]Syntrio30Este curso describe los tipos comunes de violencia en el centro de trabajo y los factores de riesgo que provocan situaciones de violencia en el trabajo. El mismo describe las señales de advertencia de posibles situaciones de violencia, las técnicas para apaciguar dichas situaciones y qué hacer en una situación de violencia. Además, describe los pasos fundamentales a seguir en respuesta a una situación con un tirador activo u otra situación de violencia activa. Para gerentes.

Este curso respalda los requisitos de conocimiento general, pero no los requisitos específicos de la empresa para el cumplimiento de CA SB 553 y la Sección 6401.9 con respecto a la capacitación sobre violencia en el lugar de trabajo.

This course describes the common types of violence in the workplace and the risk factors that lead to situations of violence at work. It describes the warning signs of possible situations of violence, techniques to de-escalate such situations, and what to do in a situation of violence. Additionally, it outlines the critical steps to take in response to an active shooter situation or other active violence situation. For managers.

This course supports the general knowledge requirements but not the company-specific requirements for compliance with California Senate Bill 553 and Section 6401.9 regarding training on workplace violence.

Latin American Spanish
Prevención de la violencia en el centro de trabajo en California [Preventing Workplace Violence in California (Latin American Spanish)]Syntrio23La violencia en el centro de trabajo es una preocupación grave. Mitigarla es importante para nuestra organización. Este curso define y proporciona ejemplos de violencia en el centro de trabajo. Detalla señales de advertencia para cuatro tipos comunes y técnicas de reducción e intervención de observadores positivas y seguras. Describe los componentes de un plan de prevención de la violencia en el centro de trabajo. Duración: 23 minutos

Violence in the workplace is a serious concern. Mitigating it is important for our organization. This course defines and provides examples of violence in the workplace. It details warning signs for four common types and positive, safe de-escalation and bystander intervention techniques. It describes the components of a workplace violence prevention plan. Duration: 23 minutes
Latin American Spanish
Violence in the Workplace (15 mins)vectorsolutions15Every year in the U.S., there are an estimated 2 million reported cases of workplace violence. NIOSH defines workplace violence as any act or threat of physical violence, harassment, or intimidation that occurs in the workplace. It can be instigated by criminals, customers, co-workers, or someone you have a personal relationship with. This course covers the consequences of workplace violence and describe how to recognize warning signs so you and your coworkers can avoid these dangerous situations.

This course supports the general knowledge requirements but not the company-specific requirements for compliance with California Senate Bill 553 and Section 6401.9 regarding training on workplace violence.
American EnglishArabic;Chinese (Simplified);Chinese (Traditional);Danish;Dutch;Estonian;American English;European French;Canadian French;German;Hindi;Italian;Indonesian;Japanese;Latvian;Korean;Malay;Polish;Brazilian Portuguese;European Portuguese;Romanian;Russian;European Spanish;Latin American Spanish;Swedish;Turkish
Preventing Workplace Violence (Manager)Syntrio30Protect your employees from violence by introducing safe workplace policies and procedures and knowing how to spot and react to the warning signs of volatile behavior. In this course, you will learn how to identify and diffuse a potentially violent situation and the steps you can take to protect yourself and others. You will also gain tips on how to assess the risk factors in your workplace, and learn about the various safeguards your workplace policies and procedures should include. Lastly, you'll learn the proper procedure for reporting an incident of workplace violence.

This course supports the general knowledge requirements but not the company-specific requirements for compliance with California Senate Bill 553 and Section 6401.9 regarding training on workplace violence.
American English
Violence in the Workplace: Overviewvivid5In this course, we'll teach awareness of workplace violence, how it's defined, and the steps employees can take to prevent violent outbreaks among coemployees.

You'll learn about the four recognized types of perpetrators of workplace violence. We'll discuss OSHA recommendations for adhering to your company guidelines about dealing with violence and recommended procedures to increase your safety when confronted with violent people.

Both employees and company management have responsibilities related to violent behavior in the workplace. This course will help you understand those responsibilities. You'll also learn how to react if you encounter violence personally or observe a violent encounter at work.

This course supports the general knowledge requirements but not the company-specific requirements for compliance with California Senate Bill 553 and Section 6401.9 regarding training on workplace violence.
American English
Violence in the Workplace (30 mins)vivid30This course teaches awareness of workplace violence, how it is defined, and the steps managers and employees can take to prevent violent outbreaks among coworkers. You'll learn about the four recognized types of perpetrators of workplace violence. We'll discuss OSHA recommendations for adhering to your company guidelines on dealing with violence and recommended procedures to increase your safety when confronted with violent people.

Both employees and managers have responsibilities related to violent behavior in the workplace. We'll help you understand those responsibilities; we'll also teach you how to react when you encounter violence personally or observe a violent encounter at work.

This course supports the general knowledge requirements but not the company-specific requirements for compliance with California Senate Bill 553 and Section 6401.9 regarding training on workplace violence.
American English
Workplace Violence Prevention in CaliforniaSyntrio23Violence in the workplace is a serious concern. Mitigating it is important to our organization. This course defines and provides examples of workplace violence. It details warning signs for four common types and positive and safe bystander intervention and de-escalation techniques. It describes the components of a workplace violence prevention plan.English
Workplace Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: IntroductionSyntrio35Diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace benefit organizations, their employees, and those they serve. Each of these efforts is essential to build and sustain a workplace culture that attracts individuals with different characteristics and backgrounds, provides them with the resources to help them fulfill their potential and involves them in the organization’s activities so all benefit from diverse perspectives. Combined, these efforts strengthen the organization’s efforts to pursue its mission and achieve other goals. This course addresses how individuals can encourage greater diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace.American English

Workplace Safety

Course TitleCourse PublisherCourse Length (mins)Course DescriptionCourse Text LanguagesSubtitle Languages
Cold Stressvivid15Prepare to work in cold conditions by increasing your awareness of the signs and symptoms of cold stress, which includes hypothermia and frostbite. In this course, we'll review the most common forms of cold stress so you can easily identify them. In particular, you'll learn the signs and symptoms of hypothermia, frostbite, trench foot, and chilblains. You'll also learn about safe work practices to prevent cold stresses and discover how to respond in the event of a cold injury.

Upon successful completion of this course, you'll know the different forms of cold stress as well as how to prevent and treat them.
American English
Construction: Fall Protectionvivid40This course provides essential safety training on fall hazards and fall protection, preparing construction employees to work safely on elevated sites. In this course, you'll learn about the four types of hazards related to falls: falls, electrical hazards, caught-in hazards, and struck-by hazards. The course also provides an illuminating discussion on fall dynamics, explaining how even short falls can result in serious injury. Next, you'll learn about the different types of fall protection systems, body support devices, fall restraint, and arrest systems available to ensure your safety.

Upon successful completion of this course, you'll be ready to work safer by adhering to workplace safety standards and requirements regarding fall protection. We'll review your employer's responsibilities regarding your health and safety, as well as your own.
American English
Electrical Safety: General Awarenessvivid17We’ve come to depend on electricity in nearly every aspect of our lives, which is why it’s more important than ever to use safe practices to prevent electrical accidents – which can be fatal – from happening. Designed for employees who use electricity or work near electrical sources, this course provides you with the knowledge you need to prevent electrical accidents in the workplace or at home.

In this course, you'll learn the basics of how electricity works, the primary hazards associated with electricity, safety controls and practices to prevent electrical accidents, and how to respond to electrical emergencies including shock or fire.
American English
Emergency and Fire Preparednessvivid25This course creates awareness about the dangers of fire and other emergencies, provides an overview of the requirements for emergency action and fire prevention plans, and touches on best practices for responding to alarms and practicing preparedness through drills. This course does not cover how to prepare for hazardous waste material emergencies or responses such as cleanup.American English
Flammable Liquid Safetyvivid10Designed for employees who regularly use flammable liquids as part of their responsibilities, this course provides a deeper understanding of potential hazards involved in their use. When not used properly, flammable liquids such as gasoline and other fuels, as well as certain cleaners and solvents, can result in hazards like fire, explosion, and contamination resulting in health issues. The major sections in this course cover the definitions and terms related to flammable liquids, hazard recognition, safety requirements, storage, flashpoint protection, and the necessity for inventory inspections.

Successful completion of this course helps employees understand the dangers and consequences of improper use of flammable liquids. Learning safe procedures for using and storing them helps to keep everyone in the workplace safe. The course satisfies the requirements of OSHA 29 CFR 1910.106 Flammable and Combustible Liquids.
American English
Heat Stressvivid15Working in an overly hot environment can cause a range of illnesses and injuries. This course shows you how to identify, prevent, and treat heat stress. We'll review the different types of heat stress, including heat cramps, syncope, heat rashes, heat stroke, and heat exhaustion. Then, you'll learn about the causes, symptoms, and effective treatment of each one. We'll also provide general guidelines for preventing heat stress, such as using daily heat index values to gauge risk and wearing appropriate clothing.

Upon successful completion of this course, employees will know how to identify, prevent, and treat heat stress to ensure their on-the-job safety.
American English
Industrial Ergonomicsvivid22The goal of ergonomics is to protect employees by eliminating the factors that cause Cumulative Trauma Disorders (CTDs). In this course, you’ll learn about the common types of CTDs, the workplace tasks that contribute to them, and what to do if you start experiencing symptoms. You’ll also discover the ten principles of ergonomics and how to “fit the workplace to the employee” using long-term methods. This course also includes important information from OSHA to help promote a healthier work environment.

Upon successful completion of this course, you'll know how to improve the ergonomics of your work environment, creating a more comfortable, productive workspace for yourself and your coworkers.
American English
Site Security: Introductionvivid6This course will teach you about the importance of site security, the guidelines and controls your company can put in place to create a secure workplace, and your responsibilities in maintaining site security in your workplace.American English
Fire Extinguisher SafetySyntrio45Safeguard your workforce by knowing the basics of fire prevention and what to do in the case of a fire emergency. In this course, you will learn the most common causes of fire and how to quickly assess the stage of a fire to determine the appropriate action to take. You'll also learn how and when to use a fire extinguisher, and when to evacuate instead. By the end of this course, you will have deepened your understanding of your company's fire safety policy and its role in workplace fire prevention.American English
Ladder SafetySyntrio45Ladders are valuable tools, but they also put you at risk for potentially serious injuries. This training course highlights the dangers of ladder use and outlines key safety practices. We'll discuss common types of portable ladders and how to select the appropriate ladder for your task. You will also learn how to inspect portable ladders, set them up safely and securely, and follow safe-use standards and procedures.American English
Office ErgonomicsOpenMind10When you sit at a desk all day for work, tension can build in your neck, shoulders, and back before you feel the physical effects. Even the laptop you use may contribute to the fatigue you feel at the end of the day. Improving the ergonomics of your workstation doesn’t have to be expensive, and several common challenges can be addressed with minor adjustments of your desk, chair, and computer setup. Incorporating movement and small changes to your workstation can increase your comfort, boost productivity, and help you focus while relieving the aches and pains associated with sedentary work.American EnglishArabic, Chinese (Simplified), American English, European French, German, Italian, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, Latin American Spanish
Estrés por calor (Heat Stress)vivid25Crear concientización para los empleados acerca del estrés por calor que puede producirse en el lugar de trabajo, incluidos cuál es este estrés, cómo identificarlo, cómo puede afectar la salud y la seguridad de un trabajador y cómo evitar las condiciones de estrés por calor.Latin American Spanish
Lockout/Tagout (LOTO)vivid20The goal of this lesson is to provide awareness level training for all employees about the existence of hazardous energy sources; the isolation of those energy sources during certain maintenance and repair activities; and the communication and control procedures that limit access to those energy sources through the use of tags and locks.American English
EPP: Protección respiratoria (PPE: Respiratory Protection)vivid8El propósito de esta lección es brindarles a los trabajadores conocimientos y habilidades de alto nivel sobre el EPP para la respiración, tal como lo requieren comúnmente las entidades reguladoras.

(Protección respiratoria)
Latin American Spanish
Food Safety for Food Handlersvivid65Master the food safety fundamentals for preventing dangerous foodborne illnesses. This food handler training course covers best practices for ensuring food is adequately cooked and preventing contamination and bacteria growth.

In the course, you’ll learn all about proper thermometer use, including calibration, temperatures, timing, placement, and cleaning. We will then outline how to prevent food contamination during receiving and storage, preparation and service, and from the environment and people. Finally, we’ll discuss the temperature danger zone and steps for keeping bacteria from multiplying in potentially hazardous foods.

This course is presented with engaging content and interactivity for a user-friendly learning experience. After completing the course, you'll be ready to take the right measures to ensure the food you serve is safe.
American English
Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG): The LNG Value Chainvectorsolutions60The LNG (liquefied natural gas) value chain comprises a complex set of activities, all of which are capital intensive and require specialized knowledge in order to execute successfully. This interactive online course discusses the main stages of the LNG value chain – liquefaction, shipping and regasification and identifies the technologies used in these processes. Various LNG project structures and some basics of LNG measurement will be covered as well.
The information in this course on the LNG value chain is designed to provide you with the foundation to develop a successful LNG project.
American EnglishArabic, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Danish, Dutch, Estonian, American English, European French, Canadian French, German, Hindi, Italian, Indonesian, Japanese, Latvian, Korean, Malay, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, European Spanish, Latin American Spanish, Swedish, Turkish
Peligros de la sílice (Silica Hazards)vivid24Esta lección ha sido diseñada para mejorar la seguridad de los trabajadores en entornos donde existen riesgos de exposición a la sílice al aumentar la conciencia de los empleados sobre este peligro y demostrar cómo se puede reconocer y abordar el peligro en el lugar de trabajo.Latin American Spanish
Seguridad alimentaria para empleados del sector alimenticio (Food Safety for Food Handlers)vivid65Todos los empleados que trabajen con alimentos y tengan responsabilidades de cocina.Latin American Spanish
Seguridad de las herramientas manuales y motorizadas (Hand and Power Tools)vivid20El propósito de este curso es capacitar a los empleados cuyo trabajo incluye el uso de herramientas motorizadas manuales y portátiles para reconocer los posibles riesgos relacionados con el uso de estas herramientas’ y demostrar los procedimientos adecuados que les permitan evitar los accidentes en el lugar de trabajo. Las herramientas abarcadas incluyen herramientas manuales, eléctricas, neumáticas, de combustible, accionadas por pólvora y de muela abrasiva.Latin American Spanish
Seguridad de las plataformas aéreas y de tijera (Aerial and Scissor Lift Safety)vivid20El objetivo de este curso es permitir a los alumnos identificar los tipos básicos de las plataformas aéreas y de tijera y los riesgos relacionados con su uso, así como sus criterios de inspección y las prácticas de seguridad en el trabajo relacionadas con la operación de las plataformas aéreas.Latin American Spanish
Seguridad de los extinguidores portátiles (Portable Fire Extinguisher Safety)vivid24The goal of this course is to help the learner understand the limitations of a fire extinguisher and how to successfully operate one to extinguish a fire. While this lesson will help companies comply with OSHA regulations, the intent of the lesson is to be part of an overall training program and cover the safety procedures and best practices for operating portable fire extinguishers.

(Latin American Spanish)
Latin American Spanish
Silica Hazardsvivid20This course is designed to improve the safety of workers in environments where silica exposure hazards exist by increasing employee awareness of this hazard and by demonstrating how the hazard can be recognized and addressed in the workplace.American English
Peligros de las escaleras (Stairway Hazards)vivid22Aprenderá a reconocer los tipos de escaleras que puede encontrar en su lugar de trabajo, los peligros asociados con las escaleras y cómo minimizar el riesgo de lesiones al usarlas.Latin American Spanish
Alert Drivingvectorsolutions15Understanding the importance of being an alert driver can mean the difference between life and death. Learn how to observe conditions around you, anticipate hazardous situations, and react to avoid hazards with our Alert Driving course. This course discusses driving at safe speeds, the dangers of driving while impaired, and illustrates how to increase your reaction time by following the two-second rule. Alert driving is a fundamental element of safe, defensive driving techniques.American EnglishArabic, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Danish, Dutch, Estonian, American English, European French, Canadian French, German, Hindi, Italian, Indonesian, Japanese, Latvian, Korean, Malay, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, European Spanish, Latin American Spanish, Swedish, Turkish
Asbestos Hazard Awarenessvivid20The purpose of this course is to increase awareness of asbestos hazards to help minimize employee exposure and risk of acquiring an asbestos-related disease, which therefore contributes to employee workplace safety. Completion of this course alone does not meet the intent of applicable regulations nor qualify an employee to collect samples or perform abatement activities.American English
Back Safety and Injury Preventionvivid20The purpose of this lesson is to familiarize individuals who have physically demanding jobs (e.g. manufacturing, warehouse, hospitality, and trade workers) with the principles of back safety and injury prevention in order to help them reduce or prevent work-related back injuries. There are many reasons for employers to be proactive in reducing worker injuries, which may account for lost time, decreased productivity, and a lower quality of work.American English
Backing Vehicles Safelyvubiz30Learn safe backing techniques applicable to all types of vehicles, as well as best practices for specific types of vehicles and work situations.American English
Behavior Based Safety (BBS)vivid21Implementing a Behavior-Based Safety (BBS) program can improve your work environment in a number of different ways. In this course, we'll explain how behavior-based safety works and why it matters. Next, we'll outline a six-step process that will help you implement your safety program successfully. Finally, we'll provide a practical case study to help you understand how your new knowledge can be applied to a real-life situation. Upon successful completion of this course, you'll know how to design and implement a behavior-based safety program to help minimize the risk of workplace injuries and promote a safer work environment for all.American English
Benzene: Safe Handling and Storagevectorsolutions60This course will review the information required to safely handle benzene. Benzene is a flammable organic liquid that is classed as a potential human carcinogen. Training will discuss the production and use of benzene in manufacturing processes. The applicable regulatory requirements will be reviewed. The physical and chemical properties will be covered to help ensure safe handling practices. Potential exposure mechanisms, symptoms of exposure, and the use of personal protective equipment are topics for consideration. The requirement for storage, handling, and transportation of benzene will be included in the training.
American EnglishArabic;Chinese (Simplified);Chinese (Traditional);Danish;Dutch;American English;Estonian;Canadian French;European French;German;Hindi;Indonesian;Italian;Japanese;Korean;Latvian;Malay;Polish;Brazilian Portuguese;European Portuguese;Romanian;Russian;European Spanish;Latin American Spanish;Swedish;Turkish;Vietnamese;Thai;Czech;Hungarian;Tagalog
Biosafety: Introductionvivid20This course provides an introduction to biological safety and procedures to follow to minimize the risks associated with accidental and occupational exposure.American English
Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP)vivid20This course shows you how to take proper precautions to prevent contact with and infection from bloodborne pathogens (BBP), and the steps to take after potential exposure to BBP. Bloodborne pathogens such as HIV, HBV and others can pose a serious health threat to employees in a wide range of occupations. This course includes important information from OSHA's Bloodborne Pathogen standard to equip workers with general prevention practices to prevent exposure and transmission of BBP. You will learn the requirements of an exposure control plan and your responsibilities as an employee when you encounter a blood spill.

