Take Mineral’s 2022 State of HR Survey

Kyle Cupp

Kyle Cupp

With COVID continuing, many more responsibilities on our plate, and no more time to get them done, is it any wonder that burnout remains pervasive among HR professions? And yet some companies are faring much better than others.

It’s easy to speculate why, but we want to go further. As the leading provider of HR and compliance expertise for more than 500,000 small businesses nationwide, we at Mineral are in a unique position. We can look closely at what companies across the country have experienced over the course of the pandemic and how their HR practices have evolved in response.

Better yet, we can zoom out and see the HR community as a whole, comparing outcomes and noting which HR practices have worked well and which haven’t.

Best of all, we can share that information with you so that you’re better positioned to face the HR challenges of this year, next year, and beyond.

But first, we need your help. We’re looking for input from anyone who has HR responsibilities: HR practitioners, HR executives, general managers who wear all the hats, and even business owners. Your perspectives will enrich our analysis and ensure results that are relevant to you and your business.

Please consider participating in this important survey. If you opt in, you’ll receive an early copy of the report later this year.

Click here to begin!

Author: Kyle Cupp
Kyle Cupp, PHR is an author and editor at Mineral. His writing has appeared in USA Today, The Daily Beast, TLNT, and elsewhere.