This OSHA-compliant course provides essential safety training for employees to prevent and reduce exposure to BBP.
American English
Bloqueo etiquetado (Lockout/Tagout)vivid25Bloqueo/etiquetado le proporciona contexto sobre qué es el bloqueo/etiquetado y le enseñará cómo protegerse usted (como trabajador afectado) y a los trabajadores autorizados que realizan este procedimiento. Esta lección cubre los tipos de energía peligrosa contenida en equipos y maquinaria, cómo reconocer cuándo se está llevando a cabo un procedimiento de bloqueo y los procedimientos de seguridad que los trabajadores afectados deben seguir cuando ocurre el bloqueo/etiquetado en su espacio de trabajo.Latin American Spanish
Chemical Hazard CommunicationSyntrio40OSHA’s Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) requires employees to be provided with information on the chemicals and chemical hazards they are exposed to. This information must be provided through Safety Data Sheets (SDSs), container labels, and appropriate training. This course provides an overview of the hazards associated with chemical substances and mixtures, information on chemical container labeling standards and SDS formats, and safe work procedures to minimize the risk of harmful chemical exposures in the workplace.American English
Chemical Safetyvivid20Many workplace chemicals can cause severe injuries if handled incorrectly. In this course, we will explain how to protect yourself from exposure to hazardous chemicals. You will learn how to recognize hazards using the manufacturer’s label and the 9 pictograms standardized under the Globally Harmonized System (GHS). Next, we will explain conditions that can increase your risk of exposure and factors that affect a chemical’s toxicity. Then, we will discuss how to transport, store and dispose of chemicals safely on the job. Finally, you will learn the steps to take to protect yourself and your coworkers once a hazard has been detected, and what to do in case of emergencies, like personal contamination.

After successful completion of this course, you will be prepared to identify and work with hazardous chemicals in a safe and responsible manner, and respond effectively to exposure incidents.
American English
Comportamientos de conducción segura para vehículos comerciales [Safe Driving Behaviors for Commercial Motor Vehicles (CMV)]vivid35Permitir a los conductores de vehículo comerciales reconocer e identificar comportamientos de conducción no deseados y condiciones peligrosas, y minimizar el riesgo de accidentes.Latin American Spanish
Compressed Gas Safetyvivid21This OSHA-compliant course teaches learners how to minimize or prevent hazards associated with compressed gas cylinders. To begin, you'll learn about the main components of a compressed gas cylinder and the serious dangers they can pose to employees. Next, we'll discuss the safety precautions you should take before, during and after working with compressed gas cylinders, including when to inspect or restrict your lines, piping, and fittings. Finally, we'll explain how to move and store your gas cylinders safely.

This course provides essential information on how to safely use, transport, and store compressed gas cylinders to prevent workplace accidents and injuries.
American English
Comunicación de Riesgos: Actualización de GHS (Hazard Communication)vivid45El objetivo de esta lección es que los empleados reconozcan y entiendan los elementos obligatorios del programa escrito de comunicación de riesgos de su empresa, entre ellos, cómo identificar y evaluar los riesgos químicos mediante la clasificación internacional, los elementos de la etiqueta y las hojas de datos de seguridad del SGA. Esta lección no aborda el uso de etiquetas, señalizadores ni otros métodos de comunicación que son específicos del empleador o las instalaciones y que no se incluyen aquí.Latin American Spanish
Contractor Safetyvubiz60This module provides you with a brief overview of the roles and responsibilities when dealing with contractors or service providers. Safety rules must be observed by all contractors. The safety rules, standards and company policies must be followed by all contractors. This module provides clear definitions, and outlines roles and responsibilities concerning all contractor activities.American English
Crane and Hoist Rigging Safetyvectorsolutions32Definition of rigging and slings, importance of safe rigging, load considerations, types of slings, types of sling hitches, safe rigging practices, and commonly required personal protective equipment (PPE).American EnglishArabic, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Danish, Dutch, Estonian, American English, European French, Canadian French, German, Hindi, Italian, Indonesian, Japanese, Latvian, Korean, Malay, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, European Spanish, Latin American Spanish, Swedish, Turkish
Dangers of Distracted Drivingvectorsolutions15Driver distraction has become a serious problem, and unfortunately, seems to be increasing. Think about the last time you drove or rode in a car. Did you notice other distracted drivers? Or, were you distracted while driving? Even though most people know distracted driving is risky, they still become distracted while they drive. This course will describe why distracted driving is risky and identify strategies to reduce distracted driving.American EnglishArabic, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Danish, Dutch, Estonian, American English, European French, Canadian French, German, Hindi, Italian, Indonesian, Japanese, Latvian, Korean, Malay, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, European Spanish, Latin American Spanish, Swedish, Turkish
Defensive DrivingSyntrio45Learning to drive defensively is the best protection against becoming involved in a potentially life-threatening accident. By understanding and adhering to the safety tactics and practices, employees will be better prepared to protect themselves and their passengers. After taking this course, employees will be able to prepare a vehicle for operation, avoid distractions in a motor vehicle, develop five defensive driving tactics and practices, identify five potential accident situations, and avoid aggressive driving behavior and aggressive drivers.American English
Descripción general de la orientación sobre seguridad para empleados (Employee Safety Orientation: Overview)vivid12En esta lección le informa sobre la importancia de seguir prácticas seguras en el lugar de trabajo. Además, se cubren algunas medidas preventivas que lo protegerán de los peligros y cómo responder en caso de emergencia.

(Información general)
Latin American Spanish
DOT Driver Wellnessvectorsolutions30The U.S. DOT requires interstate CMV drivers with less than one year of experience and a required CDL to receive training on four topics, one of which is Driver Wellness. Driving a large truck in traffic with a tight schedule is a stressful job, which is why it is critical for these drivers to take care of themselves mentally and physically. This course discusses ways that CMV drivers can pursue and maintain wellness in order to pass the DOT physical exam, stay safe on the job, and live a long healthy life. It discusses the importance of sleep, key measures of health (blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and weight), alcohol and drug use, and stress management.American EnglishArabic, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Danish, Dutch, Estonian, American English, European French, Canadian French, German, Hindi, Italian, Indonesian, Japanese, Latvian, Korean, Malay, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, European Spanish, Latin American Spanish, Swedish, Turkish
Driver Safetyvivid20Reckless driving habits not only put you in danger, they also endanger all the people around you. In this course, we will outline how to become a safer driver. To begin, you will learn about the common causes of vehicle crashes and simple methods you can use to avoid them. Next, we will explain the importance of performing regular maintenance on your vehicle and highlight some key items that should be stored in your car emergency kit. Then, we will discuss how to adjust your driving to external conditions like inclement weather, and how to respond effectively to crashes and breakdowns. Finally, you will learn about the benefits of driving with a defensive mindset.

By the end of this OSHA-compliant course, you will know how to minimize road hazards while driving and stay prepared in case of emergencies.
American English
Driver Safety: Overviewvivid6This course familiarizes employees who drive as part of their work with the hazards of driving and methods that will protect them from potential driving crashes.

NOTE: This course is not intended to cover driving requirements associated with commercial motor vehicles (CMVs) or the use of a commercial driver’s license (CDL). This course does not address safety concerns associated with the use of off-road (ATV) vehicles, motorcycles, towing a trailer, or load securement while hauling equipment such as in the bed of a pickup truck.
American English
Electrical Safety AwarenessSyntrio30Electrocution is the fifth leading cause of workplace fatalities. Recognizing and understanding the nature of electrical hazards and taking proper precautions to prevent related injuries can be a matter of life or death.

This course presents an overview of electrical energy, the hazards of systems operating at 50-600 volts, and workplace practices to prevent injuries, fires, and arc flashes. This course is not designed for individuals working on higher voltage systems.
American English
Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA)vivid30Is your facility meeting Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) requirements? This training course is designed to familiarize you with the EPCRA and its key regulations. To begin, we’ll review the origin, goals, and 4 major areas and listed chemicals of the EPCRA. Next, we will cover how to determine EPCRA applicability requirements for your facility. Finally, you’ll learn general requirements for emergency planning, emergency release notification, Safety Data Sheet submissions, chemical inventory reporting (Tier II), and toxic chemical release reporting (Form R).

This course is presented with detailed instruction and user interactivity for an engaging learning experience. By the end of the course, you will have a clear understanding of EPCRA requirements and how they apply to your facility.
American English
Employee Safety Orientationvivid23This course will inform you of the importance of following safe practices in the workplace. Additionally, it covers some preventative measures that will protect you from hazards and how to respond if an emergency should occur.American English
Environmental Management Fundamentalsvivid20Upon completion of this lesson, the student will be able to identify waste management concepts, the hazards of environmental waste, the regulations in place to manage waste reduction and waste generation, and actions to take if a spill or release of hazardous material occurs.American English
EPP: Equipo de protección personal (PPE: Personal Protective Equipment)vivid10Cuando las prácticas de seguridad en el trabajo y los controles administrativos y de ingeniería no son suficientes para proteger contra los riesgos del lugar de trabajo, los empleadores deben proporcionar equipo de protección personal (EPP) a sus empleados y asegurarse de que éstos lo utilicen. En este curso, aprenderá lo siguiente: qué es el EPP, por qué se utiliza, cómo lo protege contra riesgos específicos y cómo identificar, seleccionar, mantener, inspeccionar y utilizar el EPP.Latin American Spanish
Ergonomics for Industrial Environmentsvectorsolutions30Every year, hundreds of thousands of workers are diagnosed with MSDs (musculoskeletal disorders). Understanding how to recognize and reduce the stress on your body from your daily work environment will help greatly reduce the likelihood of developing an MSD. This course discusses MSD prevention techniques in industrial environments, including engineering and administrative controls as well as motion-based, physical, environmental, and psychological risk factors associated with MSDs. Following the tips and guidelines illustrated in this course will reduce your chances of suffering from an MSD and help you have a healthy, productive work experience.American EnglishArabic, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Danish, Dutch, Estonian, American English, European French, Canadian French, German, Hindi, Italian, Indonesian, Japanese, Latvian, Korean, Malay, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, European Spanish, Latin American Spanish, Swedish, Turkish
Espacios Confinados (Confined Spaces)vivid20Educar a todos los empleados del sector general sobre la existencia de espacios confinados, el tipo de condiciones peligrosas que pueden existir y los requisitos básicos para el ingreso a espacios confinados que requieren permiso.Latin American Spanish
Explosive and Flammable Chemicalsvectorsolutions60A review of the U.S. Chemical Safety Board's website shows a running scroll of chemical accidents in the news. Almost on a daily basis, there is a listing for a fire or explosion at an industrial site and many of these accidents are due to an explosive or flammable chemical. While production and use of these types of chemicals are essential to many industries, it is vital that they are handled properly to prevent the loss of life, property damage, or evacuations of nearby communities. Through this interactive, online course, a foundation for recognizing the classification of explosive or flammable chemicals will be provided. In addition, safe work practices for the storage and use of these chemicals will be presented.American EnglishArabic, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Danish, Dutch, Estonian, American English, European French, Canadian French, German, Hindi, Italian, Indonesian, Japanese, Latvian, Korean, Malay, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, European Spanish, Latin American Spanish, Swedish, Turkish
First Aid: Environmental Emergenciesvivid15Focusing on environmental emergencies, this course will help you identify and respond to poisoning and chemical splashes, hot and cold emergencies, as well as animal and insect bites and stings. Beginning with indoor emergencies, you’ll learn to recognize the signs and symptoms of poisoning. You’ll review critical information about reading chemical labels and warnings, when to call emergency medical services, what to do while you wait for medical help to arrive, and what you should avoid doing to prevent further harm. For outdoor emergencies, you’ll learn how to treat animal and insect bites and stings before moving on to explore a range of weather-related problems, focusing specifically on identifying and appropriately responding to heat exhaustion, frost-bite, and hyperthermia.

Featuring clear, easy-to-understand instructions, this course will help prepare you to respond to common environmental emergencies.
American English
First Aid: Initial Stepsvectorsolutions32It’s not always clear what to do in a situation that requires first aid. Especially if it’s an emergency situation. This course spells it out, providing guidelines for what to do in an emergency first aid situation, and the order in which to do them. The course introduces a method called “DR. ABC” that stands for looking for danger before responding; checking to see if the victim is responsive; checking to see if the victim’s airway is clear; checking to see if the victim is breathing; and checking to see if the victim’s circulatory system is working. This course also explains the purpose (and limits) of emergency first aid, and the importance of summoning emergency medical assistance. Finally, it provides some general legal information about providing first aid.American EnglishArabic, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Danish, Dutch, Estonian, American English, European French, Canadian French, German, Hindi, Italian, Indonesian, Japanese, Latvian, Korean, Malay, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, European Spanish, Latin American Spanish, Swedish, Turkish
First Aid: Medical Emergenciesvivid15This course is designed to help prepare you to respond appropriately to a range of medical emergencies including heart attacks, asthma attacks, blood sugar emergencies, and strokes. Beginning with respiratory distress, you’ll learn about the symptoms and appropriate response to heart attack and cardiac arrest. Next, you’ll learn about asthma and anaphylaxis, before moving on to the symptoms and appropriate response to diabetic emergencies. The course then discusses how to care for someone suffering from a seizure, and provides tips on what to do if you feel faint or if someone else faints.

Featuring clear, easy-to-understand instructions, this course will improve your ability to respond to a range of medical emergencies by providing critical care until professional medical help arrives.
American English
Forklifts: 01. Fundamentalsvivid15This course is the first in a five-course series, designed to provide employees with an awareness of the federal safety regulations for operating a forklift. The five-course series fulfills the formal-instruction portion of forklift operator certification training, and is designed to precede practical operator training and site-specific training. The regulations for operating a forklift, also referred to as a powered industrial truck, are outlined in 29 CFR 1910. This course presents some fundamental information about operating a forklift, including the differences between driving a forklift and driving a car, the most common hazards associated with operating a forklift, and the training requirements to operate a forklift.

Courses in this series:

Forklifts: 01. Fundamentals
Forklifts: 02. Stability and Capacity
Forklifts: 03. Load Handling
Forklifts: 04. Safe Driving
Forklifts: 05. Inspection and Maintenance
American English
Forklifts: 02. Stability and Capacityvivid20This course is the second in a five-course series designed to provide employees with an awareness of the federal safety regulations for operating a forklift. The series serves as the formal instruction component of forklift operator training, and generally precedes hands-on operator training and site-specific training. The regulations for operating forklifts are outlined in 29 CFR 1910. This course will define key forklift stability concepts, explain how to calculate a forklift's capacity, and describe stability factors and guidelines.

Courses in this series:

Forklifts: 01. Fundamentals
Forklifts: 02. Stability and Capacity
Forklifts: 03. Load Handling
Forklifts: 04. Safe Driving
Forklifts: 05. Inspection and Maintenance
American English
Forklifts: 03. Load Handlingvivid15This course is the third in a five-course series designed to provide employees with an awareness of the federal safety regulations for operating a forklift. The series serves as the formal instruction component of forklift operator training, and generally precedes hands-on operator training and site-specific training. The regulations for operating a forklift are outlined in 29 CFR 1910. This course will present general information on load handling challenges as well as procedures for how to evaluate, pick up, travel with, and set down a load. The course will also describe methods for dealing with some environmental challenges associated with load handling, including high stacks, ramps, loading docks, and trailers.

Courses in this series:

Forklifts: 01. Fundamentals
Forklifts: 02. Stability and Capacity
Forklifts: 03. Load Handling
Forklifts: 04. Safe Driving
Forklifts: 05. Inspection and Maintenance
American English
Forklifts: 04. Safe Drivingvivid20This course is the fourth in a five-course series designed to provide employees with an awareness of the federal safety regulations for operating a forklift. The series serves as the formal-instruction component of forklift operator training, and generally precedes hands-on operator training and site-specific training. The regulations for operating a forklift are outlined in 29 CFR 1910. This course will present some forklift safety basics, as well as information on how to drive a forklift safely around pedestrians, on challenging surfaces, and in enclosed spaces.

Courses in this series:

Forklifts: 01. Fundamentals
Forklifts: 02. Stability and Capacity
Forklifts: 03. Load Handling
Forklifts: 04. Safe Driving
Forklifts: 05. Inspection and Maintenance
American English
Forklifts: 05. Inspection and Maintenancevivid20This course is the fifth in a five-course series designed to provide employees with an awareness of the federal safety regulations for operating a forklift. The series serves as the formal-instruction component of forklift operator training, and generally precedes hands-on operator training and site-specific training. The regulations for operating a forklift are outlined in 29 CFR 1910. This course will present basic information on how to inspect and maintain a forklift, including information on how to refuel an internal combustion engine forklift and how to recharge an electric forklift.

Courses in this series:

Forklifts: 01. Fundamentals
Forklifts: 02. Stability and Capacity
Forklifts: 03. Load Handling
Forklifts: 04. Safe Driving
Forklifts: 05. Inspection and Maintenance
American English
Globally Harmonized System (GHS) Hazard Communication: Overviewvivid5Ensure you know how to read and understand critical hazard communication in your workplace. This concise course provides an overview of Globally Harmonized System (GHS) chemical labelling and warnings. We'll begin the course by outlining the basic requirements of a hazard communication program. Next, We'll review GHS pictograms and the hazard classes they represent. You'll also learn how to find important hazard information on manufacturer’s labels and Safety Data Sheets that can protect you from dangerous exposure incidents. Finally, We'll discuss your employer’s obligation to provide hazardous chemical training.

This course is presented with engaging, interactive content for a user-friendly learning experience. By the end of the course, you will be proficient in hazard communication safety essentials.
American English
Hand and Power Tool Safetyvivid20The purpose of this course is to train employees whose work includes the use of hand and portable power tools to recognize the potential hazards associated with these tools’ use and demonstrate proper procedures which will enable them to avoid workplace accidents. Tools to be covered include manual, electric, pneumatic, liquid-fueled, powder-actuated, and abrasive wheel tools.American English
Hand and Power Toolsvectorsolutions23The power to recognize and avoid injury is right at your fingertips. This course covers information on hand tools and power tools, including electrical, pneumatic, hydraulic, liquid fuel, and powder-actuated power tools. Topics covered include general tool safety, maintenance, guards, best practices, and operating guidelines.American EnglishArabic, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Danish, Dutch, Estonian, American English, European French, Canadian French, German, Hindi, Italian, Indonesian, Japanese, Latvian, Korean, Malay, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, European Spanish, Latin American Spanish, Swedish, Turkish
Hazard Communication [Globally Harmonized System (GHS)]vivid20Companies whose business activities involve the use of chemicals must have a written OSHA Hazard Communication Program to help employees identify and evaluate chemical hazards. In this course, you'll learn about the need for container labeling and various other required warnings. We'll also discuss Safety Data Sheets (SDS) and the worksite-specific training required to keep employees safe. You'll learn about the possible effects of exposure to hazardous chemicals and the safety precautions that should be exercised to prevent such exposure.

This OSHA-compliant course recognizes a recent Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) update. Successful completion will help employees recognize and understand the requirements of their own company's hazard communication program, and how to use SDS and chemical labels to identify and evaluate chemical hazards.
American English
Hazard Communication: Overviewvivid6The goal of this lesson is for employees to recognize and understand how to identify chemical hazards using the Globally Harmonized System (GHS) international classification of chemical hazards, label elements, and Safety Data Sheets. This course does not address the use of labels, markings or other communication methods that are employer or facility-specific and not within the scope of this lesson.American English
Hazardous Materials Transportation: ClassificationSyntrio40To correctly describe the material on a shipping paper, or to select the appropriate container, one must first accurately classify the material. After completing this course, learners will be able to determine whether the materials being shipped are subject to the hazardous materials regulations, use information sources to identify hazardous materials, and properly classify hazardous materials.American English
Hazardous Materials Transportation: General AwarenessSyntrio35This course provides a general overview of the DOT hazardous materials transportation for all hazmat employees. Through taking this course, employees will learn about the DOT safety considerations and procedures in the following areas: classification, packaging, marking and labeling, shipping, and loading and unloading.
American English
Hazardous Materials Transportation: Loading and UnloadingSyntrio20This course describes tasks and regulations related to the last step in preparing hazardous materials for shipment—the loading of bulk and non-bulk containers on a vehicle. Supervisors of hazmat employees and safety managers will also benefit from the course. After taking this module, learners will know how to use the Load Segregation Table, perform preliminary checks, comply with loading safety rules, properly distribute load weight, and secure the load against movement.American English
Hazardous Materials Transportation: Marking, Labeling, and PlacardingSyntrio35This course provides instruction on how to correctly identify the contents of a hazardous material shipment through required marking, labeling, and placarding. The learner will learn how to properly mark a container, when and how to use labels, and when and how to use placards.American English
Hazardous Materials Transportation: PackagingSyntrio30This course is part of the six-part DOT function-specific series. It describes tasks and regulations related to selecting an appropriate container for hazardous material. Supervisors of hazmat employees and safety managers will also benefit from the course. After completing it, learners will know how to interpret UN specification markings on packagings, determine if an appropriate packaging was used and identify appropriate packagings for a hazardous materials shipment.
American English
Hazardous Materials Transportation: Shipping PapersSyntrio20This module is part of our DOT Hazardous Materials Transportation series. This course describes the process of preparing shipping papers for hazardous materials in compliance with DOT regulatory requirements. Supervisors of hazmat employees and safety managers will also benefit from the course. After taking this module, learners will know how to prepare shipping papers, including the proper shipping description, shipper's certification and emergency response information.American English
Hazardous Waste Managementvivid20Is your company handling its hazardous waste correctly? This course covers hazardous waste management guidelines for the safe and lawful storage and disposal of hazardous materials. To begin the course, we’ll define important hazardous waste concepts and classifications, as well as the associated regulatory standards. Next, we’ll outline the essentials of hazardous waste storage, transportation, disposal, and inspection program requirements. You’ll also learn about emergency preparedness, employee training, and recordkeeping requirements, along with methods for minimizing hazardous waste generation.

Upon successful completion of this course, you'll be prepared to follow and implement proper hazardous waste management practices at your organization.
American English
HAZWOPER: Operationsvectorsolutions60OSHA has established several levels of training under the umbrella of HAZWOPER (Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response). HAZWOPER training is required for personnel that may potentially be exposed to hazardous materials and for those involved in spill cleanup operations.

OSHA defines HAZWOPER through their General Industry Regulation Title 29, section 1910.120, also known as 29 CFR 1910.20. This regulation defines several operations where HAZWOPER training is required.
The Operations portion of the HAZWOPER training will cover the following: levels of training which must be completed, emergency plans and hazardous waste informational sources, responses to various hazardous waste sources, medical surveillance programs,site monitoring, engineering controls and work practices, and PPE (personal protective equipment).
American EnglishArabic, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Danish, Dutch, Estonian, American English, European French, Canadian French, German, Hindi, Italian, Indonesian, Japanese, Latvian, Korean, Malay, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, European Spanish, Latin American Spanish, Swedish, Turkish
HAZWOPER: Safety and Health Programvectorsolutions15HAZWOPER requires employers to have a written, site-specific safety and health program. The program must be designed to identify, evaluate, and control health and safety hazards and provide emergency response information. This module will provide an overview of the required safety and health program elements.American EnglishArabic, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Danish, Dutch, Estonian, American English, European French, Canadian French, German, Hindi, Italian, Indonesian, Japanese, Latvian, Korean, Malay, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, European Spanish, Latin American Spanish, Swedish, Turkish
Healthcare: Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)vivid20This course, intended for healthcare employees, covers Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) practices that protect the safety of employees and patients alike. To begin, we’ll discuss the purpose of PPE and outline OSHA and CDC requirements and recommendations for its use. Next, we'll review PPE selection factors and recommended PPE usage procedures, including the order for putting on PPE. Finally, you’ll learn guidelines for the proper removal, maintenance, and disposal of PPE.

Upon successful completion of this course, you'll be prepared to follow key PPE safety principles and practices as a healthcare employee.
American English
Hearing Conservationvivid20This course will help you recognize the impact of noise on your hearing, the warning signs of hearing loss, and the noise exposure limits that necessitate hearing protection. This course will also introduce you to the types of hearing protectors, including their benefits and proper use, and address your responsibilities in supporting your employer's hearing conservation program.American English
Heat Stress Symptoms and Preventionvectorsolutions24Heat stress can take a number of different forms, including heat rash, heat cramps, heat syncope (fainting), heat exhaustion, and heat stroke. Each of these conditions has its own signs, symptoms, and treatments. This course will teach you to recognize each condition, and to know which ones require simple corrective actions, like taking a break, and which ones may require a trip to the hospital.American EnglishArabic, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Danish, Dutch, Estonian, American English, European French, Canadian French, German, Hindi, Italian, Indonesian, Japanese, Latvian, Korean, Malay, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, European Spanish, Latin American Spanish, Swedish, Turkish
Welding Safetyvectorsolutions30Welding is a very effective workplace technique used to fuse or cut metal, though it is not without dangers. Knowing the hazards of welding and following the correct procedures will help prevent personal injury, fatalities, and property damage. This course will cover welding-specific personal protective equipment, arc and gas welding, brazing and soldering, as well as the hazards they present. Lastly, this course discusses safety procedures used to minimize the exposure to welding hazards. Duration: 30 mins

Subtitles Available: Arabic|Chinese (Simplified)|Chinese (Traditional)|Danish|Dutch|American English|Estonian|Canadian French|European French|German|Hindi|Indonesian|Italian|Japanese|Korean|Latvian|Malay|Polish|Brazilian Portuguese|European Portuguese|Romanian|Russian|European Spanish|Latin American Spanish|Swedish|Turkish|Vietnamese|Thai|Czech|Hungarian|Tagalog
American EnglishArabic;Chinese (Simplified);Chinese (Traditional);Danish;Dutch;American English;Estonian;Canadian French;European French;German;Hindi;Indonesian;Italian;Japanese;Korean;Latvian;Malay;Polish;Brazilian Portuguese;European Portuguese;Romanian;Russian;European Spanish;Latin American Spanish;Swedish;Turkish;Vietnamese;Thai;Czech;Hungarian;Tagalog
Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Safetyvivid10This OSHA-compliant course covers hydrogen sulfide hazards and key safety practices for preventing exposure. To begin, we'll outline the properties of hydrogen sulfide and which industries have special safety concerns. Next, we’ll discuss the hazards and health effects of exposure to hydrogen sulfide, so you know the risks. Finally, you’ll learn about hydrogen sulfide detection, monitoring, warning, and protection methods, and appropriate emergency response.

This course is presented with clear instruction, helpful visuals, and engaging user-interactivity. Upon successful completion of this course, you'll be proficient in crucial hydrogen sulfide safety principles that could save your life.
American EnglishAmerican English
Incident Investigation (Manager/Supervisor)vivid40This OSHA-compliant course outlines how managers should deal with an incident properly, from initial discovery to reporting. The information provided helps you prepare for any workplace incident, so that you can react quickly and efficiently. We discuss four topics which include the reasons why you would conduct an investigation, the procedures you would follow, conducting interviews with those present during the incident, and creating a post-incident report.

This course is essential learning for managers - even those who have not yet encountered a serious incident in the workplace. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulation referenced in this course is CFR 1910.119 (m) (1): Accident Investigation.
American English
Green Building Technology for Home Inspectorsvectorsolutions120This presentation applies to the application of green building technology for house construction and housing components. It will give you a brief overview of how they work and how they are applied including installation and components. We'll talk about the history and the background of green technology, building envelope and modifiers, controlling moisture and temperature, ICFs and SIP-type construction. ICF being insulated concrete forms and SIP being structurally insulated panels, radiant barrier technology, solar, passive and photovoltaic, insulation technology, tankless water heaters, which are all considered green components in the green technology purview. Duration: 120 mins

Subtitles Available: Arabic|Chinese (Simplified)|Chinese (Traditional)|Danish|Dutch|American English|Estonian|Canadian French|European French|German|Hindi|Indonesian|Italian|Japanese|Korean|Latvian|Malay|Polish|Brazilian Portuguese|European Portuguese|Romanian|Russian|European Spanish|Latin American Spanish|Swedish|Turkish|Vietnamese|Thai|Czech|Hungarian|Tagalog
American EnglishArabic;Chinese (Simplified);Chinese (Traditional);Danish;Dutch;American English;Estonian;Canadian French;European French;German;Hindi;Indonesian;Italian;Japanese;Korean;Latvian;Malay;Polish;Brazilian Portuguese;European Portuguese;Romanian;Russian;European Spanish;Latin American Spanish;Swedish;Turkish;Vietnamese;Thai;Czech;Hungarian;Tagalog
Introduction to Export ComplianceSyntrio20This course provides a general overview of U.S. export rules that must be followed by companies that export to destinations outside the U.S. or that take other actions that qualify as an export. Knowing your company’s responsibilities under the law can help avoid potential errors and costly legal sanctions arising from violations.American English
Laboratory Safetyvivid35Designed to reflect OSHA requirements, this course helps laboratory managers and employees ensure that safety practices are in place and observed in the workplace. You'll learn about the regulatory requirements of the employer along with employee rights related to exposure monitoring, medical assistance and record-keeping. We'll discuss the need to identify all hazardous substances in your lab and the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that should be worn. We'll also cover safe operation of laboratory equipment. Finally, you'll discover how to respond in the event of an accident or injury.

This course helps all employees in laboratory environments understand potential dangers and the safety precautions that should be in place to minimize risk of injuries and accidents.
American English
Lead Awarenessvivid25Exposure to lead is extremely dangerous to the human body, causing lead poisoning in extreme cases. This course is governed by OSHA standards and provides students with vital health information. You'll learn why lead is dangerous, how it enters the body, and how lead poisoning affects health. We also discuss the hazards of lead in the workplace, including the common sources of lead contamination. You'll discover some sound practices for limiting exposure to lead using specific Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

This is an essential course for employees who know they work where lead exposure is possible, and for those who need to determine if there is lead present. It will help you limit exposure to safe levels and stay away from situations that could be hazardous to your health.
American English
Lead Awareness: Overviewvivid13This course will help you recognize where lead is found, the occupational hazards and health effects of lead exposure, and the responsibilities that you and your employer have to minimize your lead exposure while on the job.American English
Loading Dock Safety: Introductionvivid8This course provides a high-level overview of the typical hazards encountered on loading docks, transit vehicles, and the areas between the two. The goal of this course is create awareness of these hazards and to provide knowledge to the learner on how to avoid accidents and/or injury.American English
Lockout/Tagout (LOTO) for Authorized Workersvivid26This course provides background on what lockout/tagout is and teaches the steps to safely perform this procedure. It covers the types of hazardous energy contained in equipment and machinery, what a Hazardous Energy Control Program is, and how to perform special procedures such as a group lockout/tagout.American English
Mobile Elevating Work Platform (MEWP) Safetyvectorsolutions45Mobile Elevating Work Platforms (MEWPs) can provide temporary elevated workspaces as an alternative to ladders or scaffolding. Due to the potential hazards of working at height, the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and Canadian Standards Association (CSA) have developed standards related to MEWP design, construction, and use. This course covers the 2018 ANSI A92 and CSA B354 standards for MEWP operators and occupants. It covers MEWP Group and Type designations, as well as MEWP design, use, and training requirements.American EnglishArabic, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Danish, Dutch, Estonian, American English, European French, Canadian French, German, Hindi, Italian, Indonesian, Japanese, Latvian, Korean, Malay, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, European Spanish, Latin American Spanish, Swedish, Turkish
Mobile Elevating Work Platforms (MEWP): Aerial and Scissor Lift Safetyvivid30This course provides workers with an awareness of the precautions and work practices required to operate a Mobile Elevating Work Platform (MEWP) safely. The lesson by itself does not authorize the use of MEWP equipment; instructional and practical training specific to each MEWP is required.American English
Mold and Mildew Hazards: Introductionvivid6The goal of this course is to provide awareness of the hazards of mold and mildew and to instruct the learner on the actions to take if the presence of, or suspected exposure to, mold has occurred.American English
New Employee Safety Orientationvectorsolutions30All occupations, even ones that are not typically assigned to dangerous tasks, have certain safety hazards associated with them. For some occupations, the hazards are obvious. For other occupations, however, the hazards may be less apparent. It would be difficult to fully discuss all safety rules and regulations to avoid every danger you could potentially encounter in your job. So, instead, this online interactive course provides a basic overview of safety issues to help improve your safety awareness. These safety issues include safe work habits, which should be part of your daily routine; personal protective equipment, which may be required to maintain your health and safety on the job; hazard communication, which provides vital information about chemicals and other hazards that affect working conditions; and fire safety, which is a critical concern in any workplace.American EnglishArabic, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Danish, Dutch, Estonian, American English, European French, Canadian French, German, Hindi, Italian, Indonesian, Japanese, Latvian, Korean, Malay, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, European Spanish, Latin American Spanish, Swedish, Turkish
Oil Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasures (SPCC)vivid25Learn the essentials of oil pollution prevention and associated regulations. This training course for employees who handle oil covers general requirements of a Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasures (SPCC) plan. To start the course, we’ll underscore the harmful effects of spilled oil and laws that work to prevent these environmental disasters. Next, we will outline key requirements for a facility SPCC plan and related operating procedures. You’ll also learn key control and countermeasures designed to reduce environmental impact if a spill does occur. Finally, we’ll discuss how to respond to a facility shutdown and evacuation.

This course is presented with engaging content and interactive exercises for a user-friendly learning experience. After completing the course, you will be prepared to follow and implement your facility’s SPCC plan.
American English
Oil Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasures (SPCC): Overviewvivid10This course is an overview of the hazards associated with oil spills, as well as techniques for preventing them, containing them, and cleaning them up.American English
Orientación sobre seguridad para empleados (Employee Safety Orientation)vivid34En esta lección le informa sobre la importancia de seguir prácticas seguras en el lugar de trabajo. Además, se cubren algunas medidas preventivas que lo protegerán de los peligros y cómo responder en caso de emergencia.Latin American Spanish
OSHA: Introduction to OSHAvectorsolutions30Learn how the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) protects workers when you study this informative training course designed to familiarize employees with OSHA basics. We provide a thorough overview of OSHA, including its history, purpose, standard categories, general duty clause and standard setting procedures. We will also examine how OSHA operates on a practical level to keep employees informed, conduct workplace inspections and issue citations and penalties. The concise 30-minute course features informative videos complemented by interactive exercises, in-line quizzes, flash cards, fun activities, glossary terms, downloadable reference documents and a final exam, for a complete OSHA learning package. For a closer look at specific OSHA standards, consider pairing this course with other selections from our extensive OSHA General Industry series.American EnglishArabic, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Danish, Dutch, Estonian, American English, European French, Canadian French, German, Hindi, Italian, Indonesian, Japanese, Latvian, Korean, Malay, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, European Spanish, Latin American Spanish, Swedish, Turkish
Overhead and Gantry Crane Safetyvivid20This OSHA-compliant course helps students understand the safety procedures for using various crane types in the workplace. Knowing the dangers associated with cranes helps all employees work confidently and safely. We'll describe the safety procedures for working with overhead and gantry cranes that are governed by OSHA regulations. This includes safe operation as well as safety in the vicinity of the cranes. This course will help students understand training requirements for crane inspection and testing. You'll also learn the required procedures for load rigging and lifting.

Providing essential learning for workers using cranes and working on sites where cranes are operating, this course gives students the knowledge to keep themselves and their coworkers safe and the workplace accident-free.
American English
Passenger Van Driver Safetyvivid12You will learn how to recognize and minimize the hazards associated with operating a 12-15-passenger van with a combined gross vehicle weight of less than 10,000 pounds. Additionally, you will learn the importance of pre-vehicle inspection and safety steps you should take before beginning any trip. This course only covers passenger vans and not limousines or commercial motor vehicles over 10,000 pounds.American English
Patógenos de transmisión sanguínea [Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP)]vivid40El objetivo de esta capacitación es educar a los empleados para minimizar la exposición a patógenos de transmisión sanguínea.Latin American Spanish
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Fundamentalsvivid10Depending on the work you do, you may be required to wear Personal Protective Equipment. This course provides the fundamental information you need about PPE commonly required by regulatory agencies. You'll learn about the various kinds of workplace hazards that workers face and why specific types of devices are available to provide protection to the head, eyes and face, ears, body, lungs and extremities.

Under OSHA, both you and your employer are responsible for adhering to on-the-job safety requirements. This course informs you of what to expect from your employer and how to select the right PPE for the job.
American English
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Eye and Face Protectionvivid8When eye and/or face protection is recommended, failure to comply can result in serious injury. This course discusses high-level information on PPE devices often included in regulatory requirements. You'll learn guidelines for eyewear and face protection and how they protect against specific hazards. Next, you'll get tips on what to do if you wear prescription glasses or contact lenses. The course also covers regular care and replacement requirements for PPE eyewear and facewear.

Under OSHA, both you and your employer are responsible for adhering to requirements for worker eye and face protection. This course informs you of what to expect from your employer and how to select the right PPE for the job.
American English
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Foot Protectionvivid10When foot protection is recommended, failure to comply can result in serious injury. This course discusses high-level information on PPE footwear that's often included in regulatory requirements. You will learn about injury directly to the foot such as crushing, punctures, cuts and burns, and also about injuries to other parts of the body that result from tripping, slipping and falling. You'll also discover the types of footwear that are available and designed for protection from certain defined hazards. A helpful discussion on regulated labelling to identify the boot's designation is included.

Under OSHA, both you and your employer are responsible for adhering to requirements for worker foot protection. This course informs you of what to expect from your employer and how to select the right footwear for the job.
American English
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Hand Protectionvivid10When hand protection is recommended, failure to comply can result in serious injury. This course discusses high-level information on PPE gloves that's often included in regulatory requirements. We will teach you about various hazards that can injure unprotected hands, such as heat, cold, machinery, sharp edges and chemicals. The course also discusses the various kinds of gloves that are designed for specific uses. By the end of this course, you will know how to select the right kind of protective gloves for particular applications.

Under OSHA, both you and your employer are responsible for adhering to requirements for worker hand protection. This course informs you of what to expect from your employer and how to select the right gloves for the job.
American English
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Head Protectionvivid10When head protection is recommended, failure to comply can result in serious brain injuries. This course discusses high-level information on PPE headgear that's often included in regulatory requirements. We will discuss various ways in which workers can suffer head injuries, including impact from falling objects, bumping into stationary objects and hitting the head during a fall. Hard hats are designed to lessen the effects of such accidents. You will learn about hard hat characteristics and some special types of hats designed for particular uses and various accessories that can be attached to hard hats. We also cover the proper use of hard hats, regular inspection requirements, proper fit and care and storage.

Under OSHA, both you and your employer are responsible for adhering to requirements for worker head protection. This course informs you of what to expect from your employer and how to select the right hat for the job.
American English
Preventing Spillsvivid26This course teaches employees how to prevent and respond to hazardous liquid spills in the workplace by identifying their sources, performing routine maintenance and inspections, following proper handling and personal safety procedures, performing risk evaluations, and taking proper actions in response to a hazardous liquid spill.American English
Primeros auxilios: Emergencias médicas (First Aid: Medical Emergencies)vivid17El propósito de esta lección es educar a los empleados sobre la manera correcta de responder a emergencias médicas, por ejemplo, dificultades respiratorias, diabetes, hipoglucemia, ataques convulsivos, desmayos y accidentes cerebrovasculares.Latin American Spanish
Process Safety Management (PSM)safety25Protect your community and company from highly hazardous chemical releases by better understanding the purpose and components of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standard for Process Safety Management (PSM). This course begins by discussing the devastating harm that can arise when extremely high levels of hazardous chemicals are accidently released into the environment. You’ll learn how process safety management can prevent such situations from occurring, and how a culture of safety can significantly reduce and prevent accidents in the workplace. The course also covers key procedures and practices for implementing and maintaining an effective emergency action plan, and reviews the elements of process safety information and process hazard analysis.

Presented with clear, step-by-step instructions, this course is designed to improve your understanding of the purpose, components, and procedures of PSM.Duration: 25 mins

Subtitles Available: American English|Latin American Spanish|Canadian French|German|Brazilian Portuguese|Chinese (Simplified)|Thai
American English;Latin American Spanish;Canadian French;German;Brazilian Portuguese;Chinese (Simplified);ThaiAmerican English;Latin American Spanish;Canadian French;German;Brazilian Portuguese;Chinese (Simplified);Thai
Process Safety Management (PSM): Emergency Planning & Responsevectorsolutions60Proper training and preplanning is an essential part of an emergency action plan and can help prevent disasters from occurring. In this interactive online video course, you will learn from industry expert Jon Wallace (25 year safety veteran) about the importance of emergency planning and response as part of the overall PSM (Process Safety Management) program. You will also learn about emergency planning and response requirements and how to implement emergency planning and response into your overall process safety management program.American EnglishArabic, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Danish, Dutch, Estonian, American English, European French, Canadian French, German, Hindi, Italian, Indonesian, Japanese, Latvian, Korean, Malay, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, European Spanish, Latin American Spanish, Swedish, Turkish
Process Safety Management (PSM): Employee Participationvectorsolutions30The Union Carbide explosions in Bhopal India, 1984 and Institute, West Virginia in 1985. The Phillips Petroleum explosion in 1989, and ARCO explosion in 1990. These are just four major incidents that led to the OSHA Process Safety Management Standards.

PSM (Process Safety Management) is aimed at preventing highly hazardous chemicals from being released. The employee participation element is a critical part of PSM that enhances overall effectiveness in areas including PHA (Process Hazard Analysis) and Incident Investigation.

In this interactive online video course, learn from industry expert Jon Wallace about the employee participation component of the Process Safety Management Standards. Subjects covered include employer requirements for a written plan of action to confirm employee participation, consultation with employees regarding hazards, and employee access to process hazard analysis. Employers must follow OSHA regulations and ensure employee participation and EPA Clean Air Act Amendments are implemented in training.
American EnglishArabic, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Danish, Dutch, Estonian, American English, European French, Canadian French, German, Hindi, Italian, Indonesian, Japanese, Latvian, Korean, Malay, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, European Spanish, Latin American Spanish, Swedish, Turkish
Putting Sustainability Initiatives into PracticeManagementPocketbooks13A simple idea to be more sustainable could lead to the transformation of your business. Coming up with ways to be more sustainable is often the hard part. This course is part of the Sustainability Series, a series created to help organizations develop and implement sustainability practices that help their people, the planet, and their business profits. In this course, you'll learn practical and effective ways your organization can be more sustainable in your workplace, environment, marketplace and community. By the end of this course, you’ll come away with a list of ideas that you can take back to your team to work into your sustainability action plan.American EnglishAmerican English
Resbalones, Tropiezos y Caídas (Slips, Trips, and Falls)vivid20Permitir que los empleados identifiquen condiciones peligrosas y prácticas poco seguras que pueden originar resbalones, tropezones y caídas en el lugar de trabajo, prácticas correctas de orden y limpieza, medidas correctivas adecuadas para eliminar condiciones riesgosas de superficies de tránsito y de trabajo, comportamiento adecuado para el lugar de trabajo y equipo de protección personal (EPP) que puede ayudar a prevenir resbalones, tropezones y caídas.Latin American Spanish
Resource Conservation Recovery Act (RCRA)vivid15This course describes the purpose of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, or RCRA, and the responsibilities your facility has for compliance. It describes the different types of hazardous wastes, as well as how to handle and dispose of them safely.American English
Respiratory ProtectionSyntrio35There are several different types of safety respirators available, making it highly important to choose the right one for the task at hand. In this course, you will learn how to assess exposure, select the right respirator for each situation, make sure its in good working order and take care of it. You'll also know how to act responsibly in case of emergency. Since any organization that requires employees to wear respirators needs a set of rules, we cover what should be included in the typical written protection plan. Presented in a narrated format, this 45-minute course comes with inline quizzes and exercises to help you assess your comprehension.American English
Rigging Safetyvivid25This course will teach you how to safely rig loads that will be moved by cranes, hoists, or other equipment. This includes planning a lift, inspecting and selecting slings, determining a load’s weight, using a sling angle chart, and working with a crane operator.American English
Safe Driving Behaviors for Commercial Motor Vehicles (CMV)vivid35To enable drivers of Commercial Motor Vehicles (CMVs) to recognize and identify undesirable driving behaviors and hazardous conditions, and to minimize the risk of crashes.American English
Scaffold Safetyvivid25This course equips workers with best practices when using common types of scaffolding. Learning the potential dangers inherent in working on a scaffold helps to ensure your safety. You will learn about both supported and suspended scaffolds and who is qualified to design and install them. We'll cover design requirements and load capacity which must meet scaffolding regulations for the maximum intended load. You'll discover how different applications require different types of scaffold design. We'll also cover regulations covering scaffold access and forklift use in scaffolding support.

This course will help you understand all the safety issues related to scaffold type, intended use and design, and load capacity.
American English
Seguridad y prevención de lesiones de la espalda información general (Back Safety: Overview)vivid7El propósito de esta lección es familiarizar a las personas que tienen trabajos físicamente demandantes (por ejemplo, trabajadores de manufactura, almacén, hospitalidad, y oficios) con los principios de la seguridad y prevención de lesiones de espalda, a fin de ayudarlos a reducir o prevenir las lesiones de la espalda relacionadas con el trabajo.Latin American Spanish
Slips, Trips, and Fallsvectorsolutions29Falling at work may not seem very dangerous, but falls are the leading cause of workplace injuries. They commonly cause cuts, bruises, broken bones, back injuries, sprains, and strains. Hazards that cause slips, trips, and falls can be controlled and eliminated if they are identified, reported, and corrected. This course covers common causes of slips, trips, and falls, how they can be prevented, and first aid procedures for fall injuries.American EnglishArabic, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Danish, Dutch, Estonian, American English, European French, Canadian French, German, Hindi, Italian, Indonesian, Japanese, Latvian, Korean, Malay, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, European Spanish, Latin American Spanish, Swedish, Turkish
Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure Inspectionsvectorsolutions30The purpose of the EPA’s SPCC (Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure) rule is to prevent oil contamination of navigable waterways and adjoining shorelines. Facilities which store or handle sufficient quantities of oil are required to create an SPCC plan, which includes inspection and testing procedures and schedules. The purpose of SPCC inspections is to prevent oil discharges due to container and equipment failures. Personnel conducting the inspections are trained to look for signs of corrosion, leaks, brittle fracture, overflows, and other problems.American EnglishArabic, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Danish, Dutch, Estonian, American English, European French, Canadian French, German, Hindi, Italian, Indonesian, Japanese, Latvian, Korean, Malay, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, European Spanish, Latin American Spanish, Swedish, Turkish
Stormwater Managementvivid20Learn the basics of stormwater management. This training course covers requirements for safe and lawful stormwater discharges and the associated compliance procedures you need to know. To begin, we’ll discuss regulations for stormwater discharges under the Clean Water Act and EPA, including National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) stormwater permits. Next, we will outline the basic elements of a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan. You will then learn Best Management Practices (BMPs) for preventing stormwater pollution, such as good housekeeping, smart fueling procedures, preventive maintenance, and sediment and erosion control. Finally, we’ll review spill response procedures designed to reduce the risk of potential stormwater pollution.

This course is presented with clear instruction and engaging learning exercises. After completing the course, you will be ready to perform stormwater management practices at your facility to protect vital water supplies.
American English
Symbols, Standards, and Schematicsvectorsolutions15One way in which electrical components are identified in drawings is by the use of schematic symbols. A schematic symbol either represents a single component in an electrical circuit, such as a pushbutton or motor, or a part of a component, such as with relays and starters. This course covers component representations, component abbreviations, electrical standard organizations, blueprint layout, and blueprint styles.American EnglishArabic, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Danish, Dutch, Estonian, American English, European French, Canadian French, German, Hindi, Italian, Indonesian, Japanese, Latvian, Korean, Malay, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, European Spanish, Latin American Spanish, Swedish, Turkish
The Department of Transportation (DOT): 01. Hazardous Materials - Fundamentalsvivid25The safe transportation of hazardous materials requires shipper and driver adherence to various safety standards. This introductory course provides an overview of our five-course curriculum on hazardous materials transportation. We'll begin with an introduction to the hazardous materials transportation process. You'll learn about the six-step process that starts with identifying the hazardous material intended for dispatch and ending with actual transport. We'll outline the necessary training requirements, including those required by US laws, for anyone involved in the process. The training information focuses on truck transportation, which is the most common mode of hazardous materials transportation. This series provides awareness-level information. Additional training may be required depending on your particular job responsibilities.

This course is the first in our five-part Department of Transportation (DOT) series, and has been designed to follow US Federal DOT hazardous materials regulations, Title 49 CFR, Parts 172 through 173.

This series includes the following courses:

The Department of Transportation (DOT): 01. Hazardous Materials - Fundamentals
The Department of Transportation (DOT): 02. Hazardous Materials - Identifying
The Department of Transportation (DOT): 03. Hazardous Materials - Packaging
The Department of Transportation (DOT): 04. Driver and Carrier Responsibilities
The Department of Transportation (DOT): 05. Incident Response and Transport Security
American English
The Department of Transportation (DOT): 02. Hazardous Materials - Identifyingvivid28Carrying hazardous materials in a transport truck requires extreme care and forethought. This course helps shippers and drivers understand hazard identification and provides them with the appropriate reference tools. We'll discuss the importance of appropriate packaging and accurate labelling of hazardous materials, along with proper paperwork. You'll learn where to look for references to identify particular hazardous materials. The course includes specific details about substances considered hazardous by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that should be labelled accordingly.

This course is the second in our five-part Department of Transportation (DOT) series, and has been designed to follow US Federal DOT hazardous materials regulations, Title 49 CFR, Parts 172 through 173.

This series includes the following courses:

The Department of Transportation (DOT): 01. Hazardous Materials - Fundamentals
The Department of Transportation (DOT): 02. Hazardous Materials - Identifying
The Department of Transportation (DOT): 03. Hazardous Materials - Packaging
The Department of Transportation (DOT): 04. Driver and Carrier Responsibilities
The Department of Transportation (DOT): 05. Incident Response and Transport Security
American English
The Department of Transportation (DOT): 03. Hazardous Materials - Packagingvivid25Packaging hazardous materials properly is a crucial step in ensuring the safe transportation of your cargo. In this course, you'll discover how to package hazardous materials for safe transportation. We'll discuss the three main steps involved in packaging hazardous material, including choosing the right package, determining the right labels, and preparing accurate shipping papers.

This course is the third in our five-part Department of Transportation (DOT) series, and has been designed to follow US Federal DOT hazardous materials regulations, Title 49 CFR, Parts 172 through 173.

This series includes the following courses:

The Department of Transportation (DOT): 01. Hazardous Materials - Fundamentals
The Department of Transportation (DOT): 02. Hazardous Materials - Identifying
The Department of Transportation (DOT): 03. Hazardous Materials - Packaging
The Department of Transportation (DOT): 04. Driver and Carrier Responsibilities
The Department of Transportation (DOT): 05. Incident Response and Transport Security
American English
The Department of Transportation (DOT): 04. Driver and Carrier Responsibilitiesvivid25This course helps drivers and carriers of hazardous materials understand their responsibilities for ensuring safe materials transportation on the job. Using a step-by-step process, drivers will learn exactly how to prepare themselves and their trucks before transporting hazardous materials from the pick-up point to the drop-off point. Upon successful completion of this course, you'll know how to meet your responsibilities in ensuring that all necessary paperwork and load checks are carried out and that you drive safely en route.

This course is the fourth in our five-part Department of Transportation (DOT) series, and has been designed to follow US Federal DOT hazardous materials regulations, Title 49 CFR, Parts 172 through 173.

This series includes the following courses:

The Department of Transportation (DOT): 01. Hazardous Materials - Fundamentals
The Department of Transportation (DOT): 02. Hazardous Materials - Identifying
The Department of Transportation (DOT): 03. Hazardous Materials - Packaging
The Department of Transportation (DOT): 04. Driver and Carrier Responsibilities
The Department of Transportation (DOT): 05. Incident Response and Transport Security
American English
The Department of Transportation (DOT): 05. Incident Response and Transport Securityvivid20This course discusses the steps you need to take should you encounter a problem with your hazardous load while you're on the road. We'll also provide information on how to ensure the safety of yourself and others and how to assist first responders in their work. Upon successful completion of this course, you'll acquire an understanding of incident response and transport security risks.

This course is the fifth and final part in our 5-part Transportation series. It is built to meet the intent of the US Federal DOT hazardous materials regulations, Title 49 CFR, Parts 172 through 173.

This series includes the following courses:

The Department of Transportation (DOT): 01. Hazardous Materials - Fundamentals
The Department of Transportation (DOT): 02. Hazardous Materials - Identifying
The Department of Transportation (DOT): 03. Hazardous Materials - Packaging
The Department of Transportation (DOT): 04. Driver and Carrier Responsibilities
The Department of Transportation (DOT): 05. Incident Response and Transport Security
American English
The Department of Transportation (DOT): Drug and Alcohol Testing - Reasonable Suspicion (Manager/Supervisor)vivid120As a manager of supervisor of employees in safety-sensitive roles, you'll learn how to identify circumstances and indicators that may create reasonable suspicion that an employee is using or under the influence of alcohol or drugs, when to do reasonable suspicion testing, and why it is important for public safety.American English
Personal Safety: Introductionsafety10Take this course to discover the benefits of practicing workplace safety and gain helpful tips on ensuring a safe work environment for both you and your coworkers. This introductory course begins by reviewing the importance of safety in the workplace, and discusses its impact on morale, productivity, and your company’s bottom-line. you'll explore ways of developing a culture of safety, review the warning signs of danger, and learn simple practices that you can perform to significantly reduce of risks of accidents at work. Featuring clear and easy-to-understand instructions, this course will help prepare you to take the first steps towards ensuring a safer workplace. American EnglishAmerican English
The Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA)vivid10In this course, you'll learn about the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), using the TSCA inventory to identify chemicals in the workplace, requirements for retaining files and reports related to allegations of environmental or health risks associated with toxic substances, and best practices for using Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) when working with and around chemicals.American English
Traffic Control (Flagger)vivid45This training course provides a helpful guideline to enable you to perform your job as a traffic control flagger safely and effectively. You’ll learn about the appropriate clothing and equipment you should use, as well as the barriers, signs, and lights that can help you maximize your visibility and ensure the safety of yourself and your co-workers. Next, you’ll learn how to control and regulate traffic depending on car speeds and the conditions of the job site. The course also discusses flagger communication, including hand-signals for communicating with the public and other flaggers. You’ll also learn about the importance and setting up of signage, how to respond to various hazards, and how to flag at night or on the freeway.

Featuring clear and easy-to-understand instructions, this course will improve your ability to regulate and control traffic safely.
American English
Transporting Hazardous Materialsvectorsolutions30Every day, hazardous materials are shipped in this country—materials that could threaten the safety of individuals, property, and the environment. These materials are transported by truck, by train, by air, and by water. Because of the risks posed by transporting hazardous materials, you need to know about the potential dangers and steps you must take to help protect yourself and others against them. In this interactive, online course, we'll cover some general requirements associated with transporting hazardous materials. We'll look at what's meant by the term hazardous materials, and we'll see how these materials are classified. We'll also look at documentation and packaging that must be used when hazardous materials are shipped, and we'll look at labels and placards used to identify hazardous materials.American EnglishArabic, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Danish, Dutch, Estonian, American English, European French, Canadian French, German, Hindi, Italian, Indonesian, Japanese, Latvian, Korean, Malay, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, European Spanish, Latin American Spanish, Swedish, Turkish
Warehouse and Loading Dock Safetyvectorsolutions30Covers hazards and safety guidelines associated with warehouses and loading docks, including personal protective equipment (PPE), importance of housekeeping, mobile equipment, driving safety, fire extinguishers, and emergency procedures.American EnglishArabic, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Danish, Dutch, Estonian, American English, European French, Canadian French, German, Hindi, Italian, Indonesian, Japanese, Latvian, Korean, Malay, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, European Spanish, Latin American Spanish, Swedish, Turkish
Winter Weather Drivingvivid12This course provides information on the weather and road-related hazards found when driving in inclement weather during the Winter season.American English
Workforce Hazard Recognitionvivid18This course helps ensure that learners recognize workplace risks; it also teaches them to identify and eliminate risky actions and conditions that can turn into safety problems or expensive incidents.American English
Workplace Signs, Labels, and Tagsvivid9This course will provide you with a basic introduction to common types of safety signs, labels, and tags found in the workplace, and raise your awareness of their purpose and location, as well as your responsibility to understand and use the information they provide.American English
Work-Related Injury and Illness Recordkeepingvivid20To provide awareness training for employees about their employers’ responsibilities for OSHA reporting and recordkeeping for workplace fatalities, injuries, and illnesses, as well as employees’ involvement and rights related to reporting and records.American English
Workspace Cleanlinessvivid5The goal of this lesson is to provide awareness to the learner about the hazards of a cluttered, unclean workspace and to identify practices to help eliminate clutter.American English
Conducción sin atención (Distracted Driving)vivid20El objetivo de esta lección es que los conductores’ aumenten la conciencia sobre los peligros de la conducción sin atención e identifiquen maneras de mantenerse a salvo cuando comparten la carretera con conductores distraídos.Latin American Spanish
Confined SpacesSyntrio25This course explores the OSHA standards that apply to confined spaces, the dangers and hazards associated with confined spaces, the entry requirements of permit and non-permit confined spaces, and the roles and training that are required for workers.American English
Machine Guardingvivid20Machine safeguards are essential to prevent workplace injuries. This course introduces you to the various types of machine safeguards and their requirements, so you can prepare to work safe.

First, we'll review the common hazards and injuries associated with machinery use. You'll learn about the different methods for safeguarding machinery, the factors that may impact how a machine is safeguarded, as well as the requirements safeguards must meet to work effectively. Next, we'll introduce you to the specific types of machine safeguards you may encounter on the job, including barrier guards and safety devices. Lastly, we'll discuss user requirements for using guarded machinery, such as on-site training and appropriate clothing.

By the end of this course, you will have a better understanding of the hazards associated with machinery use, the types of machine safeguards, as well as your rights and responsibilities when working around guarded machinery.
American English
DOT Drug and Alcohol Testing (US)vubiz60This DOT Drug and Alcohol Testing [US] online training course is designed for employers, employees and labor union representatives in the transportation industry. Learn the who, what and when of drug testing, as well as the specific procedures for test sample collection.American English
Montacargas: Conducción segura (Forklift: Safe Driving)vivid20Esta lección es la cuarta de un currículo de cinco lecciones diseñado para crear conciencia en los trabajadores sobre los reglamentos federales de seguridad para operar un montacargas. El currículo se emplea como el componente de instrucción formal para la capacitación del operario de un montacargas y generalmente antecede a la capacitación práctica del operario y a la capacitación en el lugar específico. Los reglamentos para la operación de un montacargas se describen en 29 CFR 1910. Esta lección presentará algunas reglas básicas de seguridad para la operación de un montacargas, así como información sobre cómo conducir un montacargas de manera segura alrededor de peatones, sobre superficies difíciles y en espacios cerrados.Latin American Spanish
Montacargas: Estabilidad y capacidad (Forklift: Stability and Capacity)vivid20Esta lección es la segunda de un currículo de cinco lecciones diseñado para crear conciencia en los trabajadores sobre los reglamentos federales de seguridad para operar un montacargas. El currículo se emplea como el componente de instrucción formal para la capacitación del operador de un montacargas y generalmente antecede a la capacitación práctica del operador y a la capacitación en el lugar específico. Los reglamentos para la operación de montacargas se describen en 29 CFR 1910. En esta lección se definen los conceptos clave sobre estabilidad del montacargas, se explica cómo calcular la capacidad del montacargas, y se describen los factores de estabilidad y las pautas.Latin American Spanish
Montacargas: Fundamentos (Forklift: Fundamentals)vivid15Esta lección es la primera de un currículo de cinco lecciones diseñado para crear conciencia en los trabajadores sobre los reglamentos federales de seguridad para operar un montacargas. El plan de estudios de cinco lecciones cumple con la sección de instrucción formal de la capacitación para la certificación de operadores de montacargas y está diseñado para preceder la capacitación práctica del operador y la capacitación específica en el sitio. Las regulaciones para operar un montacargas, también conocido como vehículo industrial motorizado, se describen en 29 CFR 1910. En esta lección se presenta información fundamental sobre cómo operar un montacargas, incluidas las diferencias entre conducir un montacargas y conducir un automóvil, los peligros más comunes asociados con la operación de un montacargas y los requisitos de capacitación para operar un montacargas.Latin American Spanish
Montacargas: Inspección y mantenimiento (Forklift: Inspection and Maintenance)vivid20Esta lección es la quinta de un currículo de cinco lecciones diseñado para crear conciencia en los trabajadores sobre los reglamentos federales de seguridad para operar un montacargas. El currículo se emplea como el componente de instrucción formal para la capacitación del operario de un montacargas y generalmente antecede a la capacitación práctica del operario y a la capacitación en el lugar específico. Los reglamentos para la operación de un montacargas se describen en 29 CFR 1910. En esta lección se presenta información básica sobre cómo inspeccionar y mantener un montacargas, incluida información sobre cómo reabastecer un montacargas con motor de combustión interna y cómo recargar un montacargas eléctrico.Latin American Spanish
Montacargas: Manejo de carga (Forklift: Load Handling)vivid15Esta lección es la tercera de un currículo de cinco lecciones diseñado para crear conciencia en los trabajadores sobre los reglamentos federales de seguridad para operar un montacargas. El currículo se emplea como el componente de instrucción formal para la capacitación del operario de un montacargas y generalmente antecede a la capacitación práctica del operario y a la capacitación en el lugar específico. Los reglamentos para la operación de un montacargas se describen en 29 CFR 1910. Esta lección presentará información general sobre los desafíos para el manejo de cargas, así como los procedimientos sobre cómo evaluar, recoger, transportar y descargar una carga. La lección también describirá métodos para lidiar con algunos desafíos del entorno asociados con el manejo de una carga, que incluyen pilas altas, rampas, plataformas de carga y remolques.Latin American Spanish
Seguridad del conductor (Driver Safety)vivid48Permitir a los conductores reconocer e identificar condiciones de conducción peligrosas y minimizar el riesgo de accidentes.Latin American SpanishLatin American Spanish
Seguridad del conductor general (Driver Safety: Overview)vivid6Esta lección familiariza a los empleados que conducen como parte de su trabajo con los riesgos de la conducción y los métodos que los protegerán de posibles accidentes de conducción.

Esta lección no pretende cubrir los requisitos de conducción asociados con vehículos comerciales motorizados (CMV) o el uso de una licencia de conducir comercial (CDL). Esta lección no aborda las preocupaciones de seguridad asociadas con el uso de vehículos todoterreno (ATV), motocicletas, remolque de tráiler, o sujeción de carga al transportar equipo en el cajón de una camioneta pickup.
Latin American SpanishLatin American Spanish
Cybersecurity: Protecting Yourself and Your Company From Phishing AttacksEnspark25Cybercriminals with the intent of targeting a company will often try to penetrate the company in multiple ways. If the organization and its team members are on the lookout, they can play a key role in stopping these attacks. In this course we’ll learn about phishing - what it is, what it looks like, common forms of it, and how to identify and avoid it. Employee awareness is the first line of defense against preventing a harmful phishing attack.American EnglishAmerican English
Office Safety Overview (35-Minute)vivid35This overview lesson will familiarize you with the health and safety hazards you may face when working in an office environment, and introduce techniques for preventing and responding to injuries, illnesses, and security threats that may occur.American EnglishAmerican English
Office Safety Overview (13-Minute)vivid13This overview lesson will familiarize you with the health and safety hazards you may face when working in an office environment, and introduce techniques for preventing and responding to injuries, illnesses, and security threats that may occur. Overview.American EnglishAmerican English
Powered Industrial Truck Safety Overviewvivid8This lesson focuses on safety-related issues that are relevant to the operation of Powered Industrial Trucks (PITs). Although there are a wide variety of PIT types, many of them share the same operating principles. This lesson does not address the uniqueness of each type of PIT in use today, but rather focuses on the hazards and safe operating practices shared by many of them. This training is designed for operators, supervisors, and employees working in general industry where PITs are used and enables drivers to identify safe and unsafe operating behaviors and hazardous conditions in order to minimize the risk of accidents. This lesson provides general awareness information and is not intended to deliver authorized, qualified, or competent person training. All operators should consult their specific PIT operation manual before use.American English
Powered Industrial Truck (PIT) Safetyvivid25This course focuses on safety-related issues that are relevant to the operation of Powered Industrial Trucks (PITs). Although there are a wide variety of PIT types, many of them share the same operating principles. This course does not address the uniqueness of each type of PIT in use today, but rather focuses on the hazards and safe operating practices shared by many of them. This training is designed for operators, supervisors, and employees working in general industry where PITs are used and enables drivers to identify safe and unsafe operating behaviors and hazardous conditions in order to minimize the risk of accidents. This course provides general awareness information and is not intended to deliver authorized, qualified, or competent person training. All operators should consult their specific PIT operation manual before use.American English
Powered Industrial Truck SafetySyntrio30This course covers the principles and procedures for safe operation of
powered industrial trucks. Workers taking this course will be able to apply the
safety practices to prepare a truck for use, apply the principles of stability
when operating a powered industrial truck, follow inspection protocol, and
follow safe driving practices.
American English
Forklift Safetyvubiz30Forklifts or powered industrial trucks are used to lift, stack and transfer loads in warehouses, factories, shipping yards, freight terminals and other workplaces. While forklifts offer a practical materials handling solution for many businesses, each year they continue to be associated with workplace deaths and injuries. Forklift incidents can be prevented, especially when employers and workers work together to improve safety and health at work.American English
Office Safety Overview (25-Minute)vubiz25Office Safety provides practical and effective tips to reduce workplace injuries, and reviews safety procedures for responding to emergencies and handling hazardous chemicals. The course begins by reviewing one of the leading causes of workplace injuries, falls and slips, and shows you how to prevent them. Next, you'll learn how to safely respond to, and prevent, fire hazards. You'll also learn how to safely lift heavy items and adjust your workstation using ergonomic guidelines.
This course discusses a variety of common office dangers and provides practical tips on how to reduce workplace injuries. The module includes interactive learning activities, quizzes, and a final test to ensure comprehension.
In order to obtain a course certificate for NASBA CPE credits, please email [email protected] with the following information:
Learner name:
Course title:
Completion date:
Course type: (online self study course)
American English
Security: The Departmentvubiz50Security has become the evolutionary process through which we provide a safe and secure environment within which our employees may work and our customers may conduct business. This e-learning module reviews the tasks, functions and responsibilities that are logically assigned to the Security Department. This module is part of a comprehensive e-learning program that addresses the security function.American English
Security: An Orientationvubiz50An effective security program is an excellent tool for protecting the institution's work product, physical assets, intellectual assets and personnel. This e-learning module introduce key concepts in security and provides a basic understanding of the security function. This module is part of a comprehensive e-learning program that addresses the security function.American English
Security: Personnelvubiz60No one person needs to perform all of the security-related tasks within the institution – the security function actually works best when several skilled people apply their respective knowledge, training and expertise to address security issues. This e-learning module suggests personnel who may logically perform safety and security-related tasks. This module is part of a comprehensive e-learning program that addresses the security function.American English
Earthquake Preparedness (Workplace)vivid9This course provides information on the dangers of earthquakes in the workplace and the actions you should take to prepare in advance of a quake. It also teaches you what to do during and after a quake to reduce the risk of injury.American English
Earthquake Preparedness (Personal)vubiz30Earthquakes can happen at any time of the year and occur without warning. Larger earthquakes may cause deaths, injuries, extensive property damage and disruption of public services. As well as the physical and emotional impacts, earthquakes can have an impact on economic activity in the affected area. In this course, you will learn what you can do to prepare for earthquakes, as well as how to stay safe when and after an earthquake occurs.American English
Sistemas de detención de caídas (Personal Fall Arrest Systems)vivid30El objetivo de esta lección es permitir a los alumnos reconocer los riesgos que representa una caída de cuatro o más pies – y, cuando se utilizan sistemas de detención de caídas, reconocer: los componentes clave de estos sistemas y cómo funcionan en conjunto para detener una caída y cómo inspeccionar, colocar y atar correctamente el dispositivo’ conector del sistema a un punto de anclaje.Latin American Spanish

Core Courses

Course TitleCourse PublisherCourse Length (mins)Course DescriptionCourse Text LanguagesSubtitle Languages
1 to 1: Customer Service SuccessSyntrio45Research verifies that the only way to achieve customer loyalty is to meet and exceed their expectations. Every time you interact with a customer, you have a unique “moment of truth” opportunity to build the relationship or fall short. This module will help you understand your customers’ needs, so you can better serve them through each and every interaction.American English
Avoiding Wrongful Termination (Manager)Syntrio40This course will help managers to understand the principle of "at will" employment and the important exceptions to the rule. Upon the completion of this course, managers will be able to identify practices that could create liability and identify methods for effectively handling terminations to minimize the risk of a lawsuit. Preventive measures outlined in this course can be used to help avoid a costly wrongful termination claim.American English
Business Writing: Being Effectivevubiz60Enhance your writing skills with this professional training course outlining expert techniques for researching, writing, and revising pointed and polished business communications. we'll cover formal and informal research methods, tips for generating ideas, and how to organize your data for clarity and impact. Once your ideas are ready to be written down, we will show you how to craft clear and compelling sentences and paragraphs, and edit your work for accuracy, grammar and syntax.
American English
Build Agile Transformation with Collaborative TeamsIdeas for Leaders20Agile is a great methodology for completing nimble projects quickly and iteratively. Goal setting can be more flexible throughout the project lifecycle, and delivering in bite-sized chunks can make it easier for adopters to accept new ideas. But agile projects can also pose their own set of problems when they’re used in large organizations. Ignore the collaborative demands of agile, and you could end up with outcomes you didn’t expect. Thankfully, researchers at Babson College have come up with 4 practices to enhance the performance of agile teams. Follow these, and your teams will run like clockwork, integrate seamlessly into your organization, and produce the results you’re looking for.American EnglishAmerican English
Influencing Through RapportManagementPocketbooks15How do influencers, such as celebrities, political leaders, and winning salespeople, build rapport with diverse audiences? Undoubtedly, they have a sense for connecting with people from all walks of life and skillfully guiding conversations toward their desired outcomes. In this course, you’ll learn how to adapt to others’ worldviews and use phrasing that influences others. You’ll also explore ways to lead and redirect conversations effectively for productive outcomes. Finally, you’ll apply networking techniques to enhance your professional influence and foster lasting relationships. After taking this course, you’ll be empowered to enhance your professional life with rapport-building and networking.American EnglishArabic;Chinese (Simplified);American English;European French;Canadian French;German;Japanese;Brazilian Portuguese;Italian;Latin American Spanish
Business Ethics: Sustaining a Responsible Organization (Employee - Core)Syntrio8To successfully address ethics issues that arise in the workplace, it’s helpful for employees to understand some key foundations regarding ethics and compliance. This module introduces employees to important concepts as expectations of responsible conduct, responsibilities to stakeholders, challenges they are likely to face in a business setting, and the importance of building competencies at recognizing, evaluating and resolving questions and concerns. This module provides an important foundation to ensuing ethics and compliance instruction.American English
Writing Effective E-mailsvubiz30This course teaches you how to write professional emails that are clear, persuasive, and easily understood by your clients and colleagues. Learning to write effectively can save you time and demonstrate your capabilities and your company’s credibility. In this course, you'll learn how to improve the quality of your writing by applying the 5 principles of strong communication. The course includes several scenarios and examples to show you how to apply these effective writing techniques and principles in your own professional emails.

This course includes clickable links with additional information, learning activities and quizzes to improve your written communications. you'll receive a Certificate of Completion upon passing a final test at the end of the module.
American English
Conflict ResolutionEnspark40Improve your understanding of the causes and impact of negative conflict, and gain management and resolution strategies that lead to a more positive and productive work environment. While not all conflict is negative, unresolved conflict in the workplace can lead to lower productivity, decreased profits, and create a negative atmosphere at work. In this course, you'll recognize what negative conflict is and explore the personal factors that can affect people's response to conflicting situations. You'll also learn about classic approaches to conflict resolution and discover new strategies to resolving conflicts.American English
Critical Thinking and Problem SolvingEnspark35Are you constantly "firefighting"? Does it seem as though problems always appear at the last minute or just before the weekend? In this course, you will learn strategic steps to prevent much chaos and solve new or recurring problems. Through the use of application exercises and rich multimedia process, your ability to think critically and solve problems effectively and in a timely manner will increase thus propelling your end results to new heights.American English
Great Customer Service CommunicationManagementPocketbooks15Exceptional customer service doesn’t happen by itself. Creating experiences that leave your customers feeling valued and satisfied takes effort, skill, and planning. In this course, you’ll dive deep into the secrets of managing great customer interactions. You’ll learn to identify key traits that define great messaging to customers. Finally, you’ll explore ways to make your service visible and tangible to customers. After this course, you’ll be ready to create unforgettable experiences that impress your customers and make them eager to spread the word about your exceptional service.American EnglishArabic;Chinese (Simplified);American English;European French;Canadian French;German;Japanese;Brazilian Portuguese;Italian;Latin American Spanish
Effective Presentation Skillsvectorsolutions30In LearnSmart's Effective Presentations video training, you will learn how to clearly convey your intended message, while overcoming fear and anxiety. You are provided with an essential overview to successful public speaking.
This training highlights the skills needed to make presentations, and the necessary changes involved in presentations to blend personality with clear communication. The video will focus on the following topics: dealing with fears and anxieties, elements of a presentation, nonverbal communication, and how to prepare for a presentation.
American EnglishArabic, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Danish, Dutch, Estonian, American English, European French, Canadian French, German, Hindi, Italian, Indonesian, Japanese, Latvian, Korean, Malay, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, European Spanish, Latin American Spanish, Swedish, Turkish
E-mail Etiquettevubiz25Maintain professional communication in the workplace by learning the rules of email etiquette and how manage your email more efficiently. Send clear and concise messages by following proper style, formatting and the general principles of good communication. You will also learn how to reduce clutter and time wasters by following best practices for email management. This interactive course features video, audio narration, and activities for an engaging learning experience. To receive a certificate of completion, you must pass the final exam.American English
Employee Discipline (Manager/Supervisor)Syntrio45Employee discipline is an important managerial responsibility. In this course, managers and supervisors will learn how to use a disciplinary system that corrects problem behavior and creates and maintains a productive, responsive workforce, while protecting the company from liability. Through interactive scenarios and exercises, managers will learn how and when to use informal versus formal disciplinary techniques, what the progressive steps of discipline are, the importance of documentation, and how to handle disciplinary meetings.American English
Essentials of Six Sigmavectorsolutions45Six Sigma is recognized as a strategy that utilizes data gathering and statistical analysis to evaluate process performance and isolate sources of defects. This course covers the basic concepts of Six Sigma, it’s management methodology, and the techniques and tools needed for process improvements in order to help businesses run more efficiently.American EnglishArabic, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Danish, Dutch, Estonian, American English, European French, Canadian French, German, Hindi, Italian, Indonesian, Japanese, Latvian, Korean, Malay, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, European Spanish, Latin American Spanish, Swedish, Turkish
Establishing Performance Goals and Expectationsvubiz50Productive and motivated employees are those who clearly understand what is expected of them in terms of performance and behavior. This course has tools and methods for collaboratively establishing goals and specific performance criteria for all employees. There are tips to help you obtain commitment to your goals and methods to help you review performance goals regularly. It also includes documentation guidelines and techniques to help you get results through effective feedback and positive reinforcement. In order to obtain a course certificate for NASBA CPE credits, please email [email protected] with the following information:
Learner name:
Course title:
Completion date:
Course type: (online self study course)
American English
Evaluating Your Onboarding ProcessManagementPocketbooks14Creating a successful employee onboarding program takes time and effort. One of the most important steps is evaluating the onboarding process to make sure you’re reaching your goals. This course is part of the Onboarding Pocketbook Series, a series that provides tips on crafting an onboarding program that increases motivation and productivity and creates a sense of belonging for new employees. In this course, you’ll learn how to test the knowledge of your new hires to gauge the effectiveness of their training. You’ll learn how managers can evaluate employee performance using SMARTER goals. And lastly, you’ll learn how to conduct an exit interview to gain insight into the onboarding experience. After completing this course, you’ll have all the tools you need to evaluate and improve your onboarding processes.American EnglishAmerican English
Exit Routes, Emergency Action Plans, and Fire Prevention Plansvectorsolutions30A safe means of escape is crucial when it’s necessary to quickly evacuate a building. This course will provide examples of some previous egress tragedies that well help you to understand critical means of egress requirements. You will learn how to develop an emergency action plan and a fire prevention plan that may be implemented in your facility so you can be ready if disaster strikes. American EnglishArabic;Chinese (Simplified);Chinese (Traditional);Danish;Dutch;American English;Estonian;Canadian French;European French;German;Hindi;Indonesian;Italian;Japanese;Korean;Latvian;Malay;Polish;Brazilian Portuguese;European Portuguese;Romanian;Russian;European Spanish;Latin American Spanish;Swedish;Turkish;Vietnamese;Thai;Czech;Hungarian;Tagalog
Financial Integrity: Ensuring that Numbers Tell the Truth (Core)Syntrio8Financial records may take various forms. Regardless of the form, it’s essential that employees properly prepare, maintain, keep, submit and (when authorized) destroy financial and related records. Here, learners explore the types of ethical challenges that can arise with preparing, completing, or changing financial or operational records. Because the more employees are aware of these risks, the more easily they can recognize and successfully resolve them.American English
Structuring Your Performance ConversationsManagementPocketbooks14Are you ready to transform your performance conversations into powerful tools for employee success? Effective performance conversations are crucial in fostering employee achievement and motivation. In this course, you'll explore the importance of thoroughly preparing for performance conversations to set a positive tone. Then, you'll discover how to navigate these conversations with meaningful dialogue and a future-oriented perspective. Finally, you'll gain insight into concluding performance conversations effectively to ensure the future success of your team members. After this course, you'll have the skills to structure performance conversations that address current issues while laying the foundation for continued growth.American EnglishChinese (Simplified);American English;European French;Canadian French;German;Brazilian Portuguese;Latin American Spanish;Japanese;Italian;Arabic
Implement Social Rules to Boost CollaborationIdeas for Leaders20Discussing performance is an essential part of any manager’s role, and preparing for these conversations is essential to their success. While much of your performance conversations will be ongoing and informal, you will also need to have the required formal conversations.This course will provide the information and tools you need to successfully prepare for your scheduled, formal performance conversations. By completing this course, you will:• Know what you must do to prepare for a performance development conversation
American EnglishAmerican English
Interviewing Skills for Managers: Conducting an InterviewEnspark25Can I ask this?" "Will she be a good fit?" "Who else should I invite to the interview?" When you are on the other side of the table, there are still many questions to answer in order to have a "good interview." Using application exercises and a rich multimedia process, you will learn the skills to conduct effective interviews in this timely course designed to help you get the right people in the right seats.American English
Lean and Agile Concepts for Project Managementvectorsolutions60This course addresses the basic concepts of Lean and how they influence Agile and modern project management. The course will show how agile ways of working and managing projects emerged from and with the evolution of the core lean concepts and practices. PMBOK Guide - Seventh edition.American EnglishArabic, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Danish, Dutch, Estonian, American English, European French, Canadian French, German, Hindi, Italian, Indonesian, Japanese, Latvian, Korean, Malay, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, European Spanish, Latin American Spanish, Swedish, Turkish
Legal Aspects of Interviewing and HiringSyntrio40The pre-employment process (i.e. recruitment, interviewing and hiring) is filled with legal pitfalls. As such, individuals involved in the recruitment, interviewing and hiring process need to be familiar with effective techniques and knowledgeable of federal, state, and local laws restricting hiring practices that could be considered discriminatory or invasions of privacy. This course discusses legal issues related to job descriptions, recruitment methods, background checks and offers of employment, as well as interviewing, testing, and evaluating candidates.American English
Listen Up! Handling Employee Concerns (Mini-Module) (Manager)Syntrio10A strong ethical culture requires that all staff are comfortable with raising concerns and managers are skilled in effectively receiving and responding to these concerns. This mini-module addresses a manager’s duty to “listen up," which involves carefully listening to employees' concerns and taking action, as warranted, to address the concerns reinforce management’s commitment to a speak-up culture.American English
Developing Great Customer Service SkillsManagementPocketbooks13Excellent communication skills are essential for delivering exceptional customer service. In this course, you’ll explore the importance of effective communication for providing great customer service. You’ll also explore effective communication strategies and how to use active listening to better understand customer needs. By the end of this course, you’ll be equipped to deliver outstanding service to all customers.American EnglishArabic;Chinese (Simplified);American English;European French;Canadian French;German;Japanese;Brazilian Portuguese;Italian;Latin American Spanish
Meeting With CustomersManagementPocketbooks12The modern salesperson is professional, a great listener, and considerate of their customers' needs. They make a great impression - one that inspires trust and confidence. This course is part of the Sales Excellence Series, a series created to provide new and experienced sales teams with the knowledge needed to be successful in a competitive marketplace. In this course, you'll learn how to make a great impression and use active listening skills to connect with your customers. You'll also learn how restating your customers’ needs can help you provide them with better customer service. After completing this course, you’ll inspire the confidence needed to make the sale.American EnglishAmerican English
Meetings That Get ResultsEnspark30Frustrated with boring meetings that waste time? Never fear! This pivotal course will teach you how to shift from boring, ineffective meetings, to strategic meetings that get results! Through application exercises and a rich multimedia process, learn the specific components that make meetings worth the time and effort of everyone involved. But what if you are not in charge? Not a problem! This course will also take you through the steps and options to make meetings effective even when you are not the one conducting!American English
Managing Information OverloadSyntrio30Information overload leads to chaos and frustration; it actually eats up productive work time and leaves very little room to enhance productivity and creativity. However, this kind of clutter is manageable. This course explores easy-to-use strategies to manage information overload, to file information, to find information, and to control all sorts of information inflows.American English
Pandemics: Slowing the Spreadvivid24You will learn actions you can take to slow down the transmission of a pandemic virus, what you can do to prevent yourself from becoming infected with and transmitting cold and influenza viruses, as well as actions to take if you become infected. Specifically, you will learn about the coronavirus, symptoms of the COVID-19 strain, and what you should do if you feel sick.American English
Pause Before You Post, Text, or EmailEverything Is On The Record13You may be tempted to immediately reply to a social media post, text message, or email that catches your attention or upsets you. But it’s important to take time to pause before you type an emotionally charged response and send it. In this course, you’ll learn strategies to help you avoid unintended consequences when you write texts, social media posts, and emails. You’ll also recognize when it’s best to not send a message at all.American EnglishAmerican English
Prioritizing Decisions and Taking ActionManagementPocketbooks12It may be difficult to take that final step toward making a decision, even after you've conducted a detailed analysis of the issue and identified options. This course is part of the Decision-Making series, a series designed to help managers and leaders identify issues and make balanced decisions that add value. In this course, you'll learn techniques for making a decision when there are multiple options available and explore the relationship of stakeholders with the decision-making process. You'll also learn the steps for implementing a decision and how to review the decision post-implementation. By the end of this course, you’ll know how to handle the challenges that contribute to last-minute decision-making hesitancy so that you can successfully turn that decision into action.American EnglishAmerican English
Professional EtiquetteInfobase39In this module you will learn strategies for professional etiquette both in the workplace, and with your online presence. We will cover strategies for professional appearance, communication, collaboration, setting professional standards, professional disagreement, and advancement.American EnglishAmerican English
Resilience and Stress Managementvivid5This course will introduce you to the positive and negative aspects of stress, how stress can affect you, and ways to manage it while developing and strengthening your resilience.American English
Running Successful MeetingsIdeas for Leaders20Meetings are important for teams to exchange information and make decisions. But they can also be a drain on productivity and absorb productive hours from multiple people. In this course, learn some of the signals of an effective meeting as uncovered by research from MIT: when you're nearing a decision, how long you should run meetings, and ways to drive meetings to effective decisions more quickly and save time on everyone’s busy calendars.American EnglishAmerican English
The Importance of Good Customer ServiceManagementPocketbooks15Good customer service is essential for your business’s long-term success. In this course, you’ll explore the direct relationship between customer service and your company’s reputation. You’ll learn the importance of examining customer needs to enhance their purchasing experience and get strategies for creating lifelong customers with your company. By the end of this course, you’ll have the skills to increase customer loyalty and satisfaction.American EnglishArabic;Chinese (Simplified);American English;European French;Canadian French;German;Japanese;Brazilian Portuguese;Italian;Latin American Spanish
Social Media EthicsSyntrio15The rise of social media has impacted society and culture, including the workplace, in profound ways. By revolutionizing the way people communicate and socialize, social media offers many opportunities and benefits to individuals and to organizations. It also raises many challenging ethical and legal issues. This course provides an overview of social media ethics in the workplace.American English
Substance Abuse Awarenessvectorsolutions30Drug addiction is when an individual is involved in compulsive drug seeking and use, regardless of any negative health or social consequences. This compulsive drug use can cause employees to be more likely to miss work, be less productive, or even be involved in on-the-job accidents. This course discusses the effects of different types of drugs and alcohol as well as how to recognize and deal with symptoms of abuse.American EnglishArabic, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Danish, Dutch, Estonian, American English, European French, Canadian French, German, Hindi, Italian, Indonesian, Japanese, Latvian, Korean, Malay, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, European Spanish, Latin American Spanish, Swedish, Turkish
Team Building Activities for Challenged TeamsManagementPocketbooks12As team members become more comfortable, team dynamics may shift in negative direction. During this "angry" or storming stage of development, strong leadership is required to move challenged teams to a more productive stage of development. This course is part of the Team Building series, a series designed to help leaders improve the performance of their teams with team building activities at every stage of team development. In this course, you'll learn the traits of teams in the angry stage, and what management style works best to lead them. After taking this course, you'll have three activities to help your team move past their challlenges into a stage that is productive and collaborative.American EnglishAmerican English
The Customer Perception LadderManagementPocketbooks15Reaching new heights is an essential goal when developing and managing relationships with your key accounts. The defining factor in your success as a key account manager is how your customers perceive you. This perception is illustrated in the customer perception ladder. This course is part of the Key Accounts Pocketbook series, a series that provides tips, techniques, and tools for those who want to keep and develop business with their most important customers. In this course, you’ll learn the importance of “perception” in the customer perception ladder. You’ll also describe the differences between the four levels of the ladder and get practical steps to help you move up it. By the end of this course, you should be able to identify your current level on the customer perception ladder and plan practical steps for moving up it.American EnglishAmerican English
Understanding the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) (Manager)Syntrio45The course is designed for managers or supervisors whose employees may request or require leave. It provides an “advanced path” with more detailed information intended for FMLA leave administrators, such as staff responsible for designating and qualifying leave requests as FMLA qualifying. Users will learn about eligibility requirements, circumstances under which employees qualify for FMLA leave, pay and benefits that employees are entitled to while on leave, and responsibilities for record-keeping and posting notices regarding FMLA procedures.American English
Union Free: A Guide for Managers and Supervisorsvubiz90Today's union movement is drastically different from what it was historically. Companies need to be prepared, and as a supervisor or manager, you have an important role to play. This module is designed to familiarize you with union organizing tactics, positive employee relations, and union do's and don'ts.American English
When and How to Use Texts, Emails, and Calls to CommunicateEverything Is On The Record16When you are communicating with someone via phone, text, or email, you are asking for a very precious commodity -- their time and attention. As important as these tools are to modern communication, especially as the hybrid workplace becomes more commonplace, many people just don't seem to wield these tools the right way. In this course, You'll learn when text, email, or a phone call is the best tool for the job and the tricks to making your communication stand out. By the end of this course, you will be on your way to call yourself a communications master!American EnglishAmerican English
The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA): Anti-Bribery TrainingSyntrio45This course is designed for personnel authorized to negotiate contracts with and make payments to foreign officials. It discusses key anti-bribery provisions of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) with the purpose of protecting individuals and their companies from accusations of corrupt payment to foreign officials along with the serious civil or criminal penalties that can ensue.American English
Active Shooter Responsevivid20In this lesson, employees will learn what an active shooter event is, who is at increased risk in an active shooter event, physiological reactions that can occur during an active shooter event, the planning, training, and preparation steps to survive an active shooter event, how to recognize an active shooter event, how to respond to an active shooter event occurring, what to do after an active shooter event occurs, and resources for additional information on preparation for an active shooter event.American English
Business Ethics: Quick Refreshvectorsolutions30This course examines the basic fundamentals of business ethics and offers insight on how trust and errors in thinking can impact our interactions with others on a personal and professional level. The course examines the definition of ethics and reviews relevant social contracts that exist within business relationships. It looks at the trust principle, types of trust and how a breach in trust can have far reaching consequences. The course also outlines common thinking errors that can lead people to make non-intentional breaches of trust or unethical decisions. Finally, you'll learn about a company value statement and look at requirements for business ethics compliance. The 30-minute course includes video and audio narration for a user-friendly learning experience. It includes labs to help you assess your knowledge and downloadable student material. The course is intended to provide an overview of the subject matter and is recommended to be taken as a supplemental review alongside a comprehensive business ethics course.American EnglishArabic;Chinese (Simplified);Chinese (Traditional);Danish;Dutch;American English;Estonian;Canadian French;European French;German;Hindi;Indonesian;Italian;Japanese;Korean;Latvian;Malay;Polish;Brazilian Portuguese;European Portuguese;Romanian;Russian;European Spanish;Latin American Spanish;Swedish;Turkish;Vietnamese;Thai;Czech;Hungarian;Tagalog
Avoiding Conflicts of InterestSyntrio15Conflicts of interest arise in the workplace can undermine the reputation and integrity of the individual(s) involved and the organization. This course teaches employees to recognize potential conflicts of interest or situations that could be perceived as conflicts of interests, and respond appropriately by avoiding or disclosing the situation through appropriate channels.American English
Communication Skills for Handling ComplaintsManagementPocketbooks14Do you ever find yourself feeling unsure or intimidated when faced with a dissatisfied customer? Skilled communication is the key, especially when it comes to handling complaints. In this course, you’ll assess your ability to listen to a customer with a complaint. You’ll learn to avoid common pitfalls of verbal communication and recognize the value of staying upbeat. Finally, you’ll discover tips for maintaining positive nonverbal communication, even in challenging situations. After this course, you’ll be ready to handle any customer complaint with ease and professionalism.American EnglishArabic;Chinese (Simplified);American English;European French;Canadian French;German;Japanese;Brazilian Portuguese;Italian;Latin American Spanish
Ethics and Code of Conduct (College and University)Syntrio30This course will introduce you to the College’s Code of Conduct and challenge you to apply the code to a few scenarios. The purpose is to provide an overview of the College’s expectations of its members and representatives. The College expects its members and their representatives to adhere to the highest ethical standards, including honesty, integrity, respect for others, fair dealing, diligence, prudence and accountability in the use of the College’s resources.American English
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Compliance for Covered Entitiesvivid30This lesson will make you aware of your, and your employer’s, responsibilities for complying with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). You will learn about protected health information (PHI), situations in which you may disclose PHI, and the actions you and your employer must take in response to a HIPAA violation.
American English
HIPAA Essentials (Foundation In-Depth)Syntrio60This training provides a detailed understanding of protected health information (PHI), identifiers that comprise it, the importance of protecting it, and de-identifying it. It details the Privacy Rule, which addresses individuals’ rights regarding PHI, the proper forms of disclosure, purposes for when PHI can be used and disclosed and to which parties—and when it cannot. This training describes the Security Rule, including risks to handling electronic PHI (ePHI); administrative, physical, and technical safeguards to protect it; and use of mobile devices and social media related to PHI. The Breach Notification Rule is discussed, including when a breach of PHI occurs, assessing the extent of a breach, and steps a covered entity must take regarding a breach, including notifying patients.American English
HIPAA Essentials (Foundation Overview)Syntrio30This training overviews protected health information (PHI), identifiers that comprise it, the importance of protecting it, and de-identifying it. It details the Privacy Rule, which addresses individuals’ rights regarding PHI, the proper forms of disclosure, purposes for when PHI can be used and disclosed and to which parties—and when it cannot. This training describes the Security Rule, including risks to handling electronic PHI (ePHI); administrative, physical, and technical safeguards to protect it; and use of mobile devices and social media related to PHI. The Breach Notification Rule is discussed, including when a breach of PHI occurs, assessing the extent of a breach, and steps a covered entity must take regarding a breach, including notifying patients.American English
HIPAA Essentials: Introduction (Focus)Syntrio12This training introduces the role of HIPAA regarding confidentiality, privacy, and security of protected health information (PHI) and requirements under HIPAA’s three principal standards: the Privacy Rule, the Security Rule, and the Breach Notification Rule.American English
HIPAA Essentials: Privacy Rule (Focus)Syntrio16This training details the Privacy Rule, which addresses individuals’ rights regarding PHI, the proper forms of disclosure, purposes for when PHI can be used and disclosed and to which parties—and when it cannot.American English
HIPAA Essentials: Security Rule (Focus)Syntrio15This training describes the Security Rule, including risks to handling ePHI; administrative, physical, and technical safeguards to protect it; and use of mobile devices and social media related to PHI.American English
How Managers Can Address Diversity and Inclusion with EmployeesEverything Is On The Record14Diversity and Inclusion policies are important, and companies are becoming more aware of how their employees’ actions might be viewed as discriminatory and impact the company. Managers have to find a balance between valuing their employees’ individuality and personal beliefs and responding to potential controversial acts or statements. In this course, you, as a manager, will learn effective practices in establishing diversity and inclusion policies and addressing accusations of prejudice and discrimination.American EnglishAmerican English
Employment Discrimination: Maintaining a Fair Workplace (US)Syntrio8Everyone in the United States has the right to be treated fairly in employment. Equal employment opportunity laws exist to ensure that an organization’s employees can work unimpeded by improper bias that could affect their employment. This course provides an overview of employment discrimination; it addresses personal characteristics that may be improperly considered regarding employment conditions, such as recruitment, terms and conditions, and termination. This course also explores the need to ensure that managers do not make illegal or otherwise improper employment decisions. This course also covers Title VI. Duration: 8 minutes.American English
Speak Up! Addressing Ethics ConcernsSyntrio15Legal and ethical missteps can occur in any organization. Addressing and resolving these behaviors on a regular basis can head off devastating effects to the organization and its reputation. This course teaches employees the importance of speaking up on ethics concerns and their responsibility to hold each other accountable for maintaining the high ethical standards of the organization. It also discusses actions employees can take to question and/or report misconduct if it arises.American English
Successfully Resolving Workplace ConflictIdeas for Leaders20Unresolved workplace conflict can lead to bad things. Motivation and success can be damaged when colleagues start to generally dislike, or specifically disagree, with each other. In the very worst cases, conflict can even cause health or legal issues. Conflict can occur at, and between, all levels of the company. Based on research from multiple institutions including UCLA Anderson School of Management, Carnegie Mellon University, and University of Virginia Darden Business School, conflict can be expressed along two dimensions. Being able to identify the type of conflict expression will help you address that conflict in a way that supports a positive resolution. In this course, you'll learn how to do that as well as implement a 5-step process to constructively address workplace conflict.American EnglishAmerican English
Turning Feedback Into Behavioral ChangeManagementPocketbooks14Even with good intentions, there are many factors that influence whether your employees will implement your feedback. This course is part of the Feedback Pocketbook series, a series that helps managers and team members create effective and engaging feedback conversations. In this course, you’ll identify the factors that influence intentions and help shift them to behavioral change. You’ll examine techniques for strengthening commitment while giving feedback and also implement strategies for making regular feedback more effective. By the end of this course, you’ll have the tools to support your team and their career goals.American EnglishAmerican English
U.S. Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)Syntrio20This course covers the U.S. Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA) and its requirements regarding handling and disclosure of certain student education records. All college and university employees, including faculty and administrators, need to understand FERPA and its restrictions in disclosing this information to third parties.American English
Wage and Hour (US)vubiz50In this module, you will learn about U.S. laws relating to employee pay. We refer to these as "wage and hour" laws because they cover the wages paid to employees for their hours worked; specifically, the correct amount of wages in exchange for what count as "working hours" for which the company must pay its employees.American English
Wage and Hour Basics (Manager)Syntrio30This course is designed for managers who supervise employees subject to the FLSA and state minimum wage, overtime, and meal and rest break laws. In addition to learning the basic parameters of the laws governing the payment of minimum wages and overtime, managers will learn the essential "flash points" that lead to wage and hour lawsuits, including (but not limited to): scheduling; record keeping; supervision and policing (or lack thereof) of break times; and the distinction between exempt and non-exempt status with respect to state and federal overtime requirements.
American English
Working in a Cross-Generational TeamEverything Is On The Record17Chances are your team has members from different generations, and everyone brings their own generational experiences to how they approach their work. However, without learning to intentionally recognize commonalities and individual differences, your team won’t be able to reach its collective potential. In this course, Ric Bucher — a TV and radio analyst with Fox Sports and a cross-generational team member throughout his career — will describe some practical activities you can do with your cross-generational team. He’ll explain a series of exercises to get your team to start bonding and building trust, uncover generational biases and the strengths of individuals, and find common ground within the team. By the end of this course, you’ll have actionable takeaways to help your cross-generational team work toward the same goal: to see the team succeed. American EnglishAmerican English
Multigenerational Workforcevubiz60Recognize five generations in the workplace and some common characteristics and experiences. American English
Employment Discrimination: Disability (Focus)Syntrio14This course provides an overview of disability discrimination, its effects, and how to recognize disability discrimination in the workplace. This course also presents an overview of US laws related to disability discrimination (including Title VI). It also covers reasonable accommodations for disabilities in the workplace.American English
Americans with Disabilities Actvubiz50This Course explains the ADA in simple, understandable terms. It uses examples from news headlines to emphasize the importance of ADA compliance, and it reinforces these messages with realistic quiz scenarios presented at the end of the Course. In order to obtain a course certificate for NASBA CPE credits, please email [email protected] with the following information:
Learner name:
Course title:
Completion date:
Course type: (online self study course)
American English
California and Federal Leaves of Absencevubiz90The practice of managing leaves has become one of the more complex and time consuming in the average HR practitioner's world. With numerous legal issues, along with the choices available to employers, it is important that HR professionals have a good grasp of this topic.American English
Reasonable Accommodations Syntrio24U.S. employers must reasonably accommodate qualified applicants and employees whose sincerely held religious beliefs, practices, or observances might conflict with work requirements. Employers must make reasonable accommodations for physical and mental impairments of applicants and employees. Some state and local laws require accommodations for other groups. Reasonable accommodations must be made unless doing so presents an undue hardship to the organization. This training provides information about and examples of disabilities, accommodations, qualified individuals, and essential job functions. Duration: 24 minutes.American English
Disinfecting the Workplace for COVID-19vivid9In this course, you'll learn to recognize the difference between cleaning and disinfecting, which products are effective against COVID-19, and how to use them correctly and safely. You'll also learn the steps you can take to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 in your workplace once you’ve cleaned and disinfected your work environment.American EnglishAmerican English
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Awareness for Employeesvectorsolutions55Today’s workplaces are made up of people of diverse backgrounds and experiences. Different beliefs and values, as well as the distinct ways we express our individuality, encourage new ideas and perspectives that can help grow and strengthen our businesses. When employees respect the unique qualities each person brings to work, the entire organization benefits. That’s why it’s so important for employers to create and model a fair and inclusive work environment for everyone. This course is designed to give an overview of the fundamental aspects of diversity, equity and inclusion and how they bring value to the workplace. Topics covered include how certain policies and practices have historically undermined these concepts; how discrimination and harassment continue to play a part in today’s professional landscape; challenges faced by those in the LGBTQ community; and implicit bias and the destructiveness of microaggressions. For Employees. American EnglishArabic;Chinese (Simplified);Chinese (Traditional);Danish;Dutch;American English;Estonian;Canadian French;European French;German;Hindi;Indonesian;Italian;Japanese;Korean;Latvian;Malay;Polish;Brazilian Portuguese;European Portuguese;Romanian;Russian;European Spanish;Latin American Spanish;Swedish;Turkish;Vietnamese;Thai;Czech;Hungarian;Tagalog
Leaves and Accommodations (US)vubiz50This module provides an overview of U.S. Acts which cover employee leaves and accommodations, such as the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADAAA). The module also discusses the importance of privacy and confidentiality as it relates to these specific acts.American English
Being a Member of a Virtual TeamManagementPocketbooks13Working virtually is becoming a new skill, and it’s crucial to know what makes for a successful team member of a virtual team. This course is part of the Virtual Teams Pocketbook series, a series that provides tips and tools on leading a successful, motivated team of people who work apart. In this course, you’ll learn about the expected skills of a virtual team member and how you can prepare yourself for these expectations. You’ll also learn how to deliver your best self to your team by using your past experiences and answering some specific questions to help alleviate any of your initial concerns. By the end of this course, you should be able to identify how you can deliver your best self as a member of any future virtual team.American EnglishAmerican English
COVID-19 and Returning to WorkSyntrio25As the United States reopens certain social, commercial, and business activities following the COVID-19 quarantine, the risk of continued exposure remains. Organizations want to ensure the health and safety of their staff. In response, the US federal government and many states have established training requirements and recommendations to help protect employees from further virus exposure and contagion. This course provides an overview of health and safety practices to meet these training requirements, as well as recommendations to protect employees.
American English
El COVID-19 y el regreso al trabajo (COVID-19 and Returning to Work Latin American Spanish)Syntrio25A medida que los Estados Unidos reabren ciertas actividades sociales, de negocio y empresariales después de la cuarentena por el COVID-19, sigue el riesgo de exposición continuada al coronavirus. Las organizaciones quieren garantizar la salud y la seguridad de su personal. En respuesta, el gobierno federal de los Estados Unidos y muchos estados han establecido requisitos y recomendaciones de capacitación para ayudar a proteger a los empleados contra una mayor exposición y contagio del virus.Latin American Spanish
Establishing Trust in Collaborative WorkManagementPocketbooks14Effective collaboration requires seven collaborative habits: purpose, humility, connectivity, curiosity, disagreement, control, and trust. Trust is central to each of these habits and the most important. This course is part of the Collaborative Work Pocketbook series, a series that provides tips and techniques to make connections, combine talent and skills, and optimize outcomes during collaboration. In this course, you'll learn about the two sources of trust in collaborative work. You'll also learn how to establish trust when collaborating virtually and in cross-cultural teams. By the end of this course, you’ll be able to identify how you can personally use trust to improve your collaborative work.American EnglishAmerican English
Risk Assessmentvivid20The goal of this course is to provide an introduction to risk, risk assessment, and risk control, in order to minimize the consequences of risks associated with laboratories and maker spaces.American English
Risk Management and Your Organizationvubiz30This online module provides your organization's employees and stakeholders with a thorough understanding of the Risk Management Policy. A risk can represent a threat as well as an opportunity to the achievement of those objectives. Risk management is therefore very important as it is directly and inherently aligned with the achievement of your business objectives.American English
The Basics of Crisis PREverything Is On The Record11One of the biggest mistakes organizations make is that they aren’t prepared for a crisis. Then when a crisis hits, it’s a mad scramble to execute a plan, which could actually make the crisis worse. In this course, you’ll learn about the importance of getting in front of a potential crisis before it happens and how to create a Crisis PR plan when you can’t.American EnglishAmerican English
Are You Really Listening?Syntrio45Effective listening is a significant part of the communication process. Communication cannot take place until and unless a message is heard and retained thoroughly and positively by the recipient. Developing effective listening skills helps to improve productivity and interpersonal relationship at work. In this course, you will learn how to improve your listening, listen to others while remaining empathic and non-judgmental, and follow a speaker’s points. You also will learn how to overcome your listening blocks and respond appropriately to others.American English
Communicating with Senior StaffManagementPocketbooks12Whether you work for an organization with a traditional hierarchy or one with a flatter structure, you will be interacting with senior staff in some capacity whether they initiate the communication or you do. Cultivating a friendly but respectful relationship is important. In this course, part of the Managing Upwards series, you will learn the basics of communicating with senior staff and how to run an effective meeting. When you schedule and conduct a meeting with them, you will need to consider timing, plan carefully, and stick to the allotted time. You will learn tips to impress and influence while meeting with senior staff and ways to avoid confusion and misunderstandings by enhancing your listening skills.American EnglishAmerican English
Communication and the Science of Great Team BuildingIdeas for Leaders20What we usually consider to be elusive group dynamics that characterize high-performing teams - such as energy, creativity, and shared commitment - are actually observable, quantifiable, and measurable qualities. And as such, teams can be taught how to strengthen them. Following research from MIT Sloan School of Management, in this course, you'll learn the defining communication characteristics of successful teams and 3 critical aspects of communication that affect team performance. you'll also learn how to analyze your team and apply the findings to create a team that communicates and performs better.American EnglishAmerican English
Impactful Presentation SkillsManagementPocketbooks12Your audience can form a positive or negative opinion about you based on your communication and presentation skills. Strong presentation skills allows you to make the greatest impact on your audience. This course is part of the Impact and Presence series, a series designed to help people maximize their presence and create a powerful impact on the people with whom they interact. In this course, you'll learn different approaches you can use when giving a presentation, along with the five do's and don'ts of presenting. You'll also learn ways to create a memorable virtual presentation. By the end of this course, you'll be able to bring your boldest presence to the stage to impact and engage your audience.American EnglishAmerican English
Powerful PresentationsEnspark30Audiences decide if a presentation is worth paying attention to in the first 1-2 minutes. To be an effective presenter, there are multiple factors to consider and skills to develop. In this course, through the use of application exercises and a rich multi-media process, you will learn the key skills to creating powerful presentations that get results.American English
Barriers to Effective CommunicationManagementPocketbooks14Comminication is skill that takes continuous practice in order to be effective. However, some failures of communication occur due to specific communication barriers. This course is part of the Communicator's Pocketbook series, a series that explains how to make you more aware of your communication style and how to improve it. In this course, you'll learn to identify three different types of communication barriers: personal, organizational, and process barriers. You'll also learn a process to overcome these barriers. By the end of this course, you'll be able to have the skills to identify your own communication barriers and make a plan on how to overcome them.American EnglishAmerican English
Increasing Your Impact During Difficult ConversationsManagementPocketbooks14Appearing powerful and authoritative is important for making an impact on others during difficult conversations. But how can you do this? In this course, you'll learn some specific techniques. First, you'll learn about the importance of using your body language to present yourself with more confidence. you'll also learn ways to ask more effective questions to persuade others. Finally, you'll identify how to tailor your language to motivate others to participate in your conversations. By the end of this course, you'll have a toolkit to tap into when you need to make a stronger impact during any difficult conversation. This course is part of the Tackling Difficult Conversations Pocketbook series, a series that provides confidence-building tips and techniques to help you discuss difficult issues and tactfully deal with people’s emotions.American EnglishAmerican English
Preparing for Difficult ConversationsManagementPocketbooks16Many people worry about the potential pushback they may encounter during difficult conversations but do nothing to prepare for it. In this course, you'll learn three ways to prepare. First, you'll learn the importance of creating clear objectives for your conversation. you'll also learn about your emotional bank account and how it impacts your relationships with others. Finally, you'll be introduced to the ego state model to help with managing your style and tone. By the end of this course, you should have the tools to create a constructive atmosphere for managing any difficult conversation. This course is part of the Tackling Difficult Conversations Pocketbook series, a series that provides confidence-building tips and techniques to help you discuss difficult issues and tactfully deal with people’s emotions.American EnglishAmerican English
Fostering Trust and Communication in Virtual TeamsManagementPocketbooks18Virtual teams have specific challenges that in-person teams don't face. Because virtual team members can't run into each other in the break room, or drop by each others’ desks to discuss a work issue, a virtual team has to be very intentional about how the team communicates, collaborates, and builds trust. This course is part of the Virtual Teams Pocketbook series, a series that provides tips and tools on leading a successful, motivated team of people who work apart. In this course, you'll learn the steps to creating a great virtual team kick-off meeting, how to establish clear guidelines for communication and working together, and ways to build trust between team members.American EnglishAmerican English
Creating the Right Atmosphere for Difficult ConversationsManagementPocketbooks13The success of difficult conversations can be determined in the first few moments of interaction. If you can handle these initial moments appropriately, your conversation can have a positive outcome for you and the other person. In this course, You'll learn ways to create the right atmosphere for any difficult conversation. You'll first identify your style when approaching conflict. Then, You'll identify some specific things to consider when planning how to start your conversation. Finally, You'll learn how you can use mirroring to build rapport during your conversation. By the end of this course, You'll have the confidence to enter your next difficult conversation. This course is part of the Tackling Difficult Conversations Pocketbook series, a series that provides confidence-building tips and techniques to help you discuss difficult issues and tactfully deal with people’s emotions.American EnglishAmerican English
Effective Use of Email in the WorkplaceSyntrio20Email is a powerful communication tool that transcends time zones and continents. Its applications are wide-ranging and it can contribute greatly to productivity if used appropriately and effectively. This course will show you how to write compelling and concise emails, successfully manage your email, and know when email should or should not be used. You will also learn how to overcome the risks associated with email, such as lost productivity, legal issues, security breaches, viruses, and junk email.American English
Cybersecurity Awareness for Employees: Classifying and Safeguarding Data for Corporate and Personal Usevectorsolutions30Failing to become cyber aware, failing to put measures in place that will protect our devices and network is also failing to protect our personal information, our place of business, and our customers. In this interactive online course we will discuss why classifying and safeguarding data is a priority that must not be ignored. We will also list the main types of classifications and state objectives for securing data.American EnglishArabic, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Danish, Dutch, Estonian, American English, European French, Canadian French, German, Hindi, Italian, Indonesian, Japanese, Latvian, Korean, Malay, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, European Spanish, Latin American Spanish, Swedish, Turkish
Cybersecurity Awareness for Employees: Security Awareness Essentialsvectorsolutions30In our digital world today, attackers seem to be lurking behind every click of the mouse or tap on the screen. Many people forget that they are the keepers of their own security safety and the security safety of the institutions for which they are employed. In this interactive online course, we learn about the who, what, how, and why of security attacks. We discuss the potential losses associated with a successful security breaches by hackers and will understand the different way in which those security breaches can occur. Finally, we cover important actions you can take within your organization to limit security risks.American EnglishArabic, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Danish, Dutch, Estonian, American English, European French, Canadian French, German, Hindi, Italian, Indonesian, Japanese, Latvian, Korean, Malay, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, European Spanish, Latin American Spanish, Swedish, Turkish
Cybersecurity: Browser SafetyEnspark20In this course, we are going to explore ten different ways to protect yourself and your company while you are online and learn how to avoid being the weak link that cybercriminals are looking for. Exploring the internet is a part of our day that most of us take for granted. Unfortunately, cybercriminals use tactics that involve each part of our online activities. Your browser and web surfing habits are just more areas of attack if proper habits aren’t built. We’ll learn about these important habits to use whenever you are online that can be very significant in preventing cyber attacks when using a company device, surfing the internet at work, or doing any type of work-related activity.American EnglishAmerican English
Sustaining Diversity, Equity, and InclusionOpenDoors10Historically, diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts have focused more on one-time regulatory training within organizations. These have been used to protect organizations against lawsuits and to meet government regulations. However, implementing regular, consistent, and sustainable DEI practices provides a variety of benefits to a company’s culture and employees. In this course, you will learn five best practices you can implement as a leader or human resources representative to move your organization towards a culture that demonstrates the value of DEI.American EnglishAmerican English
Why Culture CountsManagementPocketbooks11Technology is bringing us all closer together and business is truly global. Working with people from different cultures is now a common part of work. We each see the world differently; our filters have been directly influenced by our personal background. As part of the Cross-Cultural Business series, this course provides examples of how culture affects perceptions, behaviors, and relationships. You will examine real and fictional examples of opportunities to take culture into account when planning projects. Tips on developing a code of cross-cultural conduct are shared along with ways you can learn about the culture and beliefs of business partners.American EnglishAmerican English
Staying Focused in MeetingsOpenMind9You’ve probably found yourself distracted during meetings and unable to focus on the topic at hand. There are a variety of reasons for why you may lose engagement in a meeting. But there are also a variety of ways to help you re-engage. In this course, you’ll learn strategies to help you re-energize and re-focus in meetings. Once you’ve completed this course, you’ll be able to identify your reasons for disengagement and apply behaviors to help you stay focused in your next meeting.American EnglishAmerican English, Arabic, Chinese (Simplified), European French, German, Italian, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, Latin American Spanish
90 Seconds to Emotional ResilienceOpenMind1090 Seconds to Emotional Resilience teaches learners a simple framework for dealing with strong emotions. The 90-second rule, created by a renowned neuroanatomist, takes advantage of the brain’s wiring to provide a simple coping strategy for responding to challenging moments. This course explains how our brains process strong emotions and why these emotions can be so difficult to overcome. It then guides learners through a three-step process for validating an emotional response, labeling it, and allowing it to recede from the body. This 90-second process builds emotional resilience, a key skill for retaining composure and productivity in the face of obstacles.American EnglishAmerican English, Arabic, Chinese (Simplified), European French, German, Italian, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, Latin American Spanish
A Manager's Core SkillsSyntrio20In today’s fast-paced world, a manager’s job is not limited to managing resources but goes well beyond that in terms of developing their own and staff’s individual competence to achieve organizational goals and objectives. At its heart, the manager’s job requires several core skills. A manager must be equipped with soft skills like strong communication and interpersonal skills, problem-solving and decision-making, delegation, managing meetings and managing oneself. Whether you are new to management or want to brush up existing skills, this course delivers a rich learning experience.
American English
Develop Empathy and Gain Influence by ListeningIdeas for Leaders20Listening is one of the most underrated business communication skills. While most of us like to share our knowledge, you can gain more influence and develop deeper connections with your co-workers by practicing active listening. Research from Columbia Business School finds a direct connection between listening and one’s ability to influence others. Good listening skills are related to the ability to persuade others, direct meetings, and turn conversations in your favor.American EnglishAmerican English
Lead the Way: Building Leadership CapabilityEnspark30As a leader you will have opportunity to coach and mentor others in both official and unofficial capacities. Knowing how to effectively coach and mentor your people is key to both their success and to preparing new leadership to step up. Through application exercises and a rich multimedia process, you will learn the skills to be an effective coach or mentor, and thus be able to build additional leadership capability in your organization.American English
Delegation, Goal Setting, and MonitoringManagementPocketbooks13When you delegate a task, your delegate and the task outcome will benefit from a monitoring system that includes goal setting, check-ins, proactive problem solving, and risk mitigation. This course is part of the Delegation Pocketbooks series, a series that reveals how to save time, improve results, and increase job satisfaction with successful delegation. In this course, you'll learn how to set SMARTER goals to help your delegate successfully complete a task. You'll also learn tips for monitoring progress and dealing with issues and strategies for minimizing risk during the delegation process. By the end of this course, you’ll be ready to set-up a task monitoring system that sets your delegates up for success.American EnglishAmerican English
Establishing a Culture of TrustIdeas for Leaders15Who do you trust? Is it your parents? Your boss? Bank manager? Lawyer? No, hang on, I’ve got it: That guy at the realtors’ office who told you the cracks in the foundations were nothing to worry about? Well, maybe not that last one. The fact is, trust needs to be earnt. If you go around putting your trust in people who haven’t earned it, then you’re likely to get hurt. If you’re running a business, for example, you simply can’t just trust that your customers are going to pay their invoices on time. Nope, you need to do some due diligence and find out their reputation. You weigh up the risks involved and make your decisions based on evidence rather than intuition. If you didn’t, you probably wouldn’t be in business for long. But within your team, it’s especially important to make the effort to build trust. This course will explain how.
We’re going to take a look at:
The benefits of trusting each other
Steps to establishing a culture of trust
How to avoid the downward spiral of trust
Why take this course?
When you establish a culture of trust internally, you’ll find it easier to foster trust with external clients, you’ll increase loyalty and improve communication within your business too. We’re here to help, trust us.
American EnglishAmerican English
Identify and Address Team DisengagementIdeas for Leaders20When teams are engaged, not just in their work but in the team’s mission and in supporting each other, team success and productivity increases. So, it goes without saying that managers and leaders need to be able to identify disengagement and know how to rebuild engagement, in order to secure team success. But how can you do that? Well, research from Ashridge Executive Education at Hult International Business School has the answer. They have created a way to quickly and effectively pinpoint levels of engagement and the effect they have on team dynamics. In this course, we’ll be looking at that research to help you identify the level of engagement within your teams and form specific steps to build engagement, trust, and productive teamwork.American EnglishAmerican English
Teamwork Strategies for LeadersManagementPocketbooks13Leaders, as they say, are not born, they are made. They come from different backgrounds, and they have different experiences, personalities and styles. What leaders do have in common is the willingness to learn and grow. This course is part of the Teamworking Series, a series designed to help team leaders build and manage high-performing teams. In this course, you will learn the difference between a manager and a leader and will be able to identify the qualities of strong leadership, including the ability to recognize potential conflict by observing group behavior. If you’re seeking to develop your own leadership skills, this is the course for you!American EnglishAmerican English
Leading a Virtual TeamManagementPocketbooks16Leadership is not about following a manual, a set of rules, or being like others. It’s about developing your own unique way of leading, one that convinces others to follow you. In virtual teams, being a leader has different challenges than face-to-face teams. This course is part of the Virtual Teams Pocketbook series, a series that provides tips and tools on leading a successful, motivated team of people who work apart. In this course, you’ll learn about the traits and skills of a successful virtual team leader and how to encourage teamwork among your virtual team members. Finally, you’ll get a set of questions you can answer to help you lead a virtual team successfully. By the end of this course, you should be able to identify your specific traits and skills to be a successful leader for your virtual team.American EnglishAmerican English
Cold Stressvivid15Prepare to work in cold conditions by increasing your awareness of the signs and symptoms of cold stress, which includes hypothermia and frostbite. In this course, we'll review the most common forms of cold stress so you can easily identify them. In particular, you'll learn the signs and symptoms of hypothermia, frostbite, trench foot, and chilblains. You'll also learn about safe work practices to prevent cold stresses and discover how to respond in the event of a cold injury.
Upon successful completion of this course, you'll know the different forms of cold stress as well as how to prevent and treat them.
American English
Construction: Fall Protectionvivid40This course provides essential safety training on fall hazards and fall protection, preparing construction employees to work safely on elevated sites. In this course, you'll learn about the four types of hazards related to falls: falls, electrical hazards, caught-in hazards, and struck-by hazards. The course also provides an illuminating discussion on fall dynamics, explaining how even short falls can result in serious injury. Next, you'll learn about the different types of fall protection systems, body support devices, fall restraint, and arrest systems available to ensure your safety.
Upon successful completion of this course, you'll be ready to work safer by adhering to workplace safety standards and requirements regarding fall protection. We'll review your employer's responsibilities regarding your health and safety, as well as your own.
American English
Electrical Safety: General Awarenessvivid17We’ve come to depend on electricity in nearly every aspect of our lives, which is why it’s more important than ever to use safe practices to prevent electrical accidents – which can be fatal – from happening. Designed for employees who use electricity or work near electrical sources, this course provides you with the knowledge you need to prevent electrical accidents in the workplace or at home.
In this course, you'll learn the basics of how electricity works, the primary hazards associated with electricity, safety controls and practices to prevent electrical accidents, and how to respond to electrical emergencies including shock or fire.
American English
Emergency and Fire Preparednessvivid25This course creates awareness about the dangers of fire and other emergencies, provides an overview of the requirements for emergency action and fire prevention plans, and touches on best practices for responding to alarms and practicing preparedness through drills. This course does not cover how to prepare for hazardous waste material emergencies or responses such as cleanup.American English
Flammable Liquid Safetyvivid10Designed for employees who regularly use flammable liquids as part of their responsibilities, this course provides a deeper understanding of potential hazards involved in their use. When not used properly, flammable liquids such as gasoline and other fuels, as well as certain cleaners and solvents, can result in hazards like fire, explosion, and contamination resulting in health issues. The major sections in this course cover the definitions and terms related to flammable liquids, hazard recognition, safety requirements, storage, flashpoint protection, and the necessity for inventory inspections.
Successful completion of this course helps employees understand the dangers and consequences of improper use of flammable liquids. Learning safe procedures for using and storing them helps to keep everyone in the workplace safe. The course satisfies the requirements of OSHA 29 CFR 1910.106 Flammable and Combustible Liquids.
American English
Heat Stressvivid15Working in an overly hot environment can cause a range of illnesses and injuries. This course shows you how to identify, prevent, and treat heat stress. We'll review the different types of heat stress, including heat cramps, syncope, heat rashes, heat stroke, and heat exhaustion. Then, you'll learn about the causes, symptoms, and effective treatment of each one. We'll also provide general guidelines for preventing heat stress, such as using daily heat index values to gauge risk and wearing appropriate clothing.
Upon successful completion of this course, employees will know how to identify, prevent, and treat heat stress to ensure their on-the-job safety.
American English
Industrial Ergonomicsvivid22The goal of ergonomics is to protect employees by eliminating the factors that cause Cumulative Trauma Disorders (CTDs). In this course, you’ll learn about the common types of CTDs, the workplace tasks that contribute to them, and what to do if you start experiencing symptoms. You’ll also discover the ten principles of ergonomics and how to “fit the workplace to the employee” using long-term methods. This course also includes important information from OSHA to help promote a healthier work environment.
Upon successful completion of this course, you'll know how to improve the ergonomics of your work environment, creating a more comfortable, productive workspace for yourself and your coworkers.
American English
Site Security: Introductionvivid6This course will teach you about the importance of site security, the guidelines and controls your company can put in place to create a secure workplace, and your responsibilities in maintaining site security in your workplace.American English
Fire Extinguisher SafetySyntrio45Safeguard your workforce by knowing the basics of fire prevention and what to do in the case of a fire emergency. In this course, you will learn the most common causes of fire and how to quickly assess the stage of a fire to determine the appropriate action to take. You'll also learn how and when to use a fire extinguisher, and when to evacuate instead. By the end of this course, you will have deepened your understanding of your company's fire safety policy and its role in workplace fire prevention.American English
Ladder SafetySyntrio45Ladders are valuable tools, but they also put you at risk for potentially serious injuries. This training course highlights the dangers of ladder use and outlines key safety practices. We'll discuss common types of portable ladders and how to select the appropriate ladder for your task. You will also learn how to inspect portable ladders, set them up safely and securely, and follow safe-use standards and procedures.American English
Office ErgonomicsOpenMind10When you sit at a desk all day for work, tension can build in your neck, shoulders, and back before you feel the physical effects. Even the laptop you use may contribute to the fatigue you feel at the end of the day. Improving the ergonomics of your workstation doesn’t have to be expensive, and several common challenges can be addressed with minor adjustments of your desk, chair, and computer setup. Incorporating movement and small changes to your workstation can increase your comfort, boost productivity, and help you focus while relieving the aches and pains associated with sedentary work.American EnglishArabic, Chinese (Simplified), American English, European French, German, Italian, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, Latin American Spanish
Preventing Workplace Violence (Employee)Syntrio45Unfortunately, violence has become a pressing safety and health issue in the workplace. Homicide is the second-leading cause of fatal occupational injury in the United States. This course uses OSHA guidelines and recommendations to reduce employee exposures to this hazard. This training provides the employee with information on how to recognize workplace security hazards and risk factors, how to prevent workplace assaults, and what to do when an assault occurs, including emergency action and post-emergency procedures.

This course supports the general knowledge requirements but not the company-specific requirements for compliance with California Senate Bill 553 and Section 6401.9 regarding training on workplace violence.
American English
Acoso e intimidación en el centro de trabajo: Manejo de amenazas para alcanzar una cultura laboral respetuosa [Workplace Harassment and Bullying: Managing Threats to a Respectful Work Culture (Global - Employee - Foundation) (Latin American Spanish)]Syntrio25El acoso y la intimidación ponen en peligro un centro de trabajo respetuoso, incluido el efecto en las personas objeto del acoso y la intimidación, así como los compañeros de trabajo, el entorno laboral y la organización. Este curso presenta el acoso sexual quid pro quo, el acoso en entornos hostiles y la intimidación. Proporciona las instrucciones acerca de las formas en que las personas pueden ayudar a evitar el acoso y la intimidación o responder a este tipo de conducta en caso de que ocurra. También aborda las represalias contra las personas que denuncian una conducta indebida o ayudan en una investigación.Latin American Spanish
Acoso e intimidación en el centro de trabajo: Manejo de amenazas para alcanzar una cultura laboral respetuosa [Workplace Harassment and Bullying: Managing Threats to a Respectful Work Culture (Global - Manager - Foundation) (Latin American Spanish)]Syntrio25El acoso y la intimidación ponen en peligro un centro de trabajo respetuoso, incluido el efecto en las personas objeto del acoso y la intimidación, así como los compañeros de trabajo, el entorno laboral y la organización. Este curso presenta el acoso sexual quid pro quo, el acoso en entornos hostiles y la intimidación. Proporciona las instrucciones acerca de las formas en que las personas pueden ayudar a evitar el acoso y la intimidación o responder a este tipo de conducta en caso de que ocurra. También aborda las represalias contra las personas que denuncian una conducta indebida o ayudan en una investigación. Gerente.Latin American Spanish
Preventing Unlawful Harassment (College and University - Employee)Syntrio30This course discusses the human characteristics that are protected by antidiscrimination laws and the type of conduct related to the “protected classes” that can lead to a claim of illegal harassment. It offers strategies for preventing unlawful harassment and teaches faculty and staff managers how to respond appropriately when they learn of it. It also discusses the risk of liability to both the institution and a manager if he or she fails to stop harassment or personally engages in harassing behavior. Regulations: Title VII of the City Rights Act of 1984 | Federal Protected Classes of Discrimination Title IX (College and University - Employee)American English
Preventing Unlawful Harassment (College and University - Manager and Faculty)Syntrio45Safeguard your school’s reputation and Federal funding opportunities by recognizing the signs of sexual harassment and reacting appropriately to this unlawful behavior. Designed for faculty, staff managers and supervisors, this course provides an overview of the Equal Employment Opportunity 3-part definition of sexual harassment and describes your responsibility in addressing this type of activity. You'll look at the 2 main types of harassment and how they can be leveraged against students as well as the growing instances of e-harassment via social media and email. By the end of this course, you will know how to recognize both the signs and opportunities for sexual harassment in the academic arena and how your role as a school official can prevent this type of illegal behavior.
This course includes several industry-related exercises and an Ask Mentor feature for students to pose questions and get answers from an expert.
American English
Workplace Harassment and Bullying: Managing Threats to a Respectful Work Culture (Global - Employee - Foundation)Syntrio27Harassment and bullying threaten a respectful workplace, including the effect on targeted individuals, coworkers, the work environment, and the organization. This course introduces quid pro quo sexual harassment, hostile environment harassment, and bullying. It provides instruction on ways that individuals can help prevent harassment and bullying or respond to this conduct if it occurs. It also addresses retaliation against individuals who report improper conduct or assist in an investigation. (Employee - Foundation)American English
Workplace Harassment and Bullying: Managing Threats to a Respectful Work Culture (Global - Manager - Foundation)Syntrio30Harassment and bullying threaten a respectful workplace, including the effect on targeted individuals, coworkers, the work environment, and the organization. This course introduces quid pro quo sexual harassment, hostile environment harassment, and bullying. It provides instruction on ways that individuals can help prevent harassment and bullying or respond to this conduct if it occurs. It also addresses retaliation against individuals who report improper conduct or assist in an investigation. This course includes a module to help managers understand their critical role in shaping a respectful workplace free of harassment and bullying. (Manager - Foundation)American English
Sistemas de detención de caídas (Personal Fall Arrest Systems)vivid30El objetivo de esta lección es permitir a los alumnos reconocer los riesgos que representa una caída de cuatro o más pies – y, cuando se utilizan sistemas de detención de caídas, reconocer: los componentes clave de estos sistemas y cómo funcionan en conjunto para detener una caída y cómo inspeccionar, colocar y atar correctamente el dispositivo’ conector del sistema a un punto de anclaje.Latin American Spanish
FCRA: Overviewvubiz30This FCRA: Overview online training course is designed for all consumer lending employees to learn the broad strokes of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). The FCRA is a part of a group of acts contained in the Federal Consumer Credit Protection Act. It regulates the use of knowledge of consumer information by entities such as your organization, that produce, transmit, procure, and use this information. By taking this course, you will identify the provisions for using such information, such as medical information, in a compliant manner, which is also fair to the consumer.American English
Healthcare Fraud, Waste, and Abuse: An IntroductionSyntrio25This course introduces fraud, waste, and abuse in healthcare and explores their negative impact on healthcare organizations (including FDR organizations) and patient care. This course overviews compliance requirements for healthcare organizations to help prevent and address this improper conduct; it also provides guidance on how individuals can address suspected problems.American English
Recognizing Money Launderingvubiz50Money Laundering is the process that criminals use to disguise the true origin and ownership of cash by introducing it into legitimate enterprises. This non-industry specific course will familiarize you with the Money Laundering process, the laws that make it illegal, and our legal responsibilities to help prevent it. Topics covered in this course include: the Money Laundering Cycle, U.S. money laundering laws, reporting requirements, structuring, red flags, and prevention.American English
Antitrust Basics (US)vubiz60This Antitrust Basics (US) online training course explores antitrust legislation in the US, and its impact on your company’s relationships with competitors and customers; mergers and acquisitions; monopolistic behavior; discriminatory pricing and promotions; exemptions from antitrust laws; and special industries.American English
Anti-Money LaunderingSyntrio20This course discusses what money laundering is, how it works, key responsibilities under anti-money laundering laws, penalties for compliance failures, and “red flags” to help detect money laundering if it occurs.American English
Human Trafficking: Introduction (US - Focus)Syntrio17There are approximately 25 million people in the world who are victims of human trafficking. This training explains the risk factors, types of trafficking, and methods used by traffickers. It details the consequences to victims and society and provides an overview of global standards and US federal and state laws regarding business conduct.American English
Human Trafficking Fundamentals (US - Focus)Syntrio44There are approximately 25 million people in the world who are victims of human trafficking. This training explains the risk factors, types of trafficking, and methods used by traffickers. It appraises the methods used by unscrupulous or careless businesses and recruiters, and describes global, federal, and state laws and initiatives to prevent trafficking. The prevalence of trafficking in all industries is greater than most people realize, although it is more common in some. By knowing the warning signs, businesses can guard against involvement with this crime.American English
California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA): Responsibly Managing Personal Information (Employee - Core)Syntrio12Given the growing speed and capacity of new technologies in collecting and processing personal information, this course addresses challenges that businesses face in complying with emerging data privacy standards. The course addresses the types of businesses that must comply with the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), consumer rights regarding personal information pertaining to them, and steps businesses must take to comply with these rights and related standards, such as working with vendors and other third-parties.

(Employee - Core Version)
American English
California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA): Responsibly Managing Personal Information (Employee - Foundation)Syntrio25Given the growing speed and capacity of new technologies in collecting and processing personal information, this course addresses challenges that businesses face in complying with emerging data privacy standards. The course addresses the types of businesses that must comply with the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), consumer rights regarding personal information pertaining to them, and steps businesses must take to comply with these rights and related standards, such as working with vendors and other third-parties.

(Employee - Foundation Version)
American English
Avoiding Antitrust ViolationsSyntrio20Antitrust laws exist to ensure that consumers are able to enjoy the benefits of choice between providers in a competitive marketplace. This course provides an overview of antitrust laws and the anticompetitive agreements and behaviors with customers and competitors that can lead to violations.American English
California Transparency in Supply Chains Act Compliance [Human Trafficking]vubiz15In an effort to combat slavery and human trafficking, California enacted the Transparency in Supply Chains Act. This legislation requires businesses operating in California with revenue greater than $100,000,000 to disclose what measures they are taking to combat slavery and human trafficking. This module will provide you with the information you need to know to enact a Transparency in Supply Chains Act compliance program at your business or to ensure measures to comply that are already in place are sufficient.American English
Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act (AB1963) (California) [Mandated Reporter]vubiz90This Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act (California) online training course outlines which professions and roles are “Mandated Reporters” under the Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act (CANRA), what types of abuse and neglect must be reported, signs of different types of abuse and neglect, and direction on how to report suspected child abuse and neglect.
Accessible / 508 Compliant
American English
Ethics and Compliance Basics (US)vubiz60The Ethics and Compliance Basics (US) online training course is designed for all employees in all industries. It is intended to help employees recognize legal and ethical issues as they arise in the workplace, respond appropriately to those issues and perform their jobs with integrity.American English
Corporate Compliance Primer (US)vubiz60This Corporate Compliance Primer (US) online training course explores the field of corporate compliance. Learn about: Legislation and Guidelines; Organizational Sentencing and Fines; Developing an Effective Compliance and Ethics Program; and Program Initiation and Implementation.American English
Immigration Law Primervubiz30This course is designed for employers, managers, and employees from diverse industry sectors, who are seeking compliance training. This Immigration Law Primer online training course will help you recognize and respond to immigration issues that arise in the workplace. Topics covered in this course include a history of federal immigration law, immigration law objectives, employment verification, penalties, procedure, discrimination, document fraud, etc.American English
Workplace Harassment (US - Manager - 60-Minute) [English/Spanish Language Selection]Syntrio60Given continued challenges with disrespectful conduct in business at work, Workplace Harassment (5th Edition), focuses on sexual and other harassing conduct. Through scenario and motion graphics videos, it addresses the importance of respectful conduct toward coworkers and benefits that preventing and addressing harassment can provide. This course focuses on the ways that individuals are subject to or engage in questionable conduct and the harm this causes to a workplace culture. It also presents ways that everyone can raise concerns or otherwise address this conduct in a responsible manner. It includes exercises to promote learning and skill building for recognizing and responding to improper behaviors and supporting a workplace that promotes respectful conduct. This version is designed for managers in US states without general harassment training requirements.American English;Latin American Spanish
Workplace Harassment (US - Maine - Manager) [English/Spanish Language Selection]Syntrio50Given continued challenges with disrespectful conduct in the workplace, this training focuses on sexual and other harassing conduct. Through scenarios, it addresses the importance of respectful conduct toward coworkers and benefits that preventing and addressing harassment and discrimination can provide. The training focuses on the ways that individuals are subject to or engage in questionable conduct and the harm this causes to a workplace culture. It also presents ways that everyone can raise concerns or otherwise address this conduct in a responsible manner. It includes exercises to promote learning and skill building for recognizing and responding to improper behaviors and supporting a workplace that promotes respectful conduct. This version is designed for managers in Maine. This course allows learners to select American English or Latin American Spanish.American English, Latin American Spanish
Workplace Harassment (US - California - Manager) [English/Spanish Language Selection]Syntrio120Given continued challenges with disrespectful conduct in the workplace, this training focuses on sexual and other harassing conduct. Through scenarios, it addresses the importance of respectful conduct toward coworkers and benefits that preventing and addressing harassment and discrimination can provide. The training focuses on the ways that individuals are subject to or engage in questionable conduct and the harm this causes to a workplace culture. It also presents ways that everyone can raise concerns or otherwise address this conduct in a responsible manner. It includes exercises to promote learning and skill building for recognizing and responding to improper behaviors and supporting a workplace that promotes respectful conduct. This version is designed for managers in California. This course allows learners to select American English or Latin American Spanish.
American English, Latin American Spanish
Workplace Harassment (US - Connecticut - Manager) [English/Spanish Language Selection]Syntrio120Given continued challenges with disrespectful conduct in the workplace, this training focuses on sexual and other harassing conduct. Through scenarios, it addresses the importance of respectful conduct toward coworkers and benefits that preventing and addressing harassment and discrimination can provide. The training focuses on the ways that individuals are subject to or engage in questionable conduct and the harm this causes to a workplace culture. It also presents ways that everyone can raise concerns or otherwise address this conduct in a responsible manner. It includes exercises to promote learning and skill building for recognizing and responding to improper behaviors and supporting a workplace that promotes respectful conduct. This version is designed for managers in Connecticut. This course allows learners to select American English or Latin American Spanish.American English, Latin American Spanish
Workplace Harassment (US - Employee - 40-Minute) [English/Spanish Language Selection]Syntrio40Given continued challenges with disrespectful conduct in the workplace, this training focuses on sexual and other harassing conduct. Through scenarios, it addresses the importance of respectful conduct toward coworkers and benefits that preventing and addressing harassment and discrimination can provide. The training focuses on the ways that individuals are subject to or engage in questionable conduct and the harm this causes to a workplace culture. It also presents ways that everyone can raise concerns or otherwise address this conduct in a responsible manner. It includes exercises to promote learning and skill building for recognizing and responding to improper behaviors and supporting a workplace that promotes respectful conduct. This version is designed for non-managers in states without general harassment training requirements. This course allows learners to select American English or Latin American Spanish.American English, Latin American Spanish
Employment Discrimination: Maintaining a Fair Workplace Syntrio20This course addresses employment discrimination, its effects, and how to recognize employment discrimination in the workplace. This course also covers US laws related to employment discrimination (including Title VI). It addresses reasonable accommodations for individuals with certain protected characteristics. Duration: 20 minutesAmerican English
Accessible Digital Content  Vubiz60This Accessible Digital Content online training course is designed for employees responsible for internal and/or external communication materials. This course explores how to increase the accessibility of digital documents, spreadsheets, presentations, email, and online content. Following accessibility guidelines ensures full participation by all members of society and allows everyone to experience and navigate online content using assistive technologies and communication supports. Duration: 60 minutesAmerican English
Diversity Essentials: IntroductionSyntrio10This introductory module to the Diversity Essentials series focuses on how diversity benefits our organization. It addresses bias associated with first impressions of others and how to mitigate those biases. It includes tips and techniques on how to be more inclusive to people from a variety of backgrounds, which can impact collaboration, building teams, navigating change, motivating, managing, and maintaining and increasing productivity.American EnglishAmerican